Tuesday, October 22, 2019

David Pham Tran Essays (252 words) - Microbiology, Bacteriology

David Pham Tran Essays (252 words) - Microbiology, Bacteriology David Pham Tran Biology 10H Park View High School Sterling, VA THE NUMBER OF COLONIES GROW FROM THE BACTERIA COLLECTED FROM DIIFERENT LOCATIONS IN SCHOOL The purpose of this experiment was to test the colony counts of bacteria after growing them in the same amount of time. The hypothesis of this experiment is if bacteria are collected from different locations in school, then the colony counts of bacteria will be the same. The independent variables of this project were the different locations in school that bacteria were being collected from. The dependent variable was the number of colonies that grew from the bacteria. The control group is was the cafeteria table since it was constantly wiped. Bacteria is a major group inside of every living organism, but they are very small. Bacteria are among the smallest living objects. Humans and animals are surrounded and living among bacteria. Most of the time they are not visible to our "naked eyes". The bacteria would be collected and apply to the nutrient agar, wait a week to collect the data after it completely grow. The most important finding was to see if the averages of the groups are slightly the same. The mean of this project is 32 colonies. The p-value of this experiment was 0.05, approximately 0.033. The alternative hypothesis was not supported. Comparing to the control group, the independent variables did affect the dependent variables. The limited time also affected the experiment because more time was needed to analyze the bacteria.

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