Friday, November 8, 2019

Educated Mothers essays

Educated Mothers essays Mother has a big role in family.They show very big self sacrifices for their family, for example they can leave their carrer because of their children.Although there are other members of family they do all of the housework.And here is the biggest role of mothers in family '' to educate their children''.So if the mother effecs the members of family or not? Mothers should be educated.They have a big role in family.We grow with them because they are the people who we see the most.We can say that they are our first teachers.Their behaviors are very important because our character is shaping by them.So mothers should be educated in order to know how that she can behave to her child.For example Research shows that educated mothers are more likely to use health clinics and are more likely to return to the clinic if their childs health does not improve. According to a United Nations study in 46 countries, a one percent rise in womens literacy is three times more likely to reduce deaths in children than a one percent rise in the number of doctors.With this example we cam see the difference between educated mothers and nomeducated ones.Educated mothers mostly know what to the in emergency situations.They can teach their childs lots of things like what to da im emergency or how to behave other people.So the child can start to live their life prepared. There is an other idea which defends that it does't matter if mothers educated or not.They think that ''everyone have their own lifes so it's not important if the people around you (for ex:mother) educated or not''.And we spend all of our lifes outside so our mothers doesnt effect us that much.We learn everything from outside. Our mothers are very important for us because we learn so many things from them so it's very important if they are educated or not.Because our character shapes when we are a child so mother is the only person who can do it.It's tr ...

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