Friday, October 18, 2019

Nectar Fruit Juices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nectar Fruit Juices - Essay Example During the analyses of different elements and factors, there have been several recommendations made which can be beneficial for the officials of NFJ to discuss, follow, and execute them in their December 2011 meeting. One of the main recommendations made in the light of analysis is the introduction of more flavors of nectar fruit juices that intrigue more of the children under 15 years of age, as the analysis has shown majority of the NFJ users to be under 15 years of age. The report will be consisting of 5 sections in total (including the section 1 of introduction). Second section will be presenting analyses of the data collected through the collection of answers of the questions, where the questions will be discussed and analyzed one by one. Third section will be presenting different options that may be considered by the management for key decision making purposes. The fourth section will be presenting the validity of this analysis and describing the use of this report for future r eferences. The final section will conclude the report and will provide general recommendations. 2. Results and analysis This section will present the findings and analysis based upon the answers taken from all the surveyed students. The section will analyze the questions one by one in the form of subsections, where the results will also be mentioned. 2.1. Racial or ethnic group: The students who were chosen to take part in the questionnaire were of different ethnicities as they mentioned in their survey forms. The final data collected from that scheme has been provided in the form of a pie chart below in figure 1: Figure 1: students’ ethnic groups The figure shows that more than half the students were white or European, as the survey was being filled in a European country. Therefore it was highly likely that majority of the participants will belong to the white community. The second major number participants were the Asians. This is because of the immigration of more than 100 million Asians who are residing in different countries of Europe and its normal perception of Asian people to take part in the social activities in Europe. Other people belonged to West Indian, African, or other ethnicities. 2.2. Ratio of male to female participants: As the graph in figure 2 suggests, the ratio of male to female participants who filled the surveys was nearly 55:45, which means almost an equal number of males and females invited to participate and give their views about NFJ. Figure 2: Male to female ratio of participants. 2.3. Drinks per week by the groups: The data shows different age limits and their consumption of drinks on weekly basis. The data shows the average number of drinks that are consumed by the people of different ages. Referring to the figure 3 given below, the people between 6 to 10 years of age consume the largest number of nectar fruit juices, as this suggests that the children are more intrigued by the tastes and flavors in which these juices are available in the market. Figure 3: Percentage of drinks per week groups The figure also shows that the children of 1 to 5 years of age, as well as the teenage from 11 to 20 years of age also consume NFJ more on weekly basis compared to those who are more than 21 years of age. Another important finding in this graph is that around 13% of the people have claimed to never use the nectar fruit juices. There are two points that this analysis will lead the managers to think about. First one is that

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