Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Presentation of a Research Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Presentation of a Research Article - Essay Examplethat nurses and doctors believed that their main purpose was to sneak the complete of obesity, but that the responsibility for treating it is with the parents. Another major point in the article was that the doctors and nurses believed that because of time constraints, a lack of training, and ill-defined roles they were not able to aid children with obesity issues. Still a third major point was that the child and medical professional relationship could be compromised or jeopardized if the issue of obesity was raised, as they recognized the issue of obesity was a sensitive issue. The major point was that these individuals believed they were ill-equipped to deal with the issue as they believed simplifying informing the patient to engage in more diet and exercise would be ineffective. These accumulative perspectives formed the backbone of recognition and understanding within the necessitate findings.There are a compute of further co ncerns. In terms of generalizability the study is a qualitative study and as such is primarily considered as only being applicable to the set population group (Creswell 2003, p. 40). Still, Creswell (2003, p. 42) indicates that qualitative study designs may hold the same level of generalizability as external studies. This consideration indicates that this study could potentially be considered as indicate of broader ranging doctor and nurse perspectives on the nature of obesity treatment. In terms of validity, it seems apparent that the study followed the accepted guidelines for qualitative research. However, there is no way to determine if the study precisely recorded the call into question respondents answers or conducted the interviews in a valid and unbiased way.Ultimately, it seems that the study holds a great degree of worthiness. In these regards, the study identified a significant and pressing gap in research. Namely, medical professionals perspectives on treating obesity. As there are a variety of shortcomings in this treatment approach, the value

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