Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Emerging Standards of Care Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Emerging Standards of Care Paper - Essay ExampleThe organization is committed to associate powerful research in order to render beneficial health care services to the people as easily as to keep them more informed regarding the quality of the organizations healthcare services (Agency for healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). The organization is further well-known for its holistic role in the healthcare service by dint of providing an effective healthcare support to people in various categories including culturally, lingually diverse groups of people as well as the people with limited English proficiency (LEP) across various regions of the world (Agency for healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). The paper intends to define appropriate culturally competent care of AHRQ and identify the issue or vulnerability with regard to providing healthcare services for culturally diverse people. Furthermore, it will focus on identifying the affects towards auction pitch of nursing care in places where standards are being met and places where neglected. culturally Competent Healthcare Service Culturally competent care can be recognized as an ability that the members of the organizations should have in term of providing healthcare services to people from various cultures. ... healthcare services, AHRQ is considered as one of the major and leading healthcare organizations, which facilitates a range of healthcare plans for multi-ethnic members as well as develops the services for culturally and linguistically diverse people (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). In the context of enhancing healthcare services, the organization is significantly involving its health check specialties according to the age group and culturally diversified patients. Moreover, AHRQ is further committed to develop its cultural esthesia in order to refine the services according to the cultural trends. The cultural competence aspect of either healthcare institution may not invol ve the same process of treatment with which the organization treats its patients in very basic and typical ways. It is significantly focused on delivering higher customer value and arrest the various ways of satisfying a patient within the clinic, communicating with the clients in order to examine the best potential outcome of the organization. With the huge and rapid growth related to diversification in the US, communities advantageously compel the organizations to identify the increasing opportunities that are available in the country. Therefore, the caregivers of the organizations are highly focused and utilize on the culture and linguistic behaviors of the communities in terms of providing healthcare facilities. The utmost effort and effective healthcare services of the members are significantly enhancing the culturally competent care of AHRQ in the growing market of the US healthcare industry (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). Served Population and Issues i n the AHRQ AHRQ can also be considered as one of the three major organizations in terms of its position

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