Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Research Paper - 3

The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age - Research Paper Example It involves hacking individuals’ computers or accounts by sending e-mails to individuals’ accounts. These e-mails often get citizens to provide sensitive information. They are personal, crafty and deceitful messages that easily pass security protections. According to security software maker RSA, about one in every 300 emails in 2011 was a phish. Data cables are also used to access private information. Network cabling companies collect personal and non-personal information. Different cabling companies have different terms of use in regard to privacy. The companies, through their websites, collect information ranging from names, physical address, e-mail address, age, password and other information necessary to conduct business with these companies. This information may then be used to facilitate citizens’ use of web sites, to send information to citizens and to conduct business. Data protection is required to prevent improper collection of personal data and improper usage or disclosure of the same. Private data in the hands of criminals may be detrimental, while the same may be of great benefit in the hands of security agents. Access to private information may lead to crimes such as identity theft, fraud, defamation, slandering and discriminatory practices. Also, gaining access to confidential information increases the risks of such information being disclosed. This causes dissatisfaction and encourages mistrust in individuals. In America, identity theft has become increasingly common and it destroys an individual’s financial reputation. Invasion of personal privacy shows inefficiency on the government’s part and other organizations that keep citizens’ records. Access to private citizen information through computer applications has greatly facilitated investigations into financial crimes, drug crimes and sex crimes (Soghoian, 2011, 18-20). Therefore, law enforcers are able to track crimes across borders. Because

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