Friday, May 24, 2019

Neil – Dead Poet

Character Review Dead Poets Society Neil Perry 1. Neil Perry relationship with his induce is one with a insufficiency of communication and misunderstanding. Thought the consume, Neil and his father are conflicted. We see this first when Mr. Perry tell Neil and he is no longer allowed to work for the prepares paper. His father is controlling, and strongly believes in tradition, and if he allowed Neil to work on the paper he would be going against his own parenting. I believe that the pressure and strict lifestyle that Mr. Perry has spew on Neil is what involve him to his felo-de-se.Neils life within a classroom is far from a struggle. He is able to achieve straight As, and doesnt question the teaching strategies Mr. Keating introduces to his English class. In situation, he welcomes them. Neils relationship with Mr. Keating allows him to embrace his fears. It is Mr. Keating that encourages Neil to talk to his father about acting in the play. 2. Neil is a tall, non very athle tic looking young man and if he were to be placed into a stereotype, he would be depicted as a nerd. Neil wears his school uniform in a classic manner, which symbolizes his self-discipline as a student.There is a certain awkwardness that comes with Neils character, and I think it has to do with that fact that he is trying to find himself. Neil is constantly conflicted with doing as he is told, or doing what he wants to do, and it awkwardly stuck in between the two. Neils tone of voice composition talking to his peers is one of confidence. Whatever he says to them, he says without a hint of doubt. For example, during a meeting of the Dead Poets Society, Neil reads aloud his poem with poise. On the separate hand, while Neil is talking to his father, he no longer speaks with confidence.His tone becomes weak and vulnerable. On several occasions Neil tries to rebel against his father by standing up for himself, however, each time his father doesnt allow it. Showing how controlled Neil is by his father, and how he tries to escape it. 3. Neils driving goal thought-out the film is to become an actor. He faces obstacles with his father along the way. We see Neils dedication to this play when he is testamenting to lie to his father, and head masterby doing so he is risking creation expelled from Welton. Once his father finds out about Neils role in the play, he immediately restricts Neil from participating.As an audience we feel as though Neil has given up, and he wont be fighting against his father for this. This is where Mr. Keating has, I think, the biggest furbish up on Neil. In Mr. Keating office, Neil is told that by non standing up to his father, he is dissemble to be someone elsehe is acting for his father. This is the peak for Neil, where he realizes that at one point in his life, he is going to have to tell his father no. 4. To achieve his goal, Neil had to lie to his parents and Mr. Nolan the head mater at Welton.During the scene where he decides to wr ite a permission Todd, Neils roommate, tries to convince him that lying is not the best way to go. The passion for Neils acting it first demonstrated here, because he is clearly aware of the risks that lying can have. 5. Neils weaknesss all have to do with his father. When his father does not hold Neil back there is not much that he will let stop him. In fact, I think because of his father, Neil is encouraged to achieve more and push harder to become a better person on his own, as if to show his father that there is more than one path of life.Its only when Mr. Perry tells Neil that he cannot do something that Neil feels worthless. For example, on the night after the play, Neil and his parents are fighting, here, Mr. Perry tells Neil that is going to be a doctor, no argument. Neil is weakened by his fathers authority, and doesnt stand up for himself once again. Unfortunately, this weakness got the better of him, and because of it, it lead to his suicide. 6. The greatest strength Nei l has is his ability to lead his peers. He is the first one to question what the Dead Poets Society, the first to call Mr.Keating Captain, and one of the first to rip out the pages of their textbook in Mr. Keatings class. I believe that Neil can affectively lead a group because he knows what its like to be controlled (his father). As a leader Neil doesnt force anyone to do anything, unlike his father. He takes his role as a leader, as a way for him to make his own extracts, something it doesnt normally get going a chance to do. 7. Because Neil is an affective leader, he is able to help the rest of the characters grow as people. For example, when Knox is having troubles with Chris, Neil kindly offers him advice and encourages him to call her.Also, on Todds birthday, when he get the same gift from his parents that he got last year, Neil helped Todd feel more confident by leading him outside of his personal box, and convincing him to throw the desk set his parents got him everywher e the wall. Without Neil, there would be no Dead Poets Society, and I dont think the boys would have grown as much as they did if Neil didnt impact them. 8. A visual symbol that is associated with Neil is his crown from his role of Puck in A Midsummers Nights Dream. 9.The crown that Neil wears in his play, and during his suicide represents gratuitousdom. I think that when Neil is wearing it he is free. For example, while in the play, he is given the opportunity to become someone else for a short while. His father does not control him when he is acting, and he doesnt have to do what he says. He can become whomever he wants while again. He is also free after his suicide. He is no longer under the control of his father, and he is at peace. 10. I believe that at the beginning of the film Neil understands that he will do whatever his father tells him to.No part of him comprehends that he has the power to say no to his father. Then he meets Mr. Keating he changes Neils life instantly. He shows Neil that its okay to be original, and its okay to see the world is a different way than his father. As the film moves on we see Neil begin to contain himself, and start to fall apart from his father. The peak of his character is when Neil auditions for the play without his fathers permission it shows that Neil can make his own choices. However the consequences that were caused by that choice were extremely negative.Although I dont believe that Neil lying to his parents was the cause of his suicide, it was what caused his father to cross the line. As contradicting as it sounds, I think that Neil represents confidence and courage. Thought-out the film he struggles with his father, but in the end it was his confidence and courage that helped him succeed his goal of acting. It also took a lot of courage to decide and go though with his suicide. Neil played a large part in the development of all the characters in the film, and because of his lead they are all stronger and more c onfident people.

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