Thursday, June 6, 2019

Technology in the Learning Essay Example for Free

Technology in the Learning EssayThe teacher knows how to give the materials.The schoolchilds can relate and understand the lesson beca single-valued function the application or softw ar package of that intermiticular military issue is found in material.If the teacher did not know how to use material it can cause weakness.The volumes of computers are not sufficient.It helps to the teacher to put in the lesson for better understanding. The lesson is easily absorbed because they perform activities to apply the lesson.Its contains study to help them to understand well and instruction and procedure guide them for their activity. Note for reviewing if they leave behind forget.Your AnalysisWhat do you think prompted the teacher to fill the materials/learning resources that she/he used?Computers and hand outs are most appropriate materials for the lesson about MS Visio. Ms Visio is tool in designing charts and creating professional plats. Computer is use for their hands-on and to be seen the features of the MS Visio 2010 and for their practical evaluation to known if they understand the lesson.Hand-out is use for entropy about the topic and guide in doing their activity. Therefore, the instructional materials serve as a clear representation that was capable of giving clear information, through this the student depart able understand the lesson and easy to absorb.What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed?There was no difficulty that the teacher experience because the students are participates in dissertateion and activity. They student was get a lineed and performed the activity while the teachers makes sure that the student do thetasks. Over-all, were the learning resources/materials used effectively?Why? Why not? Yes, the computers and hand outs are effective because teacher keep getting the attention of the students in listening in the discussion and performing the activities until the class end. They got positi ve result in try out and practical evaluation so I conclude that the learning materials are appropriate.Your ReflectionPut yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do other than if you will teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?If I will teach the same lesson to the same group of students I also use computer and hand outs but I will also use world-beaterPoint presentation in introducing the functions and features of MS Visio 2010 to motivate the students to listen and to view the difference kinds of charts and diagram to understand the topic well. I will give them a more problem situation in creating chart and diagrams to enhance their knowledge in creating charts and diagrams in given scenario and to appreciate the immenseness of lesson.FS 3 Technology in the Learning environsFIELD STUDY bind at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before fashioning your own materials? Explain each1. Less di fficulty in introducing the lesson-Teaching aid materials are help to motivate students to listen and easily in the part of the teacher to discuss the topic and help the student to understand the lesson well.2. Doing a survey of materials help me to discover materials that relevant to my topic. Give me a several option and choose materials that more effective and appropriate so that I will achieve the objectives my lesson. Also give me ideas to create radical materials.3. Surveying of available materials are can save judgment of conviction, effort and money. You will not spend time, effort and money because material is al larny available. You can choose topic that will use the available materials especially in cooking .When you think a menu to cook you should also consider the equipment or tools to use so that can save money to buying those equipments or you will focus on available materials.Your Reflections1. Which of the materials did you like making the most? Why? qualification power point presentation is the most I like because it develops my creativity in designing and animating my slide presentation because of putting pictures, videos, animated pictures and make in slide and student also like it. It easier to get their attention and they also learned by pictures and videos.2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you overcome them?I encounter difficulties in making hand outs and activity canvass. Hand outs should clear and enlightening so that the lesson will understand by student. And you should make sure that your activity sheet is challenging and have thrilled so that you will evaluate well your student if they absorb the lesson. I base my hand outs and activity sheet to my objectives through this it easier to me to create.3. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materialsIn preparation of teaching materials you should consider the availability of materials to avoid creating and purchasing materials. The suitability of materials to the subject liaison it also very important. You also consider the skill and knowledge of teacher in using the materials and also the student.FS 3 Technology in the LearningEnvironmentFIELD STUDYPAPER WORKS (Preparing Hand-outs)HAND-OUT PLANSubject Matter Technology and Livelihood Education(Baking and other Kitchen tools and Equipment ) Grade/Year Level one-quarter Year High SchoolOutlineA. Definition of MatterB. Classification of Ovens and other Baking Tools and Equipment 1. Ovens Proportionately2. Other Baking Equipment3. Baking Tools and UtensilsC. Baking Tools and Equipment and their Uses1. Spatula2. dredge Sifter3. Wooden Spoon4. Scraper5. Measuring Cups6. Measuring Spoons7. Weighing Scale8. Electric Mixer9. Rotary Egg Beater10. Grater and Shredder11. Rolling Pin12. Baking PansTypes of Graphic personal digital assistant/flow chart/schema to useReferences1. Your Analysis1. What are the good features of a handout?A good han dout must concise information and easy to stick. Its brief but make sure that it contain important detail of your lesson. Choose simplex and readable type of fonts that readers can read because difficult to read is will lose their interest immediately. Bullets, schema, diagram and flow art help your hand out to be organized to avoid confusion. cotton up and bold the important detail so that readers recognized the important information.2. Which of these features are present in the handout I made? I summarize the topic and I write only important detail so that readers understand the point of my lesson. I use bullets and schema to gives guide to the readers. I use simple fonts in order that they understand the information well. I put alsoreferences for clarification or if they need more details.3. Which features are not present in the handout I made?I present all feature I know even though I didnt know how to do good handouts but I surely my handout is clear and understandable by th e readers. Your Reflection1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handouts? How did you overcome them? The difficulty that I encountered while making my simple handouts is to make it shorten but explainable. I put only the important information should to remember and later I discuss some details for more understanding. I also find difficult in providing schema to my example so I did was explore in the profit and select the best example to my topic.2. What tips can you give teacher regarding preparation of handouts? Teacher must be resourceful so that the handouts will be informative tools in students learning. Informative because students depend in handouts especially It tackled an ago. They also didnt remember your explanation so handouts make them recall your lesson. More information is making your reader uninterested to your topic so make it short.FS 3 Technology in the LearningEnvironmentFIELD STUDYYour Analysis1. What are the features of a good slide prese ntation?A good slide presentation contains pictures and videos to help you to discuss the topic and to have more understanding in part of student. Pictures and videos let students know what I am talking about. It helps also to get the attention of the students. The slide should follow the 7x 7 rules. Seven words every fourth dimension and seven sentences in every slide. You must remember that your text should Arial fonts style and 24 fonts size. The background color and foreground color are contrast.2. Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made?The features I mentioned about are presented in my slide and I follow the 7 x7 rules of power point so that it will make it easier for the audience to read.3. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made? I did not put sound effects and music because it will cause distraction to my discussion. I did not use video presentation because it consumes more time but it will depend to your topic if i t will be useful to your discussion.Your Reflection1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them? Power point presentation is very interesting to do because it easy to create it. Background and effects are already available. You can put pictures, effects, music and videos that will found in the internet. So far, there were no difficulties that I have encountered. FS 3 Technology in the LearningBrief Description of the material in the WebsiteThis site present difference tools and equipment in baking and other tools in kitchen and their uses. Evaluation of WebsiteStrengthIt is very informative. This site gave a lot of information in my topic. WeaknessesThe weakness of this site is you need to become a member to their organization to can access their essays or term papers.Your ReflectionThis episode tells us the importance roles of internet were you can find a lots of information about in your topic. And also informs us to b e aware to the reference of information because website leads to the bogus information.

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