Monday, May 13, 2019

Humans, Technology, Nature, and Spirituality Essay

Humans, Technology, record, and Spirituality - endeavor ExampleThe main element of religion was compounded in explaining phenomena that confound human to his or her ghostlike ability. In most cases, science often attempts to explain natural processes in line with numerous ecumenic laws while applying scientific methods. In most cases, these scientific explanations have since created dire conflicts with numerous religious beliefs. The strike BARAKA has also compounded its theme in numerous cultures that are tied to one specific thing, temper. Nature stomachs humanity to the full understanding and acknowledgement of their mighty creator. Through spiritual belief of diverse religions, different people connect to their creator by appreciating nature. The same is not true with engine room that often tends to provide explanation and pieces evidences on why certain things are usually the way they are. In other words, technology only provides a platform of explaining nature but do n ot brings connectivity or binding factors betwixt humans and a given element.The film also brings the element of interconnectivity without explanation, that is, human beings tin can connect to nature without anyone providing convincing explanations to the necessity to such connectivity. This kind of connectivity is only brought forth by spirituality. However, the recording that the same can be appreciated by human being is facilitated by technology. The emergence of technology only assay to expound on the existence of such relationship, but it has never replaced the binding factor, which is the spirituality.

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