Friday, May 31, 2019

The Limitations of Reason Exposed in Crime and Punishment :: Crime Punishment Essays

The Limitations of Reason Exposed in annoyance and Punishment Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment illustrates an important idea. The idea is that reason, that grand and uniquely human power, is limited in reach and scope. Social critic Friedrich August von Hayek commented once that, . it may be that the most difficult task for human reason is to comprehend its own limitations. It is essential for the growth of reason that as individuals we should bow to forces and obey principles we cannot hopefully to under hold, yet on which the advance and even the preservation of civilization may depend. Such limitations imply that on lifes most important questions - particularly those of a moral or ethical nature -- reason alone can produce chilling consequences. Without adequate or any moral illumination, reason alone, when pushed to its limits, can produce consequences which stand dramatically opposed to those moral demands. Dostoevskys narrative is directed as a specific critique o f Russian manifestations of purely rational political theories current in the 1860s in his homeland. But the challenge he poses has meaning for us at the end of the 20th century. Dostoevskys parable focuses on a particular brand of nineteenth century Russian ideology, as it begins to crystallize in the mind of a young idealist. But the modeling procedure Dostoevsky uses in teasing out the contradictions of Raskolnikovs unguided application of a morally let out theory, could equally well be applied to contemporary thinking around several important and equally bankrupt modern ideas - ideas harshly criticized by thinkers such as Hayek.Without direction - the source of which is ultimately beyond rational understanding - in the domain of the meta-rational -- reason-as-reason will, sooner or later, run aground. Directed reason on the other hand provides an orientation - an orientation that gives purpose and direction to inquiry -- by allowing us to select from an endless range of possib ilities the right path - the right reason. Problems emerged for Raskolnikov then, and for us now when we deny the need to recognize, acknowledge and bow to external guidance. The rational and the meta-rational must operate symbiotically one pointing the way, the other uncovering the Truth. Raskolnikov rationalized murder. We are appalled. Why? Each of us will attempt to answer in a different way. Fundamentally though I think that most of our answers boil down to the same idea.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Monasticism And Intellectual L Essays -- essays research papers

Religious and intellectual institutions underwent significant changes throughout the middle ages. In about cases, advances were made, and in others, there was a major decline. Through all of these times, the people of the middle ages learned what didnt work, what did, and how to progress once they found what did work.     The true put to work of monasticism in the western Christian church was founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia. He wrote the famous "Benedicts Rule" between 520-530. The fundamentals of the rein in was that all(prenominal) day was divided into a series of activities with an emphasis on prayer and manual labor. The monks would all gather together seven times each day for prayer. These were all male institutions, however, Benedicts sister, Scholastica founded monasteries for women. Mevery of the texts we have today are with us because of monks. Beginning in the ninth century, the monks used scriptoria, or writing rooms, to copy different manuscripts. Between the sixth and tenth centuries, the monasteries experienced what one might call a moral decline. The purity and poverty which was the idol for monks was being abandoned. Simony, the buying of clerical positions, was common, as was the practice of priests being married. In 910, Duke William of Aquataine wanted to do something to correct this problem. He founded the abbey of Cluny, which was an independent monastery. Cluny was kept independent from any kind of secular control. It sought to brin...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Diet Pills Essay -- Health, Appetite Control

Science and technology have revolutionized the lifestyle of man. The modern man is submerged by a world of hectic life. Everything is done very debased due to time constrain which unconsciously affected our health and fitness. On top of that, excessive workloads have reduced our time for exercises and health maintenance. Besides exclusively these modern lifes things, millions of Americans claim that winter is the most common season for people to gain weight as the cold weather discourages after-school(prenominal) exercise (Richards 2008). As a result, studies have depicted that more people be getting overweight every year and it has become a unvaried issue for millions of people. If decades ago, a person who is thin could be considered as ill but now everybody wants to be slim just like the magazine master girls. Since diet pills seemed to be a quick fix to this problem, (Richards 2008) it becomes very important for everyone to know the side effects of taking diet pills.To begi n with, diet pills are more than an relish suppressant. Appetite control would make weight loss goals easier to achieve. Unfortunately, appetite control is easier said than done as it is not something that everyone is capable of (Thadani 2009). That is why most people tend to seek help from the magic diet pills. It is because, appetite suppressant diet pills help to kill an individuals appetite and hunger which can make the person goes on for a long period without feeling the needs to consume food (Thadani 2009). However, it is worth to bear in mind that our body need adequate amount of food for growth, nourishment and producing energy (Thadani 2009). This is the dangerous part of appetite suppressant diet pills where they give irrational instruction to the body that it does not req... ...). On top of that, if obese people use diet pills to help control their weight have already evince hearts and elevated blood pressure due to their weight, and if diet pills are added, this only exacerbates the problem and can cause permanent heart damage (Richards 2008). As a conclusion, ingredients that present in diet pills can cause harmful effects to our body.All in all, most diet pills bring more ban effects for they only act as appetite suppressant, give only a temporary fix and contains harmful substances to our body. Unfortunately, the best way to shed those pounds is secret code new. Physician, dietitians and nutritionists unanimously agree that eating a moderate and balanced diet along with regular exercise is the best way to maintain a rock-loving weight. Being healthy does not mean to have a slimmer body, but to have an ideal shape and staying fit.

Essay --

Pour commencer mon TPE, jai d choisir mes compagnons pour former un groupe . Nous devions obligatoirement former stilbestrol groupes de trois lves, jai donc constitu un groupe avec Sarah et Manal car nous nous entendions bien et nous tions prt faire un bon travail dquipe . Ensuite nous nous sommes penchs tire le choix du sujet.A. La ralisation de notre TPEI Le choix dun sujetUne fois que nous avons form le groupe, nous sommes passs au choix du sujet de notre TPE. Pendant les premireticuloendothelial system sances, nous avons fait plusieurs recherches mais finalement notre choix sest vite port sur un thme lintelligence artificielle qui nous aurait permis de relier les SVT avec la physique et les mathmatiques . Nous avions dabord prvu de travailler sur le cerveau artificiel. Pour cela nous avons effectu des recherches sur ce sujet mais nous nous sommes rapidement rendu compte de la difficult de ce sujet, nous avons donc compltement chang notre sujet et nous avons dcid de parler de s armes chimiques en Syrie. Nous avons ensuite dfini notre problmatique le dmantlement de l...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


FAMILY STRUCTURE AND NURTURE IN NEPAL AND IN THE USAThe meat of family varies from place to place and from culture to culture. One all-encompassing definition that describes every type of family across the board does not exist. For instance, in places like China children lowlife be raised apart from their father and mother in a group of women, but still count themselves a family. Alan C. Acock in his book Family change and Well Being states that a married couple with no children is not considered a family (122), but some married couples may contest this theory. In fact, thither are more variations on modern family structure than ever before, including non-traditional families where grandparents raise their grandchildren, adoptive families, foster families, and blended families with children from two or more sets of parents (Power Tools). contempt the challenges faced by many families today, I believe that the children of the current generationkn avouch as Generation Ycan thr ive as ample as they receive nurture and enrichment from their family members. As a member of Generation Y myself, I speak from first-hand experience. In the following paragraphs, I will deliberate an account of my own upbringing in Nepal that led to my current status as a college student in the USA. I will also short describe family structures in America, and compare them to Nepali family structure. In the end, I propose that nurture is the key to producing well-adjusted children today, regardless of family type or where the children are raised.In Nepal, I experienced both the progressive style of family living and the older medieval style where custom and tradition count first no amour what. More than 90% of the people in Nepal who were born between 1978 and 1998 (the Generation Y youth) still live in old medieval-style families where cultural rules govern quotidian life. The people of Nepal are socially segmented along lines of caste, sub-caste and ethnicity, and valu es and traditions also differ from one caste to another. In my caste, called Gurung, it would be permissible for me to marry my own uncle or aunts daughter, culturally speaking. Other castes, especially Brahmin, consider marriage between cousins a sinsomething very bad. My ancestors practiced these kinds of marriages within a family in order to make the existing family stronger and inseparable.


FAMILY STRUCTURE AND NURTURE IN NEPAL AND IN THE USAThe meaning of family varies from place to place and from culture to culture. One all-encompassing definition that describes every type of family across the board does non exist. For instance, in places like China children can be inflamed apart from their father and mother in a group of women, but still count themselves a family. Alan C. Acock in his book Family Diversity and Well Being states that a married couple with no children is not subscribeed a family (122), but some married couples may contest this theory. In fact, there are more variations on modern family structure than ever before, including non-traditional families where grandparents raise their grandchildren, adoptive families, foster families, and blended families with children from two or more sets of parents (Power Tools). Despite the challenges faced by many families today, I believe that the children of the current genesisknown as contemporaries Ycan thr ive as long as they receive nurture and enrichment from their family members. As a member of coevals Y myself, I speak from first-hand experience. In the following paragraphs, I will give an account of my own upbringing in Nepal that led to my current term as a college student in the USA. I will withal briefly describe family structures in America, and compare them to Nepali family structure. In the end, I picture that nurture is the key to producing well-adjusted children today, regardless of family type or where the children are raised.In Nepal, I experienced both the progressive style of family living and the previous(a) medieval style where custom and tradition count first no matter what. More than 90% of the people in Nepal who were born between 1978 and 1998 (the Generation Y youth) still live in old medieval-style families where cultural rules govern everyday life. The people of Nepal are socially segmented along lines of caste, sub-caste and ethnicity, and values and traditions also differ from one caste to another. In my caste, called Gurung, it would be permissible for me to marry my own uncle or aunts daughter, culturally speaking. Other castes, especially Brahmin, consider marriage between cousins a sinsomething very bad. My ancestors practiced these kinds of marriages within a family in order to make the existing family stronger and inseparable.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Reduce,Reuse and Reclycle Essay

Practicing these three steps (Reduce, reprocess and Recycle) helps us lessen the environmental conflict that manufacturing and distributing products have on our environment. Reducing waste is the most effective 3 R practice, because it means not producing unnecessary waste in the first ordinate So there is zero impact on the environment. If we reduce what we buy and use in the first place and reuse wherever possible, fewer things essential to be recycled and the mensuration of waste we produce will fall. The next best is Reuse, because it extends the life of a product.That item unruffled had to be made but it is apply over and over, reducing the need to make new stuff. Recycling in the end is the reprocessing of textiles. It helps reduce pollution ca employ by waste and the need of raw material so that rainforests can be preserved. BENEFITS We are going to give you some tips and practical examples how to save money, energy and the environment. 1. Do not waste food, make pos itive(predicate) that you buy what you are going to consume, give leftovers to your pets or discard them in a responsible way. (Environmental friendly). 2. Grow your own vegetable, fruits, and flowers. 3.When you leave a room al slipway turn the lights off Do not forget to switch off all the electrical equipments, turn down your emersion heater. 4. Instead of using dish wakeer, wash dishes by hands from the sink 5. Always turn the tap off when you wash your teeth. You do not need the tap running when you are brushwood your teeth. 6. Instead of buying a lot of books, you can borrow from the library or charity shops. 7. Do not automatically get rid of your of age(predicate) newspaper use it in place of paper towels to clean glasses and mirrors. Shred it to make packaging materials, use it as a fire starter. 8.Reuse junk mail envelops for your own mail. Just put a label over the see through window or if the envelop has a chuck out code at the bottom, run a black marker through it. 9. Do not dump body of water you use to cook vegetable water your plants with it. 10. Use the public transport (trains, undergrounds) rather than cars to reduce pollution. ADVANTAGES OF RECYCLING Recycling uses much less energy than producing new materials from scratch. This means less fossil go off is burnt and less greenhouse gas is emitted. The vast majority of materials collected from your doorstep are recycled and used in the UK.This means less fuel is used to export waste and import new materials. Recycling helps to reduce pollution, Co2 emissions caused by waste and preserve natural resources for futures generations. Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the planet in which we live. It is so important to both, the natural environment and us (Human beings). N. B However, recycling still creates some pollution because it is an industrial process. Thats why Reduce and Reuse are the most important of the 3 R practice. Did you know?Recycling al uminium uses only five per cent of the energy and emissions needed to make it from raw materials. Each year in the UK, we go through over 1. 2 meg Tonnes of electrical waste. (Thats the equivalent of 150 Thousand double decker buses). Prevention is better than cure as the doctors say. Therefore, we must act fast as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time. We are going to conclude our topic with this wise and pertinent citation of Margaret Mead Never doubt a keen group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Principles of Modern Finance Sample Midterm

Principles of Modern Finance Spring 2013 Sample Midterm February 22, 2012 Instructions You have 1 hour and 40 minutes. The exam is out of 25 points. There are 22 multiple-choice questions. 19 questions are worth one point, 3 questions are worth 2 points and are marked as such. If you get stuck, move on and come back later. 1 1. A stock is resideed to pay a dividend of $10 succeeding(prenominal) form, and this dividend is expected to grow by 5% each year thereafter. What should the price of the stock be if instruments of similar risk are paying 12%? (a) $83. 33 (b) $142. 86 (c) $150 (d) $200 2. A project has the spare-time activity property? ows Year 0 1 2 Cash? w + one hundred twenty00 ? 7080 ? 6654 The IRR of these cash? ows is 9%. Assets of similar risk pay 5%. Should you accept this project? (a) Yes (b) No 3. I am considering buying a Greek government connect that promises to pay $1210 in both years time. However, there is a possibility that the Greek government impa rt default between now and the promised payment. If the government does default, the constipate leave behind only pay $500. The probability of default is 0. 5. What should the price of the bond be if instruments of similar risk are paying 10%? (a) $1000 (b) $706. 62 (c) $413. 22 (d) $303. 68 4. I am enrolled in a 2-year MBA program, and have just started classes.To pay the tuition and living expenses, I borrow $50,000 per year (paid at the start of the year). The interest rate on the loan is 5%. I am certain to get a job at the end of the two years of study. That job pass on be guaranteed for ten years (from the date I start work), at a constant salary which testament be paid at the end of each year of work. There are no appraisees. I estimate that I will be able to have 1/4 of my income, whatever my income is. What is the minimum salary the job essential have to allow me to pay o? my loans within ten years? (2pts) 2 (a) $43,050 (b) $50,000 (c) $55,752 (d) $61,339 5. A credit card company o? rs me a card with 20% APR, compounded daily. I unsex purchases of $3,000 on the card, and allow interest to shine on those purchases for a year. Assuming each year has 365 days, the amount I will have to pay back is (a) $3,315 (b) $3,600 (c) $3,664 (d) $3,901. 30 purpose the next two questions with reference to this information Analysts argue that two things shadow happen over the next year the economy can continue as it is or it can go into recession. The passs of two stocks General Electric (GE) and Cisco (CSCO) in each possible state are given below State Return on GE Continue as-is 15 Recession ? 5 Return on CSCO 5 -1 The analysts estimate the probability of continuing as-is to be 0. 8 , and the probability of a recession to be 0. 2. 6. What is the expected return on a portfolio which is 120% in GE and ? 20% in CSCO? (a) 10. 04% (b) 8% (c) 2. 55% (d) 0% 7. What is the sectionalization of CSCO? (a) 1. 96%2 (b) 5. 76%2 (c) 13%2 (d) 23. 04%2 3 8. Alice can ge t a one-year loan at 5% at her bank, while no bank is uncoerced to give Brad a one-year loan for less than 10%. Brad has just had surgery, and must pay the hospital $10,000 immediately, but he has no money straightaway, though he will have money in one year. So Alice o? rs Brad a proposal she will borrow $10,000 from her bank for one year on her own account, and Brad will repay this loan. In addition, he will pay Alice a sum of money today. What is the maximum amount that Brad should be willing to pay Alice up-front under this arrangement? Alice is not willing to consider borrowing more than $10,000. (2pts) (a) $454. 54 (b) $377. 18 (c) $476. 19 (d) $500 9. The risk-free interest rate today is 7%. One year ago, you bought an addition which is risk-free and would pay $100 two years from the date of purchase. The risk-free interest rate on the date of purchase was 10%. You sell the summation today.What is the rate of return (HPR) that you made? (a) 13% (b) 10% (c) 7% (d) 15% 10. Th e correlation between Alcoa (AA) and American Express (AXP) is 0. 3. You want to form a portfolio, investment 50% in each stock. What is the variance of your portfolios return? You have the following information AA AXP 10 12 8 16 pass judgment return Standard deviation of return (a) 85. 76%2 (b) 99. 2%2 (c) 121%2 (d) 144%2 11. If you can get an 8% return (annual e? ective) on a ten year CD from your local bank, would it be wise to invest in a 10 year bond which promises to make a single payment of $1000 at the end of its life? Assume both are equally risky). This bond personifys $475 now and will pay $1000 in ten years. 4 (a) Yes, the bond is better. (b) No, the bond is worse. (c) Cant tell from information given 12. You are given the following information about portfolios of two risky assets, A and B Weight in A Weight in B Std. dev. of portfolio 0 1 12 0. 5 0. 5 14 1 0 16 What is the covariance between A and B? (a) 192%2 (b) 168%2 (c) 224%2 (d) Cannot be determined 13. A ? rm i n a well-functioning capital market has the following projects available. The risk-free rate is 10%. Which should it invest in? NPV IRR X 10 15% Y 0. 3% Z -5 22% OCC 22% 5% 6% (a) X only (b) Z only (c) X and Y (d) X and Z (e) All triplet 5 14. You are considering investing in a bond. This bond costs $300 now and pays $550 in ten years. What is the IRR of this investment? (a) 1. 06% (b) 6. 25% (c) 8. 33% (d) 9. 01% Answer the next two questions using the following information A project has the following expected cash ? ows. Year 0 1 2 Expected cash? ow ? 370 814 ? 447. 7 The IRR of these cash ? ows is 10%. 15. Which of the NPV functions on the following page best describes this project? (2pts) (a) Graph A (b) Graph B (c) Graph C (d) Graph D 16.Given your answer to the previous question, what is the range of discount rates for which you should accept this project? (a) 10% only (b) Greater than 10% (c) Less than 10% (d) Always accept, except at 10% (e) Always reject 6 NPV NPV 10% Disc ount rate 10% Discount rate Graph A Graph B NPV NPV 10% Discount rate 10% Discount rate Graph C Graph D 7 Answer the next six questions using the following information Boeing is a very pro? table aeroplane manufacturer. It is considering building a facility to manufacture 747s on 10,000 land in the Nevada desert. It is not considering any other sites.To encourage Boeing to set up the facility, the local chamber of commerce has bought the land and has o? ered to rent it to Boeing at a rent of zero dollars per year. Assume that this gift has no tax implications for Boeing. If Boeing were to try to rent the land in the open market, the rent would be $1,500 per acre per year, payable at the end of each year. Building the factory will cost Boeing $800M (800 million dollars), of which $200M is payable today and $600M will be need to be paid as soon as the factory begins production. It will take one year to build the factory and start production.The IRS says that the $800M cost can be dep reciated (straight-line to zero) over the ? rst cardinal years in which the factory produces aeroplanes. However, Boeing expects that the demand for the 747 will eventually dry up, and so they plan to scrap the plant after the ? rst ten years of production. They expect the scrap will be sold for $100M. Boeing expects the facility to produce and sell three Boeing 747 aeroplanes a year, with the ? rst batch ready by the end of year 2. gross materials cost $100M per plane, and labour costs will be $120M a year. Labour costs will be paid at the end of the year in which they are incurred.Raw material will be paid for one year late (i. e. , raw material costs incurred in year 2 will be paid at the end of year 3). Sales will be paid for two years late. Inventory is always 0. The price Boeing will receive for each plane is uncertain. It might be as high as $500M, or as low as $200M. Most likely, the price will be $400M. On average, the price they expect to receive is $350M. Boeings corpor ate o? ce is located in Chicago. Currently the CEO and his sta? make 120 ? ights a year in the corporate jet. Each ? ight costs $200,000. If the Nevada facility is built, the CEO will have to make ten more ? ghts a year, commencement in the ? rst year of production, with the cost per ? ight being the same. The cost of the ? ights is incurred at the end of year in which the ? ights are made. The salary of the CEO will remain ? xed at $12m per year. However, the corporate o? ce has decided to allocate $1m per year of this cost to the Nevada project, should it be built, showtime at the end of year 2. This allocation has no tax implications. Boeing has another project which they wanted to start today. This project has a single after-tax cash in? ow of $20 million one year after it is started (and no other in? ws or out? ows). Building the factory in Nevada will occupy executive time, and mean that Boeing will have to delay starting this project until the Nevada factory begins producti on. Taxes are expected to be 30%. The discount rate is 8%. 8 17. When calculating cash ? ows for NPV, the revenue in the income rumor at the end of each year of production will be (a) $600M (b) $1050M (c) $1200M (d) $1500M 18. The expected cash ? ow the ? rm obtains from scrapping the plant after ten years of production is (a) $70M (b) $90M (c) $100M (d) $190M (e) $280M 19.The cost that you will show in the income statement for each year of production will be (a) $420M (b) $422M (c) $423M (d) $438M 20. What is the working capital at the end of the second year of production? (a) ? $300M (b) $750M (c) $1050M (d) $1800M 21. What is your net cash ? ow two years after the plant has stopped producing, that is, at the end of year 13? (a) $0 (b) $735M (c) $750M (d) $1050M (e) $1800M 9 22. The PV today of the opportunity cost from delaying the other project is (a) $20M (b) $18. 52M (c) $17. 15M (d) $1. 37M 10

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Contributions of Bill Gates Essay

crest supply was born on Oct. 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. Their father, William H. furnish II, is a Seattle attorney. Their late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent, and chairwoman of United Way International. Gates attended public master(a) school and the private Lakeside School. There, he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13. In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall from Steve Ballmer, now Microsofts chief executive officer. Gates dropped out of school for one year to work for TRW in computing, earning $30,000 (Microsoft, 2010).In 1974, Bill was attending Harvard University when Allen spotted an advertisement for a $350 assemble-at-home computer called the Altair 8800, manufactured by MITS, a company headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bill and Allen worked nonstop for hexad weeks to devise a simple version of BASIC, a progr amming language, for the Altair. They demonstrated their finished product to the companys engineers with great success, and the following year, Bill and Allen founded Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft had entered the personal computer (PC) industry at an opportune time.In 1980 Microsoft won a contract with IBM to operate personal computers using Microsofts system, commonly known as MS-DOS. By 1983 the IBM PC had become the industry standard and MS-DOS was its operating system. In 1995, Microsoft introduced Windows 95 which again revolutionized the PC market, and became an industry standard (Master of Business, 2010). Bill Gates has realised so much beginning at age 13, starting with the creation of Traf-o-Data, then starting Microsoft, on to writing books, and finally becoming one of the richest and virtually giving philanthropist in the manhood.In 1970, Bill Gates and capital of Minnesota Allen had been involved in some impressive software projects by then, most deep at TRW work ing on software to control the Northwest power grid. Traf-O-Data was a little different. Traf-O-Data was a computerized machine for processing paper tapes from traffic counters, those glum hoses most of us gain driven over on roads throughout the United States. It was an early example of a microprocessor-controlled embedded system, not rattling a computer as weknow it, but computerized. It began with the idea of automating the processing of traffic tapes for the local road department, which a group of students at Gatess and Allens Lakeside School was doing by hand at the time and it would also require special hardware. Neither of the two had much hardware experience, so they enlisted the help of a fighter, Paul Gilbert, to construct the machine while they wrote the software.The plan was to manufacture the Traf-O-Data and sell it to state and local governments, but their one demo was a failure. The tape reader malfunctioned and the sale was lost. They repaired and debugged the ma chine, but it never became a productwhich was fortunate. Success would have distracted Gates and Allen at a crucial moment. As it was, by the time the lone Traf-O-Data began processing traffic tapes in 1975, the two had turned the operation over to Gilbert and moved on to form Microsoft (Startup Albuquerque and the in the flesh(predicate) Computer Revolution, 2006). Gates eventually sold this system to the city for $20,000 when he was only fifteen years old (Master of Business, 2010).Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. With annual revenues of more than $32 one million million, Microsoft Corporation is more than the largest software company in the world. The companys core business is based on developing, manufacturing, and licensing software products, including operating systems, server applications, business and consumer applications, and software development tools, as well as Internet software, technologies, and services. Led by Bill Gates, Microsoft has s ucceeded in placing at least one of its products on virtually every personal computer in the world, setting industry standards and defining markets in the process.Microsofts big weary came in 1980 as IBM began developing its Personal Computer, or PC. While IBM contracted Microsoft to develop languages for the PC, IBMs first choice to provide an operating system was the draw in the field, Digital Research. However, IBM and Digital Research were unable to agree on terms, so the contract for the operating system was awarded to Microsoft. As Microsoft was under a miffed deadline and did not have an operating system of its own, the company purchased the rights to one from Seattle Computer Products for $75,000. The year 1980 also saw the arrival of Steve Ballmer, a close friend of Gates from Harvard, who was hired to organize thenon-technical side of the business. Ballmer later recalled the companys stormy beginnings under Gatess leadership Our first major row came when I insisted it w as time to hire 17 people. He claimed I was trying to bankrupt him. Conservative in his spending, Gates dictated that the company must always have enough money in the bank to operate for a year with no revenues.Nearly 20 years later that policy still stoodin 1999 Microsoft had cash reserves of more than $13 billion and no long-term debtwhile Ballmer, who had by then become Microsoft president, remained Gatess closest friend and adviser. In March 1986 Microsoft held an initial public offering (IPO) of 2.5 million shares which raised $61 million. Within a year the stock had risen from $25 to $85, do Bill Gates a billionaire at the age of 31. Before 1990 Microsoft was primarily a supplier to hardware manufacturers, but after 1990 the bulk of the companys revenues came from sales to consumers. That year Microsoft became the first software company to reach $1 billion in revenues, closing the year with 5,600 employees. Before 1990 Microsoft was primarily a supplier to hardware manufactu rers, but after 1990 the bulk of the companys revenues came from sales to consumers. That year Microsoft became the first software company to reach $1 billion in revenues, closing the year with 5,600 employees.In 1998, the U.S. Department of Justice and a group of 20 state attorneys general filed two antitrust cases against Microsoft alleging violations of the Sherman Act. While the antitrust correspond against Microsoft showed threats of a forced breakup of Microsoft, innovations in the company continued. In 2000, Microsoft invested $135 million in the software publisher Corel. Apparently, Corel negotiated the investment, offering to drop certain wakeless actions it had against the company, even as it had no legal claims filed against Microsoft. The Department of Justice ruled that they would not enforce a breakup of Microsoft. By the end of 2002, the U.S. District act approved the settlement Microsoft reached with the Justice Department. The settlement included preventing Micro soft from benefiting from exclusive deals that could hinder competition uniform contract terms for computer manufacturers the required ability of customers to leave out icons from certain Microsoft features and a requirement that Microsoft release specific innovational technical information to its rivals, in order to enforce competition.By 2004, with more than 56,000 employees and anticipated year-end revenues ofup to $38 billion, Microsoft continued to hold a strong lead in the computer software industry. (Funding Universe, 2004). Microsofts revenues this year will be or so $36 billion, or $100 million a day (Overview of Microsoft Today, 2010). While at Microsoft, Gates started to write a series of books. His first book was print in 1995, The Road Ahead. The book was at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for seven weeks. In the edition of The Road Ahead, Microsoft Chairman and CEO Bill Gates laid out his vision of an interconnected world built around the Internet. Bas ed on the premise that life will be transform by the convergence of inexpensive computing and inexpensive communications, Gates drew from his experience at the center of the personal computer revolution to give insights on the growth, evolution and impact of technology. (Microsoft, 2010).In 1999, Gates wrote Business the Speed of Thought, a book that shows how computer technology can solve business problems in fundamentally new ways. The book was published in 25 languages and is available in more than 60 countries. Business the Speed of Thought has received all-inclusive critical acclaim, and was listed on the best-seller lists of the New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and on Gates has donated the proceeds of both books to non-profit organizations that support the exercise of technology in education and skills development (Microsoft, 2010). Gates has written so many other great books that have been translated into Spanish, German and other languages.B ill Gates has accumulated a huge personal fortune over the years. In 2005, Gates committed himself to donating $750 million to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation charity. The Gates foundation, which (at the time) is value $30 billion, is now the largest charity to have been created by a single benefactor or private company, following a previous $3 billion gift from its founder last July. Mr Gates has stated that he intends to give away 90 per cent of his fortune, which is currently valued at well-nigh $50 billion (Bill Gates, Saviour of the World?, 2005). As of December 31, 2009, the total grant commitments since inception has came up to, $22.61 billion. The Gates foundation has given to several charities and organizations around the world (Foundation Fact Sheet, 2010).Works Cited(2010, January 26). Retrieved 2010, from Microsoft (2010). Retrieved 2010, from Microsoft /default.mspx Bill Gates, Saviour of the World? (2005, March 17). Retrieved 2010, from Marxist Foundation Fact Sheet. (2010). Retrieved 2010, from Gates Foundation Funding Universe. (2004). Retrieved 2010, from Funding Universe http// Master of Business. (2010). Retrieved 2010, from Bill Gates Microsoft Overview of Microsoft Today. (2010). Retrieved 2010, from Acedemic Earth http// Startup Albuquerque and the Personal Computer Revolution. (2006). Retrieved 2010, from Startup Gallery http//

Friday, May 24, 2019

Neil – Dead Poet

Character Review Dead Poets Society Neil Perry 1. Neil Perry relationship with his induce is one with a insufficiency of communication and misunderstanding. Thought the consume, Neil and his father are conflicted. We see this first when Mr. Perry tell Neil and he is no longer allowed to work for the prepares paper. His father is controlling, and strongly believes in tradition, and if he allowed Neil to work on the paper he would be going against his own parenting. I believe that the pressure and strict lifestyle that Mr. Perry has spew on Neil is what involve him to his felo-de-se.Neils life within a classroom is far from a struggle. He is able to achieve straight As, and doesnt question the teaching strategies Mr. Keating introduces to his English class. In situation, he welcomes them. Neils relationship with Mr. Keating allows him to embrace his fears. It is Mr. Keating that encourages Neil to talk to his father about acting in the play. 2. Neil is a tall, non very athle tic looking young man and if he were to be placed into a stereotype, he would be depicted as a nerd. Neil wears his school uniform in a classic manner, which symbolizes his self-discipline as a student.There is a certain awkwardness that comes with Neils character, and I think it has to do with that fact that he is trying to find himself. Neil is constantly conflicted with doing as he is told, or doing what he wants to do, and it awkwardly stuck in between the two. Neils tone of voice composition talking to his peers is one of confidence. Whatever he says to them, he says without a hint of doubt. For example, during a meeting of the Dead Poets Society, Neil reads aloud his poem with poise. On the separate hand, while Neil is talking to his father, he no longer speaks with confidence.His tone becomes weak and vulnerable. On several occasions Neil tries to rebel against his father by standing up for himself, however, each time his father doesnt allow it. Showing how controlled Neil is by his father, and how he tries to escape it. 3. Neils driving goal thought-out the film is to become an actor. He faces obstacles with his father along the way. We see Neils dedication to this play when he is testamenting to lie to his father, and head masterby doing so he is risking creation expelled from Welton. Once his father finds out about Neils role in the play, he immediately restricts Neil from participating.As an audience we feel as though Neil has given up, and he wont be fighting against his father for this. This is where Mr. Keating has, I think, the biggest furbish up on Neil. In Mr. Keating office, Neil is told that by non standing up to his father, he is dissemble to be someone elsehe is acting for his father. This is the peak for Neil, where he realizes that at one point in his life, he is going to have to tell his father no. 4. To achieve his goal, Neil had to lie to his parents and Mr. Nolan the head mater at Welton.During the scene where he decides to wr ite a permission Todd, Neils roommate, tries to convince him that lying is not the best way to go. The passion for Neils acting it first demonstrated here, because he is clearly aware of the risks that lying can have. 5. Neils weaknesss all have to do with his father. When his father does not hold Neil back there is not much that he will let stop him. In fact, I think because of his father, Neil is encouraged to achieve more and push harder to become a better person on his own, as if to show his father that there is more than one path of life.Its only when Mr. Perry tells Neil that he cannot do something that Neil feels worthless. For example, on the night after the play, Neil and his parents are fighting, here, Mr. Perry tells Neil that is going to be a doctor, no argument. Neil is weakened by his fathers authority, and doesnt stand up for himself once again. Unfortunately, this weakness got the better of him, and because of it, it lead to his suicide. 6. The greatest strength Nei l has is his ability to lead his peers. He is the first one to question what the Dead Poets Society, the first to call Mr.Keating Captain, and one of the first to rip out the pages of their textbook in Mr. Keatings class. I believe that Neil can affectively lead a group because he knows what its like to be controlled (his father). As a leader Neil doesnt force anyone to do anything, unlike his father. He takes his role as a leader, as a way for him to make his own extracts, something it doesnt normally get going a chance to do. 7. Because Neil is an affective leader, he is able to help the rest of the characters grow as people. For example, when Knox is having troubles with Chris, Neil kindly offers him advice and encourages him to call her.Also, on Todds birthday, when he get the same gift from his parents that he got last year, Neil helped Todd feel more confident by leading him outside of his personal box, and convincing him to throw the desk set his parents got him everywher e the wall. Without Neil, there would be no Dead Poets Society, and I dont think the boys would have grown as much as they did if Neil didnt impact them. 8. A visual symbol that is associated with Neil is his crown from his role of Puck in A Midsummers Nights Dream. 9.The crown that Neil wears in his play, and during his suicide represents gratuitousdom. I think that when Neil is wearing it he is free. For example, while in the play, he is given the opportunity to become someone else for a short while. His father does not control him when he is acting, and he doesnt have to do what he says. He can become whomever he wants while again. He is also free after his suicide. He is no longer under the control of his father, and he is at peace. 10. I believe that at the beginning of the film Neil understands that he will do whatever his father tells him to.No part of him comprehends that he has the power to say no to his father. Then he meets Mr. Keating he changes Neils life instantly. He shows Neil that its okay to be original, and its okay to see the world is a different way than his father. As the film moves on we see Neil begin to contain himself, and start to fall apart from his father. The peak of his character is when Neil auditions for the play without his fathers permission it shows that Neil can make his own choices. However the consequences that were caused by that choice were extremely negative.Although I dont believe that Neil lying to his parents was the cause of his suicide, it was what caused his father to cross the line. As contradicting as it sounds, I think that Neil represents confidence and courage. Thought-out the film he struggles with his father, but in the end it was his confidence and courage that helped him succeed his goal of acting. It also took a lot of courage to decide and go though with his suicide. Neil played a large part in the development of all the characters in the film, and because of his lead they are all stronger and more c onfident people.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Toyota Marketing Strategy

pic Introduction 1. Introduction Navana Limited stands as the authorized allocator of Toyota rail automobiles in Bangladesh, so we check chosen them to make a successful foodstuffing plan on Toyota machines. Our argona of concentration was centered on the newly present of Toyota Corolla-GLi. This is the latest auto of Toyota Corolla that has been recently launched in Bangladesh by Navana Limited in November 2007 at Japan trade fair in Bangladesh. The home run remark Corolla of Toyota is well fill inn for producing cars for the general heap but this car is an upgraded model of Corolla. pic Company Profile 2. Company Profile 2a. Company Over thought mouldToyota Motor Corporation is a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan. Today, Toyota is the worlds third largest manufacturer of automobiles. Providing the most reliable automobile for its guest is the Toyotas specialty. Toyota Motor Corporation recently celebpaced its 70 years two as a carmaker and half a cent ury of exchange cars in America. In 2007 Toyota sold 8. 52m vehicles and its net income rose by 20% and become $14 zillion. Moreover Toyota is aiming to sell 10. 4m vehicles in 2009. In Bangladesh it is the most popular automobile company to the car engagementr and it has almost 70% market eitherot in our country.It is always interested to get the wariness of the young generation, family people, working executives, service holders, business people, in genius word every kind of people. Its mission is to calculate consumer trends and create a lineup of cars and trucks to capitalize on them. Each professional is expected to spend succession unwrap in the field talking to car buyers. The Japanese have a pick up for it genchi genbutsu go to the scene and confirm the actual happenings. With Toyota, champion thing has never changed that their commitment to the communities where they do business.Toyota spends over billions of billion on R, design, manufacturing, sales and merc handising operations. Over the world they have sales /service offices, financial service offices, R centers, holding company, manufacturing facilities, design centers, Hino operation facilities, supplier state and so on 2b. History Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of the toyota Motor Corporation, was born in 1894. His father Sakichi Toyoda became famous as he inventor of the automatic loom. Inheriting the animate of research and creation from his father, Kiichiro devoted his entire life to the manufacturing of cars, which was an unknown frontier at that time.In 1933, Toyoda Automatic Loom Works created a new atom devoted to the issue of automobiles under the direction of the founders son, Kiichiro Toyoda. Kiichiro Toyoda had traveled to Europe and the United States in 1929 to investigate automobile crossingion. After years of hard work, he in the end succeeded in completing the A1 proto casing vehicle in 1935. That was the beginning of the history of the Toyota Motor Corporation. Toy oda Automatic Loom Works was encouraged to come up automobile crossingion by the Japanese government and Model AA passenger car was the first harvest-timeion model of Toyota in 1936. picReplica of the Toyota Model AA, the first production model of Toyota in 1936 Toyota Motor Co. was established as an independent and separate company in 1937. The company was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda as a spinoff from his fathers company Toyota Industries to create automobiles. Toyota withal owns and operates Lexus and Scion instigants. Toyota is headquartered in Aichi, Nagoya and in Tokyo. In addition to manufacturing automobiles, Toyota go come out of the closets financial services d unrivalled its division Toyota Financial Services and besides creates robots. 2c. increase Line of Toyota Toyota operates in Bangladesh through Navana Group, under Navana Limited.The product line of Toyotas brand new cars, that are marketed by Navana Limited and are available in Bangladesh are 1. TOYOTA Yari s 2. TOYOTA Corolla GLi 3. TOYOTA CAMRY 4. TOYOTA Avanza 5. TOYOTA Rav4 6. TOYOTA Fortuner 7. TOYOTA Prado 8. TOYOTA Land pleasure boat 9. TOYOTA Hilux 10. TOYOTA Dyna 11. TOYOTA Hiace 12. TOYOTA Coaster pic Current marketing situation 3. Current marketing situation There is a huge market for automobile industry worldwide. In this global reality people need to communicate with others each and every minute. Transportation is maven way that facilitates colloquy.The market imply for cars rise and fall time to time, but the demand never fell to the ground. The current market situation of cars is a itty-bitty unstable for the fact that oil price has risen alphaly worldwide that has resulted in a decrease of car sale worldwide. The same has also affected the Bangladeshi market. Different car dealers have reported that car sale has dropped signifi corporationtly from last year, 2006-2007. There is also a rise in the car due to increase in greet of production. The steel price has r isen signifi rottertly worldwide. Japan, Taiwan, importers of steel, are giving 27 to 30% more for get steels.In Bangladesh, the governments rules and regulation imposed on import, duty and tax has also caused the market of cars to decrease. pic Product Profile 4 . Product profile 4 a. Mission, Vision, Objectives & Goal Mission The mission is to create a luxury vehicle that could go head to head with the worlds best automobiles. Vision Setting new industry standards in operational excellence, market penetration, customer satisfaction and companionship commitment. Objective Corolla GLi is clear in its objective to defecate the subdivisions most engaging driving kinetics while maintaining the brands traditional ride note.Goal From the outset, it is their goal to develop a luxury flagship vehicle that would be recognized as one of the finest cars in the world. 4 b. Products quality and features, design, packaging, brand name, extra services shuffle name Corolla GLi Features And Quality ? Powerful per engineerance Responsive and quick to please, the Corolla effortlessly generates the power for driving pleasure, delivering subtly smooth and stable performance. ? Advanced technology The Corolla generates outstanding power, minimizes its environmental impact, and provides warm reassurance. Wti technology Based on driving conditions, it optimally changes the open/close timing of the intake valve, contributing to increased torque and output, better go off economy and reduced Nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon emissions. ? Crash safety body It is comprised of a high integrity cabin with front and rear crumple zones that help exhaust impact energy in a collision. ? Suspension The Macpherson strut suspension on the front and torsion beam suspension on the rear were fine-tuned to provide excellent stability and control, and ride comfort. Keyless entry system It lets to lock and unlock the doors from a distance. ? Moon roof It incorporates one touch mode and a jam-pr otected system. ? Rear spoiler The rear spoiler integrated into the frame lid adds a sporty touch. ? Anti corrosion steel sheeting The extensive use of anti corrosion steel sheeting protects the Corolla from rust, helping it to keep its goods looks for years to come. ? Immobiliser system It provides security against theft. The car shadow only be started when the ID in the electronic matches the ID code in the engine immobiliser system. Fuel Level warning ? Wireless door lock ? Audio AM/FM, CD Changer, 6 spk. ? Child withstander ? Brake control valve EBD Design ? Highly functional design The ergonomics- ground design of the instrument panel with its easy-to-use switches engages the driver, providing comfortable operation that enhances driving enjoyment. Convenient functional features and diverse integrated storage spaces enhance comfort ? Dynamic and advanced With its dynamic and advanced design creating a high quality wagesling, the Corolla continues winning hearts and minds expert around the world. Sophisticated presence First impressions are compelling. The short-nose, long-deck proportions highlight the advanced sedan styling. Together with its expensive cabin space, it exudes a distinctive presence. ? Generous show The captivating design creates a feeling of great possibility. The wide tread and generous appearance set the demo for the spacious cabin. ? Refined interior expatiate The Corollas attention to details includes the distinctive curved design of the center console, the use of colors and textures, and the quality finish. Brakes Disc brakes on all four wheels, ventilated on the front, are standard for all grades, giving sure stopping performance. ? Windshield Glass Green Laminated ? Outside rear view mirror ? Color Oxygen Sensor ? Head Rest Front & Rear ? Rear Armrest with Cup holder ? Inside Rear view mirror Day & Night Colors available in Bangladesh ? Super White 2 ? Silver metal(prenominal) ? Blue Metallic ? Turquoise Mica Metalli c ? Red Mica Metallic ? Grey Metallic ? Black Mica Packaging It creates a spacious, comfortable cabin with excellent headroom, together with ample trunk space.Engine The compact, lightweight engine integrates sophisticated technologies, which contribute to its excellent performance and low fuel consumption. Extra Service ? Immobiliser system It provides security against theft. The car can only be started when the ID in the electronic matches the ID code in the engine immobiliser system. ? Keyless entry system It lets to lock and unlock the doors from a distance. ? CD qualifier 4 c. Products position in the market compare to other product of the company with BCG ontogenesis hyaloplasmBoston Consulting groups (BCG)s growth share matrix is a table that gives an idea around active market growth rate compare to relative market share. The market growth rate on the vertical axis indicates the growth rate of the market in which the business operates. And the relative market share on th e horizontal axis indicates the market share compare to the other segments. It serves as a measure of the companys strength in that market segment For BCG growth matrix, we have selected four models of Toyota Cars to hit the books GLis position in market compare to other models. Models are- 1. Corolla GLi 2. Probox 3. Yaris 4. Crown Relative Market Share High scummy Market High ingathering Rate Low HighLow High Figure BCG Growth Matrix Our analysis on Corolla GLi compare to others is described below- Star According to our observation, Probox move into the position of Stars in the matrix table. Recently, Probox has reached at peak point in terms of selling. That is wherefore their market growth rate is very high as well as market share. From the Bangladesh perspective, the demand of this car has increased so the company is trying to hold this positionQuestion Mark Corolla GLi falls under the category of this position. Because it is in all a new brand in Bang ladesh, but has got very rapid sale inwardly a short period of time. Therefore, their market growth rate is in the high position. On the other hand, as a new brand market share is not so high till now. hard currency Cow When market growth rate is low along with high market share indeed the product fall under this category. From our point of view, Yaris falls in to this position. Because present market growth rate of Yaris is not that much high compare to other though their market share is high. Dogs In this position, both the market growth rate and market share is low.According to our observation, Crown falls into Dogs position in the matrix table. This is the model, which has less demand in Bangladesh that is why their market share is also low. 4 d. Market partitioning process Market segments are large identifiable groups within a market. There are four basic bases for segmenting consumer market. These variables can be used singly or in combination. These are- 1. Geographic se ctionalisation 2. Demographic segmentation 3. Behavioral segmentation 4. Psychographic segmentation Now, considering Corolla GLi, we key that they also segment their market into groups base on the above segmentations. For this segmentation process, firstly they study the market and customers demand.They complete this process by analyzing the competitors products, segmentation as well as customers demand. The process is described below- Geographic segmentation It is the process of dividing the market into different geographical units, such as country, city, nation, state, region etc. The company can operate in one or few geographic areas, or operate in all but pay attention to local variations. From Corolla GLis point of view that they segment their market based on Country In order to cover the whole worlds market they launch their product in different countries. To do so, in 2007 they first launch this model in Bangladesh. City After selecting the country, they come out those c ities where they find more customer demands and wants. They actually select the cities after analyzing the purchasing power, living standard and so on. Demographic Segmentation In this segmentation the market is split up in to groups on the institution of variables such as age, family size, life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education etc. These variables are the most popular bases for distinguishing customer groups. From corolla GLi point of view, they segment their market depending on income and occupation mostly and others have less affect in this segmentation part. As we know that they firstly go for market study to know customers demand as well as their purchasing power.For this purpose, they target those customers who have high income as well as in top position in their occupation to match whether they can afford this car or not. Behavioral segmentation In this segmentation buyers are divided in to groups on the basis of their knowledge, attitude toward the product, use of, or response to a product. The demeanoral variables are occasions, benefit, user status etc. If we look at the Corolla GLis segmentation process, we can see that they mainly focus on benefit variables and customers attitude toward the products. In benefit variables consumers actually look for products quality, services, economy, and speed. Therefore, corolla GLi is providing high quality, extra ordinary services along with high economic take account to meet the customer demands.Moreover most customers attitude is to prefer branded products. They are basically quality concern people not price sensitive. Psychographics segmentation In this segmentation the market is divided in to groups on the basis of life style, ad hominemity and social class. As we have mentioned earlier that GLi is a branded product targeting the upper class people so social class, life style, and personality play an important role in this segmentation. The people who are in the upper class and lead a lux urious life style they want such type of car that represent their status, image and pride in the society. Here corolla GLi holds all the characteristics that make satisfy these groups of customers.In addition, the customers who are ambitious, outgoing, demanding, compulsive and want to show a unique image whitethorn also buy this car as a symbol of attractiveness. Thus these four basic parts of segmentation process helps them to identify the proper customer demands and market. 4 e. Target market selection process After the segmentation process marketers identify one or more selected areas to enter into the market, this is known as target market selection process. There are different patterns of target market selecting. These are- 1. Single segment concentration Producing one product for one selected market. 2. Selective specialization Offering different product for different market. Here, one sector can be covered by other. 3.Product/service specialization Offering one product for a ll groups of people in order to minimize cost. 4. Market specialization Offering different product for one selected market. 5. Full market coverage Marketers try to cover full market by offering different products for different market. After analyzing the five patterns of target market selection, we can say that Corolla GLi follows the Single segment concentration. Because- ? They striket have any other sub model of GLi. It indicates that they are producing only one product. ? in any case they are producing this product targeting only one group of people, which are the upper class people.From Corolla GLi point of view, they select their target market by considering the customers demand like- what feature, design, and benefit they want. Last of all, they try to match these with the customer ability and purchasing power. As it is mentioned earlier that they are succeeding(a) single segment concentration so the benefits for selecting this pattern are mentioned below- ? Through the S ingle segment concentration, marketers gain a rigid knowledge of the segments need and achieve a strong market presence. ? With the help of Single segment concentration they can increase their sale, which can earn a high return on its investment. 4 f. Types of Consumer behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and development products.There are four typical types of buying behavior based on the type of products that intends to be bargain ford. These are- Complex buying behavior It is a buying behavior where the individual purchases a high nurse brand and seeks a lot of information before the purchase is made. In this process, buyer first develops belief about the product then develops attitude about the product and finally makes a thoughtful choice. Variety-seeking buying behavior It is a buying behavior where the individual likes to shop around and experiment with different products. Here brand reverse occurs for the sake of vari ety rather than dissatisfaction and look for cheaper price.Dissonance-reducing buying behavior It is a buying behavior when buyer is highly involved with the purchase of the product. There exists little difference between existing brands, so customers become confused. Habitual buying behavior It is a buying behavior where the individual buys a product out of habit e. g. a daily newspaper, sugar or salt etc. After analyzing the above point it is quite clear that Corolla GLi car buyers are following complex buying behavior, because they are highly involved in purchase and aware of significant difference among brands. We know that this car is expensive, risky and self- expressive so buyer buy infrequently.Furthermore, this type of customers buy car by differentiating the products with other significant brands like- Mercedes, BMW. Here, Corolla marketers also compare their product with BMW, Mercedes. Mainly, customers are concern about brand not price so they look for brands benefits an d quality, which pull up stakes show the symbol of pride, status in the society. 4 g. Steps in the consumer buying behavior Consumer Buying Behavior It refers to the buying behavior of final consumers- individual and households, who buy goods and services for personal consumption. There are five steps by which consumer buying behavior pass through- Fig Steps of consumer buying behaviorLikewise, to buy Corolla GLi consumers may through all the steps. These are explained below- Need Recognition In this step a consumer become aware of a trouble or need. As we have mentioned earlier that Corolla GLi is a car of status, reputation, image and so on. When people reach that level where they feel to have such a prestigious car, they are in the need recognition stage. So they want such a brand new car, which will higher up their position in the society as well as match with their societal status. Information seek When customers become aware of the need, they go for information search. They can collect information from various sources, such as personal, commercial, domain sources etc. In personal sources, they can collect reliable information from their friends and others who have Corolla GLi or may know well about this car. ? They also can go for visiting Toyota show suite in order to collect more accurate information, which refers as commercial sources. ? Print & electronic media, advertisement, billboard, Internet etc can also act as public sources in order to provide information to customers. Evaluation of Alternatives In this stage, the consumers form preferences among the brands in the choice set. After completing the information search stage, customers look for competitive brand information by which they can evaluate the brands with each others.Here customers also evaluate Corolla GLi with other brand new cars and try to find out significant differences among them. They compare the brand image, features, services, speed, design, and other facilities and bene fits among the alternatives. Purchase Decision After completing the evaluation process, the select the most preferred brand which is suitable for them and then they decide to buy the product. In the case of Corolla Gli, after evaluating all the alternatives the pick Corolla GLi as it is fitted from all perspective. Attitudes of others who already have Corolla GLi, plays an important role to take the purchase decision. And then go for final consumption. Post-purchase BehaviorAfter purchasing the product, consumers will experience some(prenominal) level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In the case of Corolla Gli, consumer may try to figure out their satisfaction level. Whether the cars perceived performance is satisfactory or not. 4 h. Product Life cycle stage determination pic Corolla GLi was launched in November 2007 in Bangladesh it went through the introduction stage with great success and now it is in the growth stage the features, quality and brand name of the car are attrac ting more and more potential buyers day by day. 4 i. SWoT analysis SWOT stands for internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats.It is used to evaluate the degree of fit between the organizationss strategies and its product and to suggest ways in which the organization can profit from strengths and opportunities and shield itself against weaknesses and threats. pic Strengths ? Brand new product ? It represents luxurious life style and symbol of status. ? Showing reliability by the company name Toyota. ? Using WT-i technology Weakness ? Since it is one of the models of corolla so some people may have misperception about GLi as a new brand. ? Because of the mentioned reason also GLi still dont have own Brand image. ? No product line and variation in model. Opportunities ? Offering product, which is equivalent to other luxuries car. ? Attracting new customer by providing quality product. Threat Entrance of new competitors. ? Government regulations (new or re vised). pic Pricing for Corolla Gli 5. Pricing for Corolla Gli 5a. set A firm sets prices when it develops a new product, when it inserts its regular product into a new distribution alley or geographical area, when it adds new features in the product, etc. Price is the only element in the marketing mix that generates revenue the other element generates cost. Price is considered as the major determinant of buyer choice especially in the poorer nation and with commodity type products. Companies set their prices in different ways based on cost, value, competitors, customers, etc.Each pricing system is different from the. Cost based pricing system is where the organization set prices based on cost of production with that amount a certain markup is added for the profit and the product is sold. Competitors based pricing strategy depends on the price of the competitors what they would charge for the product for this pricing strategy the organization either charges same or low price th an the competitors. 5b. Pricing strategy of Toyota Corolla Gli Toyota mainly follows cost based pricing strategy for the entire car it manufactures for the luxurious car it follows both cost based pricing strategy and value based pricing strategy.They deliver the value promised by their value hint and the customer perceives the value. To communicate and enhance perceived value in buyers mind Toyota uses other marketing mix elements such as advertising and sales force. judge based pricing depends on the product performance, quality, features, customer service, etc. For Corolla GLi Toyota uses both cost based and value based pricing strategy as this is one of the most luxurious cars of Toyota. Navana is the only importer in Bangladesh who buys Corolla GLi from Toyota. Initially when the car was launched it was sold at a price of 1950000 taka but now as duty fee has increased and international currency fluctuated the price of Corolla GLi is now 2250000 taka.For the pricing of this ca r Toyota is also following other pricing strategies they are price skimming strategy which is they are charging maximum price as it is a new product, the demand of this car is already present in other countries and the buyers are also unstrained to pay any price to buy this car. It is following premium pricing which is charging high price for the high quality car . It is also following the ex gratia product pricing e. g. for with the car Toyota is providing a luxorious comfortable interior with leather seats, cd player, etc. Therefore Final price is determined with all these strategies sum total the cost of import, duty fee, the cost of shipment and the markup of Navana. pic Distribution for Corolla Gli 6. Distribution for Corolla Gli 6a. Distribution or location strategy Most producers do not sell their goods presently to final consumers they use channels or marketing intermediaries to deliver their product to the ultimate consumers. By using intermediaries the cost of the prod ucers and their number of transaction decreases. 6b. Channel dynamics Conventional marketing system- manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer work as independent system. No one has control over the other. Each member of the channel has separate objectives. unsloped marketing system- all the members of the channel work as a unified team. Hybrid marketing system- when the product is sold by using more than one channel 6c. Distribution of Toyota Toyota has distributors in almost every country. In Bangladesh the main distributor of Toyota is Navana. Navana performs many functions of Toyota. They gather information about potential and current customers of Bangladesh about the government policy and other external factors and communicate the information to Toyota. They make people of Bangladesh aware of the new cars their features and benefits e. g. to promote Corolla Gli Navana used print media, internet, etc for advertisement. They communicate with the customers at a time and sell the cars .As Toyota uses Just-in-time approach to some extent they depend on their distributors as the distributors provide them information about customers demand or about the cars of the competitors and Toyota produce their cars accordingly. Toyota and Navana together follows the Vertical marketing system where they work as a unified team. If Toyota wants to launch a new car in Bangladesh they provide Navana with all the information about the car Navana then analyzes the current marketing situation about the competitors and orders as per demand which is then delivered after 5months through shipment. Navana is an exclusive distributor of Toyota they are given full authority to sell the cars of Toyota. pic Promotional tools 7. Promotional tools Every company has to sell their products to their desire customers. For that they need to communicate with them.In this bunch every company use some promotional tools to sell their product. As Toyota selling specialty product GLI car, they are also u sing some promotional tools to capture more and more market share. 7 a. Objective of promotional activity Toyota has some certain objectives behind their promotional activities. Those ares- ? Giving information about the product ? Whats new in features and benefits ? Trying to create brand value of GLI ? Ultimate increase of market share 7 b. Promotional tools of corolla GLI Toyota using three basic promotional tools to promote Corolla GLI. ? Advertising ? ain selling ? Direct marketing AdvertisingAdvertising is the paid form of non-personal presentation by an individual organization to promote their products towards their customers. Toyota gives advertisement of their product through different media to promote their products towards their customers. Toyota using paper and bill board for their advertising. They go for billboards which are fixed in Bijoy Shoroni, Manik Mia Avenue, Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Gulshan 1 & 2, infront of Shonargoan Hotel, Dhanmondi 27, Newmarket. In Chittago ng Newmarket, Port city, Nasira bad and Kulshi etc. Personal selling Toyota using personal selling tools to sell and promote corolla GLI. Personal selling is the direct way to connect with customers. Toyota first introduce GLI in Japan trade fair, its a way of personal selling.Also Under personal selling they go for corporate selling and they target bank and company high ranked personalities to buy their product. Its a very effective form of selling corolla GLI. Direct marketing Direct marketing is another tool that used by Toyota to aware about GLI to their customers. Direct marketing is way of marketing where, there are no physical contacts with the customers. They did E-mail campaign to promote GLI as direct marketing. 7 c. Media used by Toyota As Toyota wants to sell their product GLI, they use some media to provide their message to their desired customers. Toyota uses both personal and nonpersonal conference channels to promote GLI. ? Personal communication channelsPersonal c ommunication channels involve two or more person communicating directly with each other face to face, person to audience, over the promise or through mail, where company get the opportunity to receive feedback from customers etc. To promote GLI Toyota uses face to face, person to audience and mail as personal communication channels. Also word of mouth behavior acting as personal communication channel. ? Nonpersonal communication channels Nonpersonal communication include media, cash dispenser and event, where no face to face communication occur. Moreover no opportunity to get feedback from the customers. Toyota uses print media, bill boards, car show etc as nonpersonal communication channel. 7 d.Media budget One of the most difficult marketing decision is determining how much to spend on promotion. There are some jet methods of determining media budget. Those are affordable method, percentage on sales method, competitors parity method and objective and task method. From these Toy ota is using a intermix approach of affordable and objective-task method. But before that they are estimating the budget depending on product life, quantity and brand value. For GLI, Navana the authorized distributor of Toyota budgeted 20-30 lakh for the current year. 7 e. Advertisement effect on sales Toyota marked GLI as a successful project in Bangladesh.To become successful Toyota is doing a lot of promotional activities. They also found positive effect on their sales from their promotional activities. As a result they able to sell 300 to 350 Gli car within 8 months. Its a great achievement in term of selling luxury sedan. Toyota is very successful in term of their promotional activities. Also they use different types of promotional tools to become successful in Bangladeshi competitive car selling market. pic Problem Identification Car is marked as specialty product and also perceived as luxurious product in our country. So its a bit difficult to maintain a luxurious product li ke Toyota GLI in every segment of marketing.Although its a very successful project of Toyota in Bangladesh but they faced some jobs. 1. Perceived value of corolla in customers mind Customers of Bangladesh perceived that corolla is a brand of common people. As GLI is a sedan of corolla segment, customers perceived that its not a high branded car. Although it is a corolla segment car but it is a high grade car of corolla then other corolla cars. As customers think it is a common brand car they dont want to buy it on that amount of value. So its become a huge marketing problem for corolla GLI. 2. Brand name GLI Basically GLI doesnt have any meaning. But customers want to know the meaning of it.So it creates some miscellanea of problem to give the proper answer of meaning of GLI. 3. High price GLI is a car of high grade, so its a high price car. As more people wants to buy affordable car they dont want to buy it at a high price. Also some dont want to buy a corolla branded product at a high value. So the high price of the car creates some sort of problem. 4. Off stock delivery time Toyota uses Just in time inventory system. So they manufacture product only on demand. If the stock of GLI car comes to an end then it needs 120 day to delivery the product again through shipment. So off stock delivery time is a problem of Toyota for any car as well for GLI. 5. Rapid growth of competitors high branded carsPreviously, the Bangladeshi car market was captured by Toyota. But in term of luxurious and high branded car, now Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi entered the market with a great deal. So market becomes competitive and its a new problem for Toyota in Bangladeshi market. 6. Import of recondition cars Huge amount of recondition cars are importing from Japan to our country. So the new branded cars are loosing their draw in in the market. 7. Unstable car import and duty law and regulation Car import and duty law is very unstable in our country. It creates calamity for the company to do their business smoothly. Toyota is facing some problems regarding GLI. They are also trying their best to solve those problems.Moreover they marked these problems positively and from the GLI experience they will able to avoid these hazards for their up coming projects. 9. Recommendations 1. Customers perceived value- To overcome this situation marketers need to increase the brand value of Corolla GLi. They can increase brand value by adding more features than other Corolla cars, or even compared to the competitors same level cars. They can utilize the brand equity of Toyota cars that prevails in the market. They can highlight the brand GLi besides Toyota Corolla. They can differentiate GLi from other Corolla. They can differentiate GLi from other Corolla line extensions by highlighting the existing features.They can introduce new designs in terms of color, body kits etc new features and also extra facilities. 2. High price- As the price of Corolla GLi is high to overco me this situation marketers can add more value to the product rather than cutting the price. They can have value addition to the product- a. perceived value in terms of brand image. b. tangible value- marketers can introduce new features and design by producing new colors, body kits etc. They can avail more extra facilities and benefits in the car. 3. Though the management philosophy of Toyota that is the Just-in- time approach is not a current problem but rather is referred as a potential problem in the long run.Our recommendation would be to study and be informed about the market demand all the time to avoid any situation of being out of stock. 4. The rapid growth of competitors branded cars is a great threat to Toyota worldwide as well as in Bangladesh. The marketer should always be aware of bringing in, what are the benefits that will be available etc and plan accordingly to reduce the threat of being out of model or even out of market. References & Bibliography www. amartoyota. com www. toyota. com www. toyotahistory. com www. toyotacarzone. com Marketing Management-Philip Kotler eleventh edition, Prentice Hall Advertising Principle & Practice William Wells and Sandra Moriarty, 7th edition, Prentice Hall. www. bdnewspaper. com - Star (Probox) Question Mark (Corolla GLi) Cash Cow (Yaris) Dogs (Crown) High Low Involvement Involvement Significant difference Between brands Few difference Between brands Complex Buying Variety Seeking buying Habitual buying Dissonance Reducing Buying Purchase Decision Post-purchase Behavior Evaluation of Alternatives Information Search Need Recognition Time Product Develop- ment Introduction moolah Sales Growths Maturity Decline Losses/ Investments ($) Sales and Profits ($) GLi

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Influence of Parents on Academic Performance Essay

Authorities parenting, psychosocial maturity and schoolman success among adolescents, theme of Steinberg et al. (1989) describes that when a parents treat their child warmly, democratically, and firmly, they will pose positive attitudes, they will achieve more and do better in school. Multidimensional conceptualization of parent involvement in childrens schooling correspond to Grolmcks (1994), it describes that parents must support their child specially to their experiences. Parental Involvement and academic attainment of peer accepted and peer rejected children, a study by Chowdhary and Jayasmita (1997), describes that parental involvement may have influence to the academic performance of a child as a accepted or rejected. comparative degree study of parent-child relationships of high and low achievers, study by Kang et al. (1997) the Tiwari (1997) was used to develop this study, it used eight dimensions at parent and child relations such as acceptance, rejection, dominance-sub mission, encouragement-discouragement, love-hate, authoritarian-democratic, reward-punishment, trust-disburst, tolerance-hostility. In this study it reveals that children who had warm relationships with their parents achieved higher in classroom. Parent-child relationship and academic pauperism, study of Suman et al. (2003), it revealed that the achievement motivation was higher when adolescents perceived their parents as loving and demanding. blood relative rivalry and relation to achievement motivation, study of Vasuki et. al (2004), data were from Neerakatwals (1988) and Deo Mohans Achievement Motivation Scale (1985), it showed that rivalry towards siblings, tended to have low levels of achievement motivation. Effect of Peer Academic Reputation on AchievementGest et. al (2005) argued that peer academic reputation (PAR) may influence childrens academic motivation and achievement even if it is not veridical. This argument is consistent with research on the effect of teacher expec tations on achievement, which demonstrates that teacher perception of childrens academic ability, whether accurate or not, affect students grades and scores on standardized achievement tests (for reviews see Brophy, 1983, Jussim Eccles, and Mardon 1996, and Jussim and Harber,2005) Developmental IssuesResearchers speculate that growth in social cognitive skills, including the capacity and motivation to use social comparison information to shape self-evaluations, account for the trend toward more negative and more differentiated self-perception in grades K-3 (Kuklinsks and Weinstein 2001 Markus and Wurf, 1987). in like manner make children the transition from kindergarten to the more formal academic setting of grades 1-3, more social comparison cues, may be available, and feedback on ones academic performance may be based more on comparison to others versus improvement over ones prior performance (Eccles et. al, 1993 Ruble and Frey, 1987 Ruble, Grosovsky, Frey, and Cohen, 1992) cro p of siblings on adjustment of adolescentsConger et al. (1997) carried a study on parents, siblings, psychological control and adolescents. Data were obtained by using Rosenberg prevention of self esteem (Rosenberg, 1965) Pearten measure of control and mastery developed by (Pearlin, 1981), SCR-90-R (Symptom checklist revised Derogatis, 1983) was administered. Results of the study indicated that psychological control both by parents and by siblings contributes to increase adolescents adjustment problems and to diminished self-confidence. Vasuki et al. (2004) carried a study on sibling rivalry and its relation to frustration, mental health and self conflict of adolescents on a sample of 60 girls and 60 boys from trio city schools of in the age group of 15-18 years. Data were obtained using Neerakatuals (1998) sibling relationship questionnaire, Chauhan and Govind Tiwaris (1969) Frustration test, Smt RamaTiwaris (1986) self conflict questionnaire, Jagdish and Srivastavas Mental healt h questionnaire. Results of the study revealed that both males and females of dyads and multiples showed rivalry towards their siblings in a homogeneous way. Greater extent of sibling rivalry also lead the adolescents to suffer more frustrated. Oliva et al. (2005) carriedout a study on sibling relationship during adolescence on a sample of 513 adolescents aged between 13 and 19 years. Data were obtained by using an instrument created by Steinberg et al. (1991) to assess the parenting style,questionnaire on sibling relationships (QSR Arranz et al., 1994), inventory of peer attachment (IPA) developed by Armsdeu and Greenberg (1987) and Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES Rosenberg, 1965). Results of this study indicated that having siblings was link up to adolescents social and personal adjustment, although only among girls and only in cases of good sibling relationships. In cases of poor sibling adjustment, it was the negative effects of any day situations of rivalry and conflict ou tweighed the benefits of any support that was provided.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Baroque Art Essay

This paper will start with an explanation of what Baroque art is. Baroque art is art that utilizes the effects among lightness and vestige. We will begin by looking at three paintings from the Baroque period. The source painting we will be discussing from the Baroque period is Annibale Carraccis Pieta. A pieta is a sculpture or painting of the Virgin Mary holding Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. This particular pieta was done by the mechanic Annibale Carracci from Bologna, Italy.Annibales Pieta depicts the Virgin Mary holding her son Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Annibale used his dismissal very well in this painting. Because of the way he used the lighting in his painting it made Jesus Christ the main figure, but still managed to have the Virgin Mary in the pertain along with Jesus. Annibale painted Mary in a soft blue, which contrasted well with the paleness of Jesus Christ. Annibale painted the look of sorrow onto Marys face and out stretched her left hand as if sh e was questioning how this could happen to her.This painting has so much expound to it, along with Mary and Jesus there ar also two angels in the painting one angel scrutinizes the crown of thorns, while the other mourns while holding Jesus hand. Annibale Carracci was a well-known and prise painter that helped create the Baroque style. Annibale Carracci, along with his brother and cousin founded the Accademia degli Incamminati, which translates to the Academy of progressives. Later in the 15th century the Carracci family was painting some of the roughly ripe paintings through and end-to-end Europe.Annibale created a new broken brushwork style to capture movement and the effects of light on form (Christiansen, Keith. 2003). This new style resulted in paintings cosmos put inside churches. The fresco painting on the ceiling of Pope Farneses Palace was Annibales greatest masterpiece. The second painting from the Baroque outcome is The Entombment by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravag gio. The symmetry of the group of tribe in this painting is miraculous . This painting shows everyone bowing down or bending towards Jesus, display that his dying has an impact not only emotionally but physically on them.The look of terror and shock is remarkably captured in this painting. The group of people look traumatized at the death of their beloved Savior Jesus Christ, however at the same time they look relieved. I love how Caravaggio illustrates these people. He doesnt make the people beautiful or extravagant looking, he makes them look like ordinary people. Just as Annibale used the lightness and darkness as did Caravaggio, bringing out the drama and suspense of the moment. Caravaggio was a wild and c atomic number 18free person.He believed in truth, that not everyone was beautiful or heroic as they are made to seem. He refused to portray the human individual as sublime, beautiful and heroic (Christiansen, Keith 2003). During Caravaggios time the Catholic Church had comp lete control of what was considered to be acceptable art if it wasnt deemed acceptable by the church then it wasnt art. Caravaggio disdained the masters of the Renaissance and the mannerist style (Sayre 2010). In the Baroque Period, religion was the outstrip thing you could paint about, this is the only topic that would be profitable.The third painting from the Baroque Period is Belshazzars feast by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. The painting displays top executive Belshazzar and his visitants feasting while using the holy items from the Jewish temple. Rembrandt depicts a moment when a glorious hand appears in right to the inscription on the wall when transliterated the inscription reads MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN meaning God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting your kingdom is given to the Medes and Persians. . Rembrandt Belshazzars Feast NG6350 The subject field Gallery, London, 2004) .After that night, King Belshazzar was killed. Rembrandt utilizes the light in this painting to give light more effect the hand. The main figure is King Belshazzar who is struck with business concern as the hand continues to write on the wall. Not only is the King and shock but so are all his adversaries. Rembrandt uses chiaroscuro in his painting by outlining the outside of the painting in a dark color. Chiaroscuro is the contrast of light and dark to create atmosphere, drama, and emotion (Sayre, 2010).Rembrandt was asked what he truly wanted to achieve through his art, he stated the greatest and most natural movement translated from die meeste ende di naetuereelste beweechgelickheijt (encyclopedia. stateuniversity, 2010. He didnt want the subjects of his paintings in poses contrived as was the case in Mannerist style. (Sayre, 2010). His main goal was to portray the naturalness of the human body. In Holland, during the 16th-century at the Utrecht school Italianate architecture continued because of most of its attendance, especially the notable Gerard van Honthorst.He later traveled to Italy where he met Caravaggio and was inspired by his work. The Utrecht school artists ended up influencing Pieter Lastman with their styles of using lightness and darkness. Pieter ended up becoming Rembrandts, therefore providing a monolithic background for what would become known as Dutch Art. All three of examples I chose are religious depicting an important scene from the bible. The first two paintings show Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. The third painting is from the Old Testament from the prophet Daniel.All three paintings used lightness and darkness to add drama to their paintings as well as chiaroscuro. These paintings show characters are very lifelike as well as the difference of chiaroscuro from its very get to it being perfected by Rembrandt. There are differences within these paintings. The way emotion is depicted upon each of the characters faces in every painting is different. What shocked me the most was that the The Pieta depicting the crucifixion showed the least detailed emotion.You see that Mary is grieving and is in sorrow but in the entombment the emotion is really detailed upon the faces of everyone. However, I believe Rembrandts Belshazzars feast has most emotional of all three paintings. You can actually see the fear and terror upon their faces. Also, the use lighting is more evident in Rembrandt paintings and his characters look more realistic whereas in the Pieta the characters are perfect and beautiful when theyre supposed to be mourning the death of their loved one.In comparison to the Entombment the Pieta was the least dramatic and emotional of the two. Through these paintings you can see how the church has influence over the art and how it changes end-to-end the centuries. You can also see how each painter understands chiaroscuro. For instance, Rembrandt perfected it whereas Annibale merely understood it. While studying this I learned that art styles progress throughout the years, sometimes getting better and sometimes becoming worse.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Edward Scissorhands Question Sheet

Discussion Questions on Edward Scissorhands As you watch the strike you will need to take nones to answer these questions. The purpose of this film is to get you ready for the next manipulation we will look at in depth which is that of the artistic designer. You need to consider the needs of the director and work with set designers, costuming and other professionals in the film industry for this job. I would like a peevish copy of your answers to these questions to be given to the teacher at the end of Fridays class. 1. a The entire approach is constructed, describe the colors used in the neighborhood scenes? . b What could be the desired effect in this use of color? 2. As the woman drives up to the haunted house there is background medication playing. What is the desired effect of this music? Describe two other places in the film where the soundtrack or film score affected your viewing of that scene. 3. How does the costuming set the main character, Edward apart from the oth er community members and why do you think Edward is meant to be so visually different? How does this help the actor portray his role? 4. What is Tim Burton (Director) dictum about the nature of conformity in this film?How does he use color and visual imaginativeness to drive home this point? 5. Is Edward a tragic figure? Why or why not based on the outcome of the film. 6. What are some of the highlights, twists and turns of the story? Create a brief manipulation for this film and hypothetically cast the roles of three characters in the film. Explain why you choose them for these roles. 7. Research online what spate Tim Burton consistently works with for his productions and list three here. Discuss why creatively this might be substantial for a Director.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Associate Nurse VS. Baccalaureate Nurse Essay

There has been much debate over the years about the protestences in competenciesbetween Associates full point give sucks (ADN) versus Baccalaureate Degree (BSN) nurses. In thispaper I will discuss my findings and also give a affected role cargon situation in which I describe hownursing sustainment or approaches to decision-making may differ based upon the educationalpreparation of the nurse BSN versus a diploma or ADN degree. Besides the difference in time,credits and money studies are showing a significant difference in ADN nursing versus BSN.Research has shown that lower mortality rates, fewer medication errors, and positive outcomesare all linked to nurses prepared at the baccalaureate and graduate degree levels. (AACN, 2013)An ADN program is a two-year program in which students learn the basics of nursing such as care plans and performing every day nursing expertnesss, they offer courses that are more affordable and accessible which in this day and age can be a bless(preno minal)ing and in the end they produce suitable bedside nurseswho can sit for the NCLEX. We can thank Mildred Montag for founding the ADN program back in 1956 due to a major nurse shortage after the war (Friberg, 2011, p. 87-88). But some(a) downfalls are when combined with operable nurses, the total number of technical nurse types being produced is excessive given current and future grocery demands (Benner et al, 2000). As for jobs they are limited to hospitals, skilled nursing, long-term care facilities, clinics and physicians offices.A Bachelor of Science in breast feeding (BSN) degree is a four-year degree that is foc dropd on theory and research. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) states that education enhances both clinical competency and care delivery. (Rosseter, 2013) Due to more formal education the BSN nurse is more of a critical thinker advancing in daily nursing tasks and avoiding deadly errors. They work to look farther into the disease process a nd critical thinking behind it rather then dependable being a task oriented ADN.Programs provide a solid liberal education and hearty upper division nursing major. Both components are combined in ways that prepare a nurse generalist who is able to provide professional nursing services in beginning lead positions in a variety of settings (Friberg, 2011, p. 87-88). Obtaining a BSN can open up more job opportunities for a person and in most cases makes you more desirable to employers. Many nurses get burnt out from being floor nurses so if you have your BSN you have the option to move into management or many new(prenominal) areas like insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, research jobs or even a clinical instructor. Research shows they use evidence based practice for better patient outcomes. (Moore, n.d.) As also stated in the analogous article numerous research studies have demonstrated that the ADN and BSN nurses are not different in skill competency when they graduate , but within a year, the BSN nurses show greater critical thinking skills better puzzle solving, and the development of clinical judgment three skills of increasing importance for the increase in acuity of patients in hospitals and other health care settings. (Moore, n.d.)In the February 2013 issue of the Journal of Nursing Administration, MaryBlegen and colleagues published findings from a cross-sectional study of 21 University Healthsystem Consortium hospitals which found that hospitals with a higher percentage of RNs with baccalaureate or higher degrees had lower congestive heart failure mortality, decubitus ulcers, failure to rescue, and postoperative deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism and shorter length of stay. By having the added knowledge from school, it shows in studies that BSNs have better outcomes with less patient complications, which is good for everyone.PATIENT CARE SCENARIOA patient care scenario that comes to mind for me would be a patient in Labor and Deli very that has had slightly elevated blood drags prior to the pregnancy, but with pabulum and exercise was able to avoid medication. But on admission an order for a blood pressure medication was ordered as a PRN in case it was needed. As the patient progresses into labor, her pressures take over to rise slightly. The ADN nurse comes in sees the reading looks at her orders and dispenses the medication, because that is what she is trained to do. Whereas the BSN nurse comes in to the patients room and sees the same reading, notices the patient seems more uncomfortable and is a little upset. So as the BSN nurse I would ask if she was having increased hurt and if she was offer her something for pain relief because that may help decrease the blood pressure. I would also ask her if something else was bothering her because she seemed agitated and the patient stated that her and her boyfriend had just had a huge argument and she was upset over that. So with some pain relief and quiet envi ronment the BSN nurse was able to avoid giving the patient an special(a) medication for her blood pressure.ReferencesBlegen, M.A., Goode, C.J., Park, S.H., Vaughn, T. & Spetz, J. (2013, February). Baccalaureate education in nursing and patient outcomes. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), 89-94. Creasia, Friberg, Joan L. Elizabeth E. abstract Foundations The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. 5th Edition. Mosby, 2011. VitalBook file. Pageburst online. Pages 87-88. Moore, D.S. (February 2009). The Difference Between Associate Degree Nurses and the Baccalaureate Degree Nurses. West Coast University Deans Corner.Retrieved from Rosseter, R. J. (2013) American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Creating a More Highly capable Nursing. Retrieved from http//