Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How to investigate a critical evaluation of consumer's mobile phone Dissertation

How to investigate a critical military rank of consumers sprightly ph wiz buying behaviour regarding to notices in the UK - Dissertation Ex goodly......03 2.2 Relevant Researches.05 3. RESEARCH methodology AND ANALYSIS...08 3.1 Research Design..08 3.2 Sample...09 3.3 Research Tool..11 3.4 information Collection....12 3.5 Data Analysis...12 3.6 Ethical Issues...13 3.7 Reliability and validity concerns.14 3.8 Time scale and Resources.14 4. DATA PRESENTATION AND final result....15 1. INTRODUCTION This paper proposes a dissertation, exploratory in nature in order to identify the factors which work on consumer behaviour in purchase of a winding echo among university students in London. The main goal is to infer up with an explanation of consumers choice behaviour in light of the factors which influence their preference of one sprightly environ over the other. 1.1 Research Aims The purpose of this study is to explore consumer preferences in case of mobile squall purchase among the university students living in London. The aims of this research are therefore i. To determine which mobile phone brand is most popular among university students in London. ii. To find out what factors influence the preference choice among university students in London while purchasing a mobile phone. 1.2 Research Objectives Following are the objectives for this research, designed to leave the fulfilment of research aims as previously mentioned i. To conduct a survey based on a specially designed questionnaire meant to gauge the factors which play role in customers mobile phone buying behaviour, like Brand name, price, quality and features offered etc. ii. To find out which mobile phone brand is more popular among university students in London and why is it so. iii. To conduct focus group sessions with a teensy group of participants to explore the factors involved in consumer behaviour with respect to purchasing of a mobile. 1.3 Research mind The questions being addressed in this study are to identify the most popular mobile phone among university students in London and to explore the main factors which govern the customers choice preference in the purchase of a mobile phone brand name, price, features offered, quality, past experience of using a mobile etc. 1.4 Rationale for research This topic was chosen for research because it is of interest for the researcher personally and is related to the field of the researcher as well. As the literature review section will reveal, there is ample literature on consumers choice behaviour, but there are very few mobile phone brand specific studies and even fewer studies which have specifically explored the area. Although different socio economic, self concept, attribution and learning theories have attempted to explain choice behaviour in consumers, there is no individual(a) theory explaining the choice behaviour

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