Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical thinking Assignment # 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical thinking Assignment # 3 - Essay Example According to Cole, Smith, and DeJong, the rationale of solitary confinement is that it serves as a form of punishment for prisoners who do not follow rules. There are strict rules that inmates must follow, and it is the right of correctional officers to enforce such rules. A good prison has captives that behave in an orderly manner (Cole, Smith, and DeJong 365). The authors define ‘order’ as proper conduct that enhances a peaceful and orderly coexistence of inmates and correctional officers. Assault, rape, and other forms of violence and threat are examples of disorderly behavior that threaten the existence of correctional officers and other inmates. Solitary confinement is punishment in itself because it isolates inmates from others, and hinders their social interactions. Finally, the authors mention that it reduces overcrowding in prisons After watching the documentary, I think that solitary confinement is wrong and ineffective. Solitary confinement is like being buried alive. People go crazy while they are alone in their cells. Most of them are self-abusive and cause bodily harm. A solitary unit is a prison within a prison, and it does no good in bettering the attitudes of prisoners. They become depressed in the solitary confinement, and some often get into a mental state. In addition, there is an increased chance of suicide, insomnia, and paranoia. Solitary confinement severely compromises the mental health of a person, especially those who enter such units when already in a pitiable mental state. If they survive the mental torture, there is a risk of being extremely anti-social when released from prison (Frontline). Officers put prisoners in solitary confinement for several reasons. Some are there because of their violent behavior, while others are there for the sake of their own protection. Mostly, it is about punishment for disruptive behavior, for instance, riots. When released from prison, they

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Qualities of a Friend Essay Example for Free

The Qualities of a Friend Essay Friends can come in different personalities, shapes, and forms. Someone could have a friend that is shy or outspoken. But to be a friend one must have certain qualities to be considered a friend. A friend must be trustworthy, honest, and loyal. One of the main qualities of a friend is to be trustworthy. To be trustworthy means that one would be able to tell the other secrets without worrying, that the friend would go and tell someone else the secret. Without trust, a friendship would not last. There would be drama and issues between the two where the friendship would crumble and would make the two hate each other. For a friendship to have trust and it lasts is one of the best things one could ask from a friend. Another quality a friend should have is honesty. Honesty means to be honest and to never tell a lie. If a friend has this quality one should keep them close by because they are dependable. An honest friend would not keep someone in the cold; they would always tell the other the truth. For example, if one asked the other about a decision that the other made if it was the right or wrong choice, that friend would give an honest answer. So being honest is one key factor of being a friend. Lastly, another quality is to be loyal. To be loyal means to never turn one’s back on the other; he or she would never leave the other behind. A loyal friend will always be on the side of the other and never leave the other behind. One could have done something selfishly, but if that friend has loyalty then he would still be a friend. Loyalty is a must if one would like to be considered a true friend. When people gain a friend in life that person will not be perfect. He will have many flaws just as anyone else. But for that person to be a great friend he or she would have these three qualities: to be trustworthy, to be honest, and to be loyal.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Terrorism Essays: We Need the United Nations :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

We Need the United Nations in Our War Against Terror The United Nations has often been criticized, but events after the terrorist attack of September 11 show how essential it is to international peace and security. The United Nations Security Council, in particular, has proved its value in the present crisis. To combat terrorism, and specifically Osama bin Laden's network and the governments of Iran, Iraq, North Korea and other countries, a broad and diverse coalition is necessary. President Bush quickly realized that the active cooperation of other countries, including Muslim countries, was essential to the intelligence and policy work needed to find terrorists and destroy their networks. The support of these countries was also important to avoid a severe political backlash against the use of military force in Afghanistan. To secure such cooperation and support, country-by-country negotiations were necessary, but they were not sufficient. The campaign against terrorism needed to be rendered legitimate in the eyes of the world - particularly in countries whose governments and people are suspicious of the United States. Unilateral American action could have too easily been portrayed as lashing-out by the powerful "hegemon" at the expense of the poor and the weak. To be legitimate, action had to be authorized collectively, in a public forum representing the whole world. No such forum exists except the Security Council of the United Nations. Its fifteen members currently include three Muslim countries - Bangladesh, Mali, and Tunisia. Hence unanimous resolutions by the Security Council belie the claim that efforts against terrorism are "anti-Muslim." The Security Council has passed two unanimous resolutions on terrorism since September 11. Meeting in New York the very next day, it adopted Resolution 1368, which unequivocally condemned the terrorist attacks on the United States, and called on the international community to redouble its "efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts." Resolution 1368 also referred to the "inherent right of individual or collective self-defense," in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. In effect, it declared that military action by the United States against those responsible for the attacks would be lawful. Last Friday, September 28, the Security Council passed a more specific and equally far-reaching resolution, Resolution 1373. In this resolution it acted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which gives the Security Council authority to order states to carry out "the measures decided upon by the Security Council.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Unbundled Business Models: Arm’s Focus on IP

This is my first not-technical blog post more towards the business side which I know very little about but still worth trying. I will be discussing the â€Å"unbundled business model† and why ARM is focusing only on designing IP cores. I came across the term unbundled business model in a book called â€Å"Business model generation† by Alexander OsterWalder and Yves Pigneur. Which is a fantastic book and they really take the reader through the entire planning process of a business or business model generation. As most electronic engineers will be aware, ARM holdings which stands for Advanced RISC Machines (Acorn RISC Machines at time of foundation) is a British Intellectual Property licensing company. So basically they license their proprietary processor cores to semiconductor companies like Apple, texas instruments, Freescale, Qualcomm, NVIDIA etc. These cores are specifically popular in mobile computing because of their low power consumption characteristics. In fact almost all of the recent smart phone processors are based on an ARM core. Err I guess we are diverting to electronics again, coming back to the company. So the company has a unique business model, unlike other semiconductor companies like Intel or microchip who design and manufacture their processors. ARM is specialized in designing the barebones of the processor, the core (which technically is a bunch of hardware synthesis files containing thousands of lines of Verilog code, or any other language) and gives out this code to semiconductor companies to let them manufacture their own customized processor. Unbundling Business Models: The term â€Å"unbundled corporation† was coined by John Hagel and Marc Singer and it suggests that there are three types of businesses: Customer Relationship businesses, product innovation businesses and Infrastructure businesses. These sectors require different skill sets are separate entities of a corporation or ideally a separate business itself. The role of Customer Relationship business is acquiring customer and building relationships with them. Similarly product innovation businesses are involved in development of new products and services, while the role of infrastructure businesses is to manage the platform for high volume, repetitive tasks like assembly lines, logistics etc. ARM can be effectively placed into the product innovation category; they are focused on development of their IP cores for which they are well-known for. This keeps the company’s operations aligned with the target which is to build low-power high performance cores. Their business is centered on engineers, talented and creative minds which design their products and keep them ahead of the competition. Customers are not their focus, well at least not directly, customer relationship are taken care at multiple levels by the chip manufacturer, the equipment manufacturer and then the end-user company. This is a win-win situation as the result is a better product and customer satisfaction. Another company which recently unbundled the business is Dell Inc. hich shifted its focus from manufacturing to customer relationship and marketing. Reason being contract manufacturers like Clevo produce computers more cheaply as their entire focus is on finding efficiencies in manufacturing. This means Dell can focus on the brand and building customer relationship which is a much more robust business plan. It is the basic question â€Å"What business are we in? † and finding what is the key business activity. If we try to manage activities across too broad a waterfront, we run a risk of losing our edge across more and more of his waterfront. The business model has worked out well for ARM and in year 2010, 6. 1 billion ARM based chips were sold. ARM’s goal is to have ARM-based processors in more than half of all tablets, mini-notebooks and other mobile PCs sold by 2015. Leave your comments below about what you think about the ARM business model and by the way check out my project Portoscope an open source mini oscilloscope, it runs on an ARM based processor

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advance Marketing Research Essay

When dealing with marketing research the essential parts are linking the consumer, customer and the public through various ways of getting information to the marketer. The two vital parts of marketing research is the problem identification research and problem solving research. (Malhotra 2010). The NFL is a sport, which is dominated by men for many years, only recently has the NFL recognize the potential audience in women. They are now acting quickly so they can capture the different segment market to cash in and also to make women more aware and appeal about the sport. The underlining point to the market research question is how does the NFL market the league to women adequately. Marketing research can help address the matter of effectively marketing the league and finding out the role of marketing research when dealing with NFL. The key role of marketing research is to acquire vital information so they can react to the markets offerings, which is to market the NFL league to women. Marketing research measures the information needed and even delivers NFL with valid, relevant, reliable and current actionable information for helpful research purposes. With the absence of marketing research, it is worth taking note that the NFL might have adverse effects with incorrect management decisions, which can later be costly. In essence for improved decision making it is vital that market research has a role to play. Question 2 A management decision problem confronts the decision maker to make a decision as in what to do. The NFL wants to increase the market penetration in the female segment; in this case the management has to decide what angle should they move in to gain market penetration in the female segment. The decision that the management should make is to change the advertisement slots, which should focus on more female oriented products or brands in conjunction with the NFL. This will attract, appeal and increase the chance of women watching the NFL league hence: Should the NFL change or alter their current advertisement pattern? Question 3 When decision makers are concerned with making possible actions it is information oriented that a marketing research problem is formed (Malhotra  2010). When dealing with the marketing research problem in the case of NFL, it is fundamental that the company must invest heavily therefore the NFL should undertake the following MRP: Promotional advertisements such as traditional and non-traditional forms of media to seize the attention of potential females who might become a potential follower and customer. Basically the marketing research problem is should the NFL invest heavily on advertising and promotional campaigns. It is important that the NFL should research exactly which media channels will be the most effective tools to campaign towards the female segment. This can be done through survey questions, interviews, focus groups and online surveys. Question 4 Research questions are refined statements of the specific components of the problem Research Question 1: Do females pay attention to Advertisement? Hypothesis H1: Females watch television during their free time H2: Females do not watch television during their past time. Research Question 2: Is magazine a good medium to advertise NFL to the female segmentation? H1: Females buys magazines regularly H2: Females does not read magazines regularly Research Question 3: Does female lifestyle suit the NFL’s environment? H1: Female lifestyle can be influence by NFL advertisements to watch the sport H2: Female lifestyle does not match the behavior of the NFL Reference List Gershberg, M. (2006) NFL studies what women fans want| Reuters. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 25 July 2012]. Goldberg, S. (2006) Why the NFL Struggles to Attract Female Fans. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 28 July 2012]. Malhotra, N. (2010) Marketing Research : An Applied Orientation. 6th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, p.1 – 74. Reed, k. and Staff, G. (2004) Making sure ads play to women, too – The Boston Globe. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 July 2012].

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

David Pham Tran Essays (252 words) - Microbiology, Bacteriology

David Pham Tran Essays (252 words) - Microbiology, Bacteriology David Pham Tran Biology 10H Park View High School Sterling, VA THE NUMBER OF COLONIES GROW FROM THE BACTERIA COLLECTED FROM DIIFERENT LOCATIONS IN SCHOOL The purpose of this experiment was to test the colony counts of bacteria after growing them in the same amount of time. The hypothesis of this experiment is if bacteria are collected from different locations in school, then the colony counts of bacteria will be the same. The independent variables of this project were the different locations in school that bacteria were being collected from. The dependent variable was the number of colonies that grew from the bacteria. The control group is was the cafeteria table since it was constantly wiped. Bacteria is a major group inside of every living organism, but they are very small. Bacteria are among the smallest living objects. Humans and animals are surrounded and living among bacteria. Most of the time they are not visible to our "naked eyes". The bacteria would be collected and apply to the nutrient agar, wait a week to collect the data after it completely grow. The most important finding was to see if the averages of the groups are slightly the same. The mean of this project is 32 colonies. The p-value of this experiment was 0.05, approximately 0.033. The alternative hypothesis was not supported. Comparing to the control group, the independent variables did affect the dependent variables. The limited time also affected the experiment because more time was needed to analyze the bacteria.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Consultant and Client Communication Strategies

Consultant and Client Communication Strategies Businesses depend heavily on consultants who are useful in carrying out technical problems or tasks that arise in an organization. Consultants are usually specialists with skills, experience and knowledge used to drive a particular business activity. They oversee the implementation of a business activity that the organisation was unable to carry out or lacked the expertise and the manpower.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Consultant and Client Communication Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Strategic planning is part of change and consultants are seen as the drivers of change in organisations. In general, consultants provide solutions to manage problems by carrying out operations towards a specific function. The report is based on the marketing department that has sought consultancy in coming up with a strategy that seeks a new market for its products. The report develops strategies that can be use d to develop effective client relationships with the marketing department. It also gives the importance of having an effective client and consultant relationships. Lastly, it provides supporting research on how client consulting relationships can be maintained. Strategies for developing effective client and consultant relationships Effective client and consultant relationships are usually developed through various strategies. Close interaction and communication between the parties bonds the relationship. This builds trust, transparency, and emotional confidence among other attributes which are necessary in building effective communication. The bond that is build on trust based on communication is lasts longer as both the client and the consultant feel free around each other and are more likely to be more open. Providing the best solution and responding quickly when a problem arises deepens the relationship between the two parties. This has been supported by LaBonte and Necessary (20 07) who note that relationships are build on the value and commitment a consultant brings and has in ensuring the client’s business succeeds. This kind of strategy can be adopted to ensure an effective clients-consultant relationship is developed and maintained. Socializing with the clients outside the office which is a more open space deepens the relationships. This can be realised through dinner arrangements or attending of social functions where the client and the consultant interact. However, when using this kind of strategy it is advisable to be aware of the policies that guide the client as far as gifting and entertainment is concerned.Advertising Looking for research paper on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is because some companies have laws and ethical policies that prohibit gifts and dinners or they have limitations on the two. This way the consultant becomes aware and does not end up crossing boundaries that may jeopardize the relationship. Importance of an effective client and consultant relationship Client and consultant relationship is the association that exists between the client and the consultant (Briggs, 2010).The success of an operation that an organisation is seeking consultancy on, depends on the relationship quality that exists between the consultant and the business unit. This is achieved through proper open communication and understanding between the parties involved. According to Kubr and International Labour office (2002) the success depends on client and the consultants and they should be aware of the factors that may have effect on their relationship so as to avoid any errors that may occur in the process and jeopardize the working of the two. If the relationship between the client and the consultant is not effective, then the goals of the consulting would not be achieved in first place. Wrangles and costs are reduced if the cli ents and consultants involved collaborate and work together with an understanding. This benefits both the client and the consultants as the parties can achieve their goals. Effective relationship builds the emotional confidence and trust between the client and the consultant. This increases the rate at which the consultant can effectively use their expertise to come up with the solution being sought. For example, a client and consultant relationship that is not based on trust and emotional confidence has the likelihood of not being effectively executed. However, if the trust and emotional confidence levels are high, then a vehicle that determines future decisions that the consultant may make regarding the solutions to particular issue is realised. The relationship establishes a credibility that benefits the consultants and the clients (LaBonte Necessary, 2007). This is because the client is able to get the required services from the consultant thus strengthening the business throug h the offered expertise. The consultant gets a job and executes it well improving the functionality of the company as well as restoring the reputation. Because of the good service offered the consultant can be recommended to do the same or related task to the same company or another. Lastly, the survival of consulting firms depends on the interaction between the client and the consultant (Briggs, 2010). This means that a consultant has to play great role in ensuring that clients remain faithful and loyal. However, the relationship is mutually shared by the two parties.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Consultant and Client Communication Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Supporting research on managing client consulting relationships Managing the relationship between client and consultant is not always easy (Kabur International labour Office, 2002). Proper interactions and communications manage cli ent consulting relationships. By being result oriented manages the consulting relations. This is supported by a case study between the city of Winnipeg and Deloitte. By making the operations applications effective, efficient, and a success, the management of the City of Winnipeg praised the success terming the work as excellent (Briggs, 2010). From the case study it is clear that Deloitte was able to understand the environment, get committed and collaborate ensuring that the assignment was a success. This kind of relationships that results to success indicates how client consulting relationships can be managed. If the client had another job, the probability of giving it to Deloitte remains high because of the good work the company did. By overcoming the challenges that City of Winnipeg faced and working with style based on open communication, a closer manageable relationship between the two parties was achieved (Briggs, 2010). This encouraged the upkeep of client consulting relation ship. In conclusion, consultants are important and their expertise, skills, knowledge, skills and experience are important in problem solving or strategic planning. The relationship that exists between the client and consultant can be developed through open communication and interaction. Building trust and confidence also ensures that the relationship develops effectively. A consultant can deepen and develop a relationship through socialization process with the clients. It can also be achieved by bringing value and being committed to the success of the company. The relationship between client and consultant is important because it ensures the success of the company. It also builds trust and confidence between the two parties as well as reducing extra costs. Lastly, it makes sure that both the client and consultant are credible in their field. The consulting relationship can be managed through commitment, learning the environment and collaborating with the client.Advertising Looking for research paper on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference List Biggs, D. (2010). Management consulting: A guide for students. Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA. LaBonte, T., Necessary, M. (2007). Stand firm in quest for true data. 52-53. Web. Kubr, M., International Labour Office. (2002). Management consulting: A guide to the profession. Geneva: ILO.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The True Story of David Ghantt and the Loomis Fargo Heist

The True Story of David Ghantt and the Loomis Fargo Heist SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips On the evening of October 4, 1997, one man loaded $17.3 million in cash from the vaults of Loomis, Fargo Co. into the back of a van. When he was done, the man drove off to a nearby printing press, where the money was distributed into private vehicles amongst a handful of people. Pocketing $50,000 for himself, that man, named David Ghantt, hopped into a car of his own and headed towards Mexico. David Scott Ghantt: Vault Supervisor David Scott Ghantt was the vault supervisor at the regional branch of Loomis, Fargo Co. in Charlotte, North Carolina. Before he decided to steal $17 million from the bank, Ghantt had worked for years as a relatively taciturn and compliant employee. Bubbling under the surface, however, was a deep frustration at the way he was treated. Said Ghantt, â€Å"... one day life kinda slapped me in the face. I was working sometimes 75-80 hours a week at $8.15 an hour. I didn’t even have a real home life because I was never there. I was working all the time and unhappy†¦ I felt cornered and one day the joking in the break room about robbing the place suddenly didn’t seem so far-fetched.† Ghantt was joking in the breakroom with fellow Loomis Fargo employee Kelly Campbell. The two struck up a friendship during work that would continue after Campbell left the company. The jokes between Ghantt and Campbell about their disgruntlement with their jobs took on a more serious note when Campbell introduced Ghantt to an old high school classmate of hers named Steve Chambers. According to Campbell, Chambers could help Ghantt execute a massive cash robbery of the vault at Loomis Fargo in one night. Fed up, exhausted, and seeing a way out, Ghantt agreed. The Loomis Fargo Heist Over the next months, Ghantt, Campbell, and Chambers developed a plan. Working by himself, Ghantt would commit the robbery and then flee for Mexico, leaving the bulk of the cash with Chambers. While Ghantt waited for the heat from the robbery to die down, Chambers would send Ghantt small amounts of money. Eventually, Ghantt would return to the United States and the full sum would be split up between the conspirators. On the night of October 4, the plan went into action. Ghantt sent home a new employee and quickly loaded the money into the back of a bank van. After meeting up with Chambers, Campbell, and some other co-conspirators, Ghantt hightailed it to Mexico with $50,000 in cash in his car. He made it across the border just as his deception was discovered. Loomis Fargo Heist Investigation: David Ghantt, Suspect The morning after the height, employees of Loomis Fargo realized they couldn’t open the vault. They called the police, who brought in the FBI, classifying the heist as a bank robbery. From the beginning, the FBI’s prime suspect was David Ghantt. Not only was Ghantt the only unaccounted for employee the morning after the heist, there was also footage of Ghantt moving the cash into the back of the Loomis Fargo van. Two days after the heist, the FBI found the missing van with $3.3 million of cash left in it. Ghantt and his compatriots, it turns out, had underestimated how bulky money is. They left behind the cash they couldn’t fit in their cars. The FBI quickly connected Ghantt to Campbell, who was a former Loomis Fargo employee. The connection to Chambers took more time. Anonymous tips had the FBI monitoring Chambers’ calls. Eventually, Ghantt called in from Mexico, seeking more money, and the FBI officially recognized Chambers as a co-conspirator. Chambers, it turned out, became the biggest source of evidence for the FBI. In addition to his phone calls with Ghantt, Chambers began extravagantly spending the money, even though the co-conspirators had agreed to lay low for a year or two. Together with his wife, Chambers bought a new luxury home (upgrading from his mobile home), a BMW Z3, and some extravagant furnishings. Chambers’ wife, Michelle, bought a minivan in cash and began taking frequent trips to the bank to make deposits. While she made small deposits at first, she became more reckless, eventually making a deposit of thousands of dollars in cash, telling the teller not to worry: â€Å"It’s not drug money.† No Honor Among Thieves Across the border in Mexico, Ghantt was also living it up. He stayed at a luxury hotel and took scuba diving lesson. Having only brought $50,000 in cash, however, Ghantt soon found himself short on funds. When Ghantt called Chambers to have the latter wire him more money, Chambers sent just a few thousand dollars. As the FBI listened in to Chambers’ calls, they discovered that he was also planning to have Ghantt assassinated, hoping to keep all the money for himself. The FBI knew they needed to make their move. On March 1, 1988, Mexican police arrested Ghantt at Playa del Carmen. The next day, the Chambers’, Campbell, and some other notable parties were arrested in Charlotte. Ten days later, the group was indicted for bank larceny and money laundering. Thirteen friends and family members were also charged with money laundering, as they had helped Ghantt, Chambers, Campbell, and the others deposit money illegally. All of the defendants except for one pleaded guilty and accepted their sentences. Some of the friends and family members received parole, while Ghantt was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. He completed his prison sentence in November 2006. Loomis Fargo Heist: Legacy The Loomis Fargo heist became something of a media lightning rod. The details of the heist itself, coupled with the missteps the crew made after stealing the money, attracted the attention of writers and movie producers. A comedy film called Masterminds, based on the Loomis Fargo heist and starring Zach Galifianakis, Kristen Wiig, Owen Wilson, and Jason Sudeikis, was released in 2016. David Ghantt attended the premiere. What's Next? Learning about US history? If so,check out some of these books on our AP History Exam reading list. One of the best ways to learn more about U.S. history is to make sure you’re taking history classes. Most high schools offer a variety of history classes, so make sure you’re taking the right ones for you. Did you know that the SAT offers subject exams, too? This article will teach you more about the SAT subject tests and help you decide whether you should take them.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critically appraise the value of the concept of 'inequality regimes' Essay

Critically appraise the value of the concept of 'inequality regimes' for understanding workplace inequalities - Essay Example They pathetically fail to understand the complex and intricate connectivity and linkages between the traditional and largely popular instruments of inequality that is gender, race and class (Ozbilgin ed. 2009). The notion of ‘inequality regimes’ exposes the intersectionality of the traditional modes and models of oppression resting on the foundations of gender, race and class (Acker 2006). The astuteness of this concept originates from its premise that the varied and isolated modes of oppression are in fact interrelated and connected, thereby perpetuating and propagating a system of oppression that escapes correction and rectification by virtue of its intricacy and cumbersomeness (Acker 2006). Once the co-relatedness of the individual and discrete forms of oppression and inequality is established and realized, it paves the way for identifying and isolating the barriers and impediments to the task of establishing equality at the workplace (Collins 2000). The limiting factor associated with the concept of inequality regimes is that it delves and elaborates on the inequalities rampant and practised at the workplace. According to Acker (2006), â€Å"inequality regimes are the interlocked practices and processes that result in continuing inequalities in all work organizations.† A more plausible line of argument would be that the realization and cognition of a situation of inequality is always associated with the complete life experience of women and coloured people (Acker 2000). The complete life experience includes both the professional and domestics life situations of the affected individuals and groups. However, pragmatically speaking, workplace represents the most appropriate venue for studying inequalities because not only a wide range of inequalities originate in organizations, but professional hubs also present a plausible and unique opportunity to trace the genesis and proliferation of inequalities in a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nectar Fruit Juices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nectar Fruit Juices - Essay Example During the analyses of different elements and factors, there have been several recommendations made which can be beneficial for the officials of NFJ to discuss, follow, and execute them in their December 2011 meeting. One of the main recommendations made in the light of analysis is the introduction of more flavors of nectar fruit juices that intrigue more of the children under 15 years of age, as the analysis has shown majority of the NFJ users to be under 15 years of age. The report will be consisting of 5 sections in total (including the section 1 of introduction). Second section will be presenting analyses of the data collected through the collection of answers of the questions, where the questions will be discussed and analyzed one by one. Third section will be presenting different options that may be considered by the management for key decision making purposes. The fourth section will be presenting the validity of this analysis and describing the use of this report for future r eferences. The final section will conclude the report and will provide general recommendations. 2. Results and analysis This section will present the findings and analysis based upon the answers taken from all the surveyed students. The section will analyze the questions one by one in the form of subsections, where the results will also be mentioned. 2.1. Racial or ethnic group: The students who were chosen to take part in the questionnaire were of different ethnicities as they mentioned in their survey forms. The final data collected from that scheme has been provided in the form of a pie chart below in figure 1: Figure 1: students’ ethnic groups The figure shows that more than half the students were white or European, as the survey was being filled in a European country. Therefore it was highly likely that majority of the participants will belong to the white community. The second major number participants were the Asians. This is because of the immigration of more than 100 million Asians who are residing in different countries of Europe and its normal perception of Asian people to take part in the social activities in Europe. Other people belonged to West Indian, African, or other ethnicities. 2.2. Ratio of male to female participants: As the graph in figure 2 suggests, the ratio of male to female participants who filled the surveys was nearly 55:45, which means almost an equal number of males and females invited to participate and give their views about NFJ. Figure 2: Male to female ratio of participants. 2.3. Drinks per week by the groups: The data shows different age limits and their consumption of drinks on weekly basis. The data shows the average number of drinks that are consumed by the people of different ages. Referring to the figure 3 given below, the people between 6 to 10 years of age consume the largest number of nectar fruit juices, as this suggests that the children are more intrigued by the tastes and flavors in which these juices are available in the market. Figure 3: Percentage of drinks per week groups The figure also shows that the children of 1 to 5 years of age, as well as the teenage from 11 to 20 years of age also consume NFJ more on weekly basis compared to those who are more than 21 years of age. Another important finding in this graph is that around 13% of the people have claimed to never use the nectar fruit juices. There are two points that this analysis will lead the managers to think about. First one is that

Cost of capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cost of capital - Essay Example e returns to the company and the risks involved in the investment on purchasing the supplier has to be analysed and this process is known as the investment appraisal. Investment Appraisal is defined as; â€Å"Evaluation of the attractiveness of an investment proposal, using methods such as internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), or payback period (PP). Investment appraisal is an integral part of capital budgeting, and is applicable to areas even where the returns may not be easily quantifiable such as personnel, marketing, and training† (Gotze, Northcott, & Schuster, 2009, p24). Payback period, as the name indicates, computes the time taken for the project to generate cash flows to break even. In other words, it is the number of years that will be taken by the project to pay back the initial investment to the company (Emery, 2007). The payback period for this proposal is found to be 4 years (4 * $ 500,000). Net Present Value utilizes the discounted cash flows and computes the total worth of the project to the company. The cash flow estimates for the life of the project are discounted to present values and the net sum of the cash flows (including any outflows) provides the Net Present Value of the project (Gillespie, Lewis, & Hamilton, 1997). It indicates that the project will increase the worth of the company by this value. In this case, the NPV of the proposal is computed as shown below: The cost of capital in most cases is volatile and changes during the life of the project. This can affect the returns and the Net Present Value computed during the project start up. The internal rate of return is used to compute a maximum discount rate that can be applied to the project without incurred any losses and gives an indication of the margin of safety of the project (Emery, 2007). IRR calculation works on trial and error basis. Initially the NPV for an assumed rate is determined and based on this value; another rate is selected so that the new NPV

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social Thought and Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Thought and Social Change - Essay Example Several theorists have contributed to the comprehensive view of social change, not confining the understanding of social change as associated with globalization alone. Of these theorists come three of the pillars of sociology, whose thoughts have been applied even today. These theorists include Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. Their concepts might have some strands of divergence, yet these concepts were converged to forming a single praxis for academic integration. According to Daniel Bell (1999 cited in Kalantzis & Kope, 2008), a sociologist from Harvard University, â€Å"post-industrial society† is a term coined to refer to â€Å"new principles of innovations, new modes of social organization, and [the emergence of the] new classes in society†¦ [highly featuring] the codification of theoretical knowledge and the new relation of science to technology.† In addition, the post-industrial society is also characterized by a rapid-growing service sector with a focus on information dissemination and modern technological drives that utilize extensively human knowledge and not human muscles (Bell, 1973, p.127). During Marx’s time, the dominating classes involved in the production system are the proletariats and the bourgeoisie, with the latter own the means of production. In the post-industrial society, a large and a growing number of workers are working not in factories of goods production but in service industries, all of wh ich are using their intellects and technical capabilities instead of physical strength. This class of workers, most are professionals, are what Bell calls the new class.

Joseph Mallord William Turner i Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Joseph Mallord William Turner i - Research Paper Example Turner’s drawings were topographical in character, and his technique was traditional to imitate the best English masters who existed at that time (Townsend & Turner, 1996). He started working for various magazines in 1794 and got a job to make elaborations of many unfinished drawings that had been started by John Robert Cozen, who was a landscape painter (Shane & Turner, 2004). The magazines he was working for at this time were the Pocket magazine and the Copperplate Magazine that were popular and the England citizens. It was through the influence of the deceased landscape writer, Cozen and Richard Wilson from Wales that Turner was able to become more imaginative and poetic in his landscapes (Turner & Bockemuhl, 2005). At the Royal Academy, he went through various exhibitions for his watercolors and oil painting. The greatest of all watercolors that Turner made was the Fishermen at sea back in 1796. It had a moonlight scene and earned a lot of acknowledgement from critics as an original critical mind. At the age of 24, elections took place and he became an associate of the Royal Academy and later upgraded to become an academician three years later (Ackroyd & Turner, 2006). In 1800, Turner started a small studio in London and four years later opened a private gallery. In addition, he made trips in search of inspiration visiting various countries such as Wales and Scotland among others. He made more than five hundred drawings during his tour in Switzerland and France and studied the old Masters that is found in Louvre. In 180, Turner started his enterprise whose focus was publishing plates that referred to as Lober Sturdiorum (Turner & Bockemuhl. 2005). His main aim was to have full documentation of great variety and range of watercolors and landscapes. He had a few engravers on board though he did most of the work in supervision

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Social Thought and Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Thought and Social Change - Essay Example Several theorists have contributed to the comprehensive view of social change, not confining the understanding of social change as associated with globalization alone. Of these theorists come three of the pillars of sociology, whose thoughts have been applied even today. These theorists include Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. Their concepts might have some strands of divergence, yet these concepts were converged to forming a single praxis for academic integration. According to Daniel Bell (1999 cited in Kalantzis & Kope, 2008), a sociologist from Harvard University, â€Å"post-industrial society† is a term coined to refer to â€Å"new principles of innovations, new modes of social organization, and [the emergence of the] new classes in society†¦ [highly featuring] the codification of theoretical knowledge and the new relation of science to technology.† In addition, the post-industrial society is also characterized by a rapid-growing service sector with a focus on information dissemination and modern technological drives that utilize extensively human knowledge and not human muscles (Bell, 1973, p.127). During Marx’s time, the dominating classes involved in the production system are the proletariats and the bourgeoisie, with the latter own the means of production. In the post-industrial society, a large and a growing number of workers are working not in factories of goods production but in service industries, all of wh ich are using their intellects and technical capabilities instead of physical strength. This class of workers, most are professionals, are what Bell calls the new class.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Peak Oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Peak Oil - Essay Example This essay declares that peak oil is a state in which the maximum oil production is recorded. After peak oil, the production may start to decline which is not a good sign for either the oil producers or the users. Global economy is heavily dependent on oil prices. Automobiles are essential for the transportation of goods to keep a balance between the supply and demand. Supply and demand determines the economic growth of the global community. Substitutes for oil must be researched and developed without any time delay. At the same time new technologies must be developed in order to utilize the distant offshore oil resources economically, which are expensive at present because of lack of feasible technologies to utilize it. Oil is the blood of global economy. As our body or life cannot survive without blood, the global economy also cannot survive without oil or alternative energy sources. This paper makes a conclusion that peak oil is not a good scenario either of the oil producing countries or others. Though peak oil may bring temporary benefits to the oil producing countries, their economy will be suffered in the long run. For example, most of the Gulf countries are depending oil revenue for their economic growth. These countries don’t have much other resources and the oil resource exhausting may not be a good sign for them. Even though, most of the global community are anxious about the future of the world because of the exhausting oil resources, environmentalists consider the peak oil situation as a blessing to the human population.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Themes in Othello Essay Example for Free

Themes in Othello Essay What are the major themes we have encountered in William Shakespeares Othello, so far in the play? Excellent wretch; Peridition atch my soul But I do love thee: and when I love thee not, Chaos is come again. - Othello. There are many complex themes in Othello; it is a play full of very diverse characters. This contrast of characters gives the text its many themes and in turn, makes it a very interesting and compelling play. Love Whenever I think of this text and its themes, there is one that always stands out in my mind; love. Whether it is the marital love between Othello and Desdemona, or the unrequited love Roderigo has for Desdemona, it is something that heavily features throughout this play. Where we see love most often depicted, is the love between Desdemona and Othello, and the problems it causes. Carol Thomas Neely supports this idea that marital love is one of the main themes in the play, and that because of this the primary conflict is between men and women. Jealousy It is clear to see that the fire behind numerous conflicts in this text is jealousy. It is one of the primary reasons that Iago is so persistent in his destruction of Othello, and why Roderigo is so willing to help Iago in his scheming ploys. In my opinion, Iago displays the most jealous tendencies right from the start, stemming from the fact that Othello chose Cassio for the job of lieutenant, and not him. I know my price, I am worth no worse a place. It might also have something do to with Iago thinking that Othello has slept with his wife; Emilia. I hate the Moor And it is thought abroad that Itwixt my sheets Has done my office. I know not if it be true; Yet I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety. D. R. Godfrey examines the portrayal of jealousy in Othello, and states that Iago exhibits an all encompassing jealousy and because of this Iago becomes the most completely villainous character in all literature. Racism What a full fortune does the thick lips owe if he can carryt thus. This is one of the many racist slurs Iago uses when referring to Othello throughout the play. Othello is black, so I was expecting racism to be a relatively prominent theme, due to the time that this is set in. However, thick lips is a stereotypical view of someone from black origin, yet Othello is shown to be a hero; honest and honourable, which would have been quite startling to the Elizabethan audience, considering that black people in plays were always portrayed as villains. It is clear to see that Shakespeare challenges racial stereotypes right the way through this piece, something that Ruth Cowhig supports. She says that Shakespeares depiction of Othello as a noble character was challenging stereotypes. The majority of racism spoken throughout this text undoubtedly comes from Iago. Whenever he is talking ill of Othello, he refers to him as The Moor. Ruth Cowhig also writes about racism being another of the primary reasons for Iagos hatred towards him. Manipulation Iago makes manipulation another of the prominent themes. He uses it constantly in a bid to get whatever he wants, as a means of belittling people and to put a smoke screen up so that no-one suspects he has ulterior motives. The language he uses helps him manipulate people to the full extent. He comes across as very loyal and honest, even though the reading audience knows he is scheming. I should be wise, for honestys a fool, and loses that it works for Here, he is saying that being honest is a bad thing, and that he will not be honest again. Of course he is referring to what he has been telling Othello about Cassio and Desdemona. He manipulates Roderigo on numerous occasions, but no- one does he manipulate as much as Othello. Iago picks and picks away at him until he is so insecure he contemplates awful deeds. The consequences of Iagos manipulation become abhorrent in Act Three, Scene Three. Avaunt, be gone: Thou has set me on the rack: I swear tis better to be much abused, than but to knowt a little. Othello comes across as a broken man, and its all down to Iagos manipulation and lies. Kenneth Muir believes that the reason Othello believes Iagos lies so easily, is because he is already insecure and allows himself to be influenced by him. The four themes I have chosen to write about; Love, Racism, Manipulation and Jealousy, in my opinion, best display the texts complexity. It is a piece full of characters that, at some point, will display at least one of these themes. Shakespeares use of these themes and how he applies them to each character has made Othello one of the greatest pieces of literature ever to appear in the literary world. I am not what I am. This extremely provocative quote by Othello sums up not only himself, but much of the play as well. No-body is completely as they appear, thus bringing up the question of what exactly is Iago? An avenging angel possibly, come to show people their true selves? Bibliography Othello: Jealousy. Shakespeare for Students. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1998 Othello: Race. Shakespeare for Students. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Mabillard, Amanda. Othello Analysis. Shakespeare Online. 19 Mar. 2000. Word Count- 988 words. Samantha Gibson Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Occupational Therapy Reflective Essay

Occupational Therapy Reflective Essay â€Å"I’m an occupational therapist, an obscure profession if there ever was one. We are few and far between, maybe because we have chosen toserve people with disabilities. All disabilities. Not a glamorous endeavour, nor a lucrative one. And I say serve because we deem that in helping we see weakness, while in servingwe see wholeness. We’ve opted for wholeness nearly a century ago and have been at odds with the system ever since. We don’t fix people, you see: with them, we simply try to find a way tomeaning,balance, andjustice. I chose occupational therapy because it blendsscienceandhumanism,intellectual rigourandcompassion.† — Rachel Thibeault (fromOccupational Therapists without Borders)1 Occupational Therapy First Year Portfolio Task A year ago, I was in my final year at high school and studying for finals. Now, I am a first year Occupational Therapy (OT) student at the University of Witwatersrand who is getting ready for her end of year exams, scary stuff! But I can’t complain when I think back on how much I’ve learned this past year and how it has impacted me when I think about my future. At the core of it, this year has taught me that OT is not what I thought it was. Yes, I had an idea of what an OT does in terms of activities but I was not aware of what it would take to get to the same point as the OT’s who I had observed during my time job shadowing in my matric year. I’ve learned a lot during this first year and I now have a deeper understanding of the career path that I am pursuing- what it will demand from me, how it will influence the lives of others through me, the scope of OT and what I need to know to not only be good as an OT, but to be a great OT. It has me anxious about the mountainous path looming ahead and passionate to reach the finish line all at the same time. In talking about the mountains that I see rising ahead of me, I thought that I would reflect on the mountains that I have already crossed and how they impacted my grasp of OT and how it helped me to link the theory to the clinical uses. The first mountain was Problem Based Learning (PBL) which actually grounded me in order to prepare me for the much larger mountain: Fieldwork. One of the first lectures that we had was on PBL’s, problem based learning. And to say that I took the concept for granted and wrote PBL’s off as time-wasters would be correct. So when I realised just how helpful and beneficial PBL groups could be, I was all in. PBL’s have taught me the importance of working as a group, time-management, designation of tasks, following certain steps in order to reach a set goal and understanding different concepts from a first-look evaluation and then comparing this to theory or researched constructs.6 This form of methodology can be defined as a teaching and learning strategy where students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving.6 During this process students learn about thinking strategies and gain knowledge and insight into the topic. PBL teaches us to think critically rather than to draw superficial conclusions. Our first problem in PBL prepared me for what OT is, the background into OT and the profess ional environments of an OT. PBL taught me that occupations are daily activities that reflect cultural values, provide structure to living, make appropriate use of an individual’s time and give meaning to their lives.8 Occupation could also be said to be ‘ordinary and familiar’,4 thus it is the nature of the occupation that gives it purpose and meaning. 4 Even Occupational Therapy was better explained to me once I had combined my new knowledge with that of our textbook: Occupational Therapy can be accomplished through the teaching, facilitation and maintenance of skills, the encouragement of engagement in â€Å"purposeful activity† 2 and in â€Å"occupation† 2 so that a person can reach his/her optimal level of function†. 3 OT is both an art and a science which uses occupation as both a means and an end in therapy, both in individual and group therapies, to enable people, families and communities in a wide range of settings. 7 This is a lot more in-depth and complicated than I ever suspected it could be. I think that I was under the impression that occupation meant ‘work’ like so many others believe. And even in knowing and understanding this, I still battle to explain it to people. I even have a friend who calls OT’s glorified housewives who love to garden! One thing that has become clear to me, studying our Problems in PBL, sitting through our Psychology and Sociology classes and studying OT this past year- OT is very holistic. Never is a patient defined by their symptoms and OT’s tend to study every aspect of a person’s life before drawing conclusions or beginning therapy. The word ‘holistic’ has come to mean many things to me this year, but none more than that a person’s characteristics areâ€Å"intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole†.9 Once I had gained the theoretical knowledge about OT, I was more than ready to start with the fieldwork part of the year. I was placed at Thambo Memorial Hospital in Boksburg for four mornings over three weeks. The patient that I was assigned to was diagnosed with deep partial thickness burns with an amputated lower left arm from the elbow. But aside from my patient I was able to observe my Fourth Year with her other patients, was able to ask her questions and even assist in certain assessments, treatments and activities. This was a completely different experience to the one that I had had when I job shadowed at the same hospital a year before. As an outsider and someone who is not aware of what OT truly meant, I merely saw the assessment of different patients at a superficial level and only really understood the treatment as games or activities that would keep the patient busy so that they did not notice that they were making use of the injured or problem area. Thankfully I now unde rstand OT better and can see certain aspects of therapy and theory coming out in the actions of the OT’s and their patients. Being able to see therapy performed from this view and being able to interact and speak with other OT’s on a more professional level has helped to cement my plan to become an OT. During my time at the hospital I was lucky enough to observe most of the steps in the OT process. The OT process is defined in the Practise Framework as the collaboration of the OT and the patient through the steps of evaluation, intervention and outcomes in order to achieve health and participation in life through the engagement in occupation .5 The evaluation step consists of the occupational profile and the analysis of occupational performance which help the OT determine what the patient hopes to gain during therapy, what they need to accomplish, what the patient can do and what are the barriers or supports to their health and participation in therapy. In this, I was able to speak with and fill out forms for two separate patients and also assist in the assessment of a third patient. With the occupational profile, the patient is very much the centre and all the questions are focused around them so that the appropriate goals for the end of therapy can be set. Intervention has three parts to it: intervention plan, intervention implementation and intervention review. The plan is developed by both the OT and the patient to guide the therapy with the use of theory. Outcomes or goals are also decided upon during this stage. Implementation is the actions of the OT which will revolve around therapy as well as the support and encouragement needed to see an improved occupational performance.7 Implementation is direct towards the goals set and the OT is required to monitor and develop the patient at all times5 so that the activities are appropriate and can be adapted if they are not performing in the intended way. Finally, review is simply reflecting on the implementation and assessing the progress towards the set goals. Outcome is the determination of success at reaching the desired goals. The results of this step will be used in planning further therapy if it is needed. This step is one of the hardest to observe in my opinion and is also very subjective. A patient may feel that he is fine and does not need any more therapy while the OT may see him as dysfunctional. To be dysfunctional is not saying that there is something socially wrong with a person or that they are overtly damaged, this is something that I have come to learn this year. Dysfunction, defined within an OT’s perspective is â€Å"when a person cannot do or is at risk for not being able to partake in occupational participation and performance†.10 In terms of my assigned patient I was unfortunately able to witness the barriers between her and my Fourth Year who was her OT which resulted in her unwillingness to participate in therapy, added to that was her de-motivation and also the selection of an inappropriate activity during therapy. My patient was French speaking and thus the OT could not effectively fill out her necessary forms, could not adequately communicate with her and had to get this information from the patient’s husband. And so the patient, who the OT thought, enjoyed cooking and cleaning chose an activity of making milkshakes. Once I spoke to the patient (since I know some French) it became clear that she does not enjoy milkshakes and only cooked and cleaned because it was culturally expected of her as a wife. This brings into play the therapeutic relationship. The therapeutic alliance between the patient and the OT develops over time11 and requires the OT to be able to communicate in an effective way such that these details are made known. Because of what happened to my Fourth Year with her miscommunication with her patient, I now understand the importance of our Dictionary assignments- to be able to communicate with any patient, no matter how rudimentary it is. Also, the selection of activities is imperative, especially for patients who are de-motivated which often occurs with burns patients or amputees. The loss of a limb or partial limb is a huge thing to deal with both physically and emotionally and burns patients are often de-motivated due to the pain of movement. Choosing the correct activity during therapy of these patients can determine whether there will be any progress in that session or not and also whether the patient will continue to be de-motivated or could possibly start to find reasons/purposes to want the therapy to succeed. This can also be accomplished through the therapeutic use of self to be able to use yourself, as an OT professional, to read the situation and a dapt it, 11 whether it is during evaluation or during the intervention steps. Culture also needs to be considered when referring to patients. An OT need to take their patient’s culture into consideration and respect it. While culture may not define a person, it does indeed impact on their lives and ways of living. 12 Thus, my patient may only cook and clean because she is a wife but it is her responsibility in the home so she will need to rehabilitate to a point where she can continue with her tasks, but it may not be a good idea to use these tasks as activities since she sees them as work rather than leisure tasks. Overall, I would definitely say that this year has been a success. My knowledge of OT and the profession has increased and I am even more certain that I want to be doing this as a career. The importance of the OT process is further defined by role of an OT which is categorised through the use of self, the therapeutic relationship, proper communication and compounded with a firm foundation of knowledge and attained skills. To reiterate what Rachel Thibeault said, â€Å"we see wholeness We don’t fix people, you see: with them we simply try to find a way tomeaning,balance, andjustice.†1 Occupational Therapy is about the patient, it is not about us save for what we can do for others So the goal is to learn, make mistakes, learn from them, observe and experience as much as possible so that we can do everything possible to help them. From this end of the mountain range, I can only see the obstacles blocking the destination from my sight. And yet I am not feeling deterred. Rather, I am excited to see what the mountains will contain and what I can learn from them. The next mountain that I see is end of year exams So I think that I am going to do this one mountain at a time and never forget what I have learned and discovered on the way so that I am prepared for every challenge that approaches me. Works Cited 1 Gerber,AK. OT Without Borders. (accessed 30 September 2014). 2 Hersch, G. I., Lamport, N. K., Coffey, M.S. Activity Analysis: Application to Occupation, 5th ed.: SLACK Incorporated; 2005 3 Thorner, S. The Essential Skills of an Occupational Therapist. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 1991; 6(64). 4 Curtin, M., Molineux, M., Supyk- Mellson, J. Occupational Therapy and Physical Dysfunction: Enabling Occupation, 6th ed.: Elsevier: Churchill Livingstone; 2010. 5 American Occupational Therapy Association. (2008). Occupational Therapy Practise Framework: Domain and Process (2nd Edition). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62, 625-683 6 Devan, D., Casteleijn, D.. Problem Based Learning 2014. Lecture presented at Khanya Building, Wits Education Campus; 2014. 7 Schell B., Gillen G. Scaffa M. .Willard and Spackmans Occupational Therapy. 12th ed. Baltimore MD. Lippincott, Williams Wilkins; 2013 8 Jay J. Occupation Activity. Lecture presented at Khanya Building, Wits Education Campus; 2014. 9 holistic: definition of holistic in Oxford dictionary (British World English) [Internet]. 2014 [cited 1 October 2014]. Available from: 10 Smith R. Intro to Occupational Dysfunction. Lecture presented at Khanya Building, Wits Education Campus; 2014. 11 Devan D. Occupational Therapy Process: PBL Post Problem Tut. Lecture presented at Khanya Building, Wits Education Campus; 2014. 12 Smith R. Cultural Diversity. Lecture presented at Khanya Building, Wits Education Campus; 2014.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

self-hypnosis :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When a person begins talking about hypnosis, what is your first thought? If the first thing you think of is a person on their knees barking like a dog, or flapping their arms while clucking like a chicken, then you are among many others who believe that hypnosis is purely entertainment. It is actually very common and used across the world as a helpful form of deep relaxation. Many, many people have used hypnosis to achieve goals, overcome obstacles, and enhance the quality of their personal and professional life. It is also believed by many that it takes a professional hypnotist swinging a shiny metal object to become hypnotized, when in fact, hypnosis is not something one person â€Å"does† to another. Its use varies from person to person, although development of this skill can be enhanced with the guidance of an experienced hypnotist. (Baker-Jambretz). Professional hypnotists share the belief that hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. However most people don’t feel any different under hypnosis than the way they feel in their everyday state. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that can be used for a large variety of topics. These topics range from increasing confidence and managing stress to quitting smoking and actually easing childbirth! The topic that caught my attention involved using self-hypnosis to improve an individual’s ability at sport. The key to this, and most other topics, is to trust yourself and learn to find a deep state of relaxation that you can return to with a simple â€Å"trigger† word. Once you find the trigger word that is best for you, use it to take yourself into a completely different mind-set. Then you need to go through a sequence of affirmations to remind yourself that you are successful and to help you see the skills that you already possess. With this positive mind set, you will realize that the key to performing well in sports is the ability to relax and let things flow naturally. Obviously you won’t just be able go out and excel at a sport without practice and determination, but with hypnosis you will be able to relax and let all aspects of your skills flow with nothing being held back. Not only will your game improve, but your pleasure for the game will increase as well. Whenever you bring yourself into this state with your trigger word, you will be able to see yourself playing just as you like.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Gps Used to Track Kids Who Skip School

GPS Kids who keep on skipping school frustrate lots of people like teachers and parents. Now the police and school officials are now deciding to use GPS. The first school in California to test this Global Positioning System was the Anaheim Union High School. Many seventh- and eight-graders that have four unexcused absences or more during the school year have to carry this device. On school days each morning the students who get the GPS get automated call telling them that they have to get to school on time. After that, they have to enter a code five times a day that tracks their location.When they leave for school, when they arrive at school, at lunchtime, when they leave school and a 8 p. m. they have to type in this code. Also many students are assigned a adult coach that helps them to get to school on time. They also call them three times a week to see if they are all right. The devices are $300- $400 each and the six-week program are cost $8 everyday or $18,000. They are using th e GPS is because the students need education and the school loses close to $35 for every absent student there is.When the GPS started in the school the attendance rate went up from77 percent to 95 percent. If there was no GPS, the kids who continued skipping class or school, they were more likely to join gangs. Now about 75 students in Dale and South junior high schools are deciding to use this pilot program. But now district officials are deciding if they want to expand the GPS program to other high school and junior high schools. Many parents and students came to the Anaheim Family Justice Center to discuss about the GPS with the police and counselors.But not all parents like the idea. Raphael Garcia who has a 6th grader with six unexcused absences says, â€Å"This makes us seem like common criminals. † The Police Investigator Armando Pardo reminds the parents â€Å"They are letting their kids skip school without a valid reason. † Lots of kids grades 4-6, and their p arents had to attend the meeting but they would not be able to carry a GPS, but if they start seeing unnecessary absences, they will be able to get one. The Cruz family, hoping to be able to keep their child at school, they decided to buy a GPS for their son, Juan.Juan’s has had five unexcused absences and five excused absences. Juan tells Miller (the person who is teaching Juan how to operate the GPS) that â€Å"Sometimes I am sick and sometime I just don’t feel like going. † â€Å"I am going to keep it in my pocket so I don’t lose it. If the student loses the device, the parents will be responsible for paying for it. But the devices can be found very easily. Cristina, Juan Cruz’s mom supports this program a lot and is hoping it will help her out. She also says† He is one of six children, and we can’t always keep an eye on him. † By: Ruby Shah

Thursday, October 10, 2019

One Common Language Essay

According to an eleventh century Arab writer, Ibn-e-Hazm, in the beginning there existed a single language given by God, thanks to which Adam was able to understand the quiddity of things. Over the chequered history of mankind, the fragmentation of this unique tongue that existed abinitio gave rise to a multitude of diverse languages. An integration of all these, or a reversion to a single language would have several repercussions. The fundamental benefits of a single world language are pragmatic. A common language would dissolve all communication barriers and increase mutual understanding between people and the world over. Such an environment would be conducive to world peace and the end of conflicts. Economic prosperity would be facilitated as business partners are able to communicate freely, leading to a growth of international trade. Xenophobia and other related human fears would be eliminated as people are united under one language. This would undermine at least some racism or ethno-centrism as societies become more egalitarian in their outlook on foreign individuals. On the cultural front, a unique tongue would make redundant the need to translate works of literature or to subtitle/dub movies. The dissemination of knowledge and information could be done freely and in all parts of the globe, as the world’s comprehension of different cultures rises. However, there are some drawbacks of a single world language. The convenience of a single language with its resulting blandness would not make for a full life. Language is more than just a communication of needs, it is a reflection of the social, historical and cultural milieu of society and is therefore a sacred institution. By restricting the modes of human expression to a single language we would be stultifying, repressing and suffocating man’s desire to be creative. ‘The limits of my language are the limits of my world’, as someone once aptly noted. Also, in a manner similar to the situation depicted in George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-four’, a single language is a dangerous situation as it may put disproportionate power into the few hands controlling the medium. Although the implementation of a single language is an achievable target, the situation is bound to be transient and impossible to maintain in the long run. Cultural differences between societies transcend language. This is proven by the distinct cultures of the countries speaking the same language. Hence, although the same language, English, as spoken in Canada for instance, is dissimilar to that spoken in the United Kingdom, the United States of Australia. Also, the culture of a country may be composed of several sub-cultures each with its own language. The home of the Queen’s English – the UK – is where English, Gaelic, Welsh, Punjabi, Bengali and Urdu, all coexist. Another obstacle in achieving this target of common language is political pride, which could create conflict between nations, when the choice of a dominant language is being made. In the light of the above discussion, I would suggest that if we are to succeed economically, socially, culturally and politically, then the world must embrace plurilinguism. The future is a multi-lingual one.

How Is the Extract of Jekyll and Hyde Dramatic

The realisation of the reader from this extract, that Jekyll has only been experimenting with science produces dramatic tension. Throughout the extract, Jekyll confesses that he can only speak ‘by theory alone' regarding his attempts to create the potions to transform himself into Hyde. This represents his constant uncertainty about the results of his experiments. Therefore if even Jekyll, the man performing the experiments, is uncertain of the results, dramatic tension is caused for the reader to discover the results of the experiment. Jekyll also confirms that he doesn’t know anything for certain, as he only speaks what appears ‘to be most probable'. Since the results are uncertain, the reader doesn't know the effect the experiment would have on Jekyll. The reader also discovers that no-one has attempted the experiment before, which builds up tension and suspense about the end result and makes the reader intrigued to continue reading in order to discover it. The unknown of the experiments Jekyll performs builds drama and is dramatic since the unexpected may happen. Stevenson’s imagery of imprisonment in this extract makes it more dramatic since it portrays the idea of Jekyll being trapped. Jekyll presents being Hyde as a disguise ‘like a thick cloak’ in order to abandon his life as Jekyll, which is boring and tiresome, as if he is escaping from prison in order to live a new and free life. The ‘thick cloak’ could represent protection and by suggesting it is like a piece of clothing, this shows that transforming into Hyde is effortless and comforting to do but the constant interchanging between the views of Jekyll, when he is himself, and Hyde is dramatic. Jekyll likens the potion to a drug by saying that it had ‘no discriminating action’, explaining that it is addicting once he has tried it. However it then became impossible to prevent the change describing it as falling into ‘slavery’ and by being trapped this leads to the extract becoming tense and exciting. Metaphors are used through the extract to provide imagery for the reader. Jekyll explains that Hyde was pure evil and that it was ‘written broadly and plainly on his face’ suggesting that when people saw Hyde, it was immediately clear that he was a cruel person. By using this metaphor, Stevenson is attempting to show the personality of Hyde through his face and that his characteristics were clear from his physical appearance. After drinking the potion, Jekyll ‘had come to the fatal cross-roads’ which is a crucial moment in the novel for him, as he can choose only choose option suggested by the ‘cross roads’. This is dramatic because as there is a decision to be made which is extremely important, this builds suspense, especially as the decision carried the possibility of death which requires Jekyll to ponder his options carefully. Since the cross roads are ‘fatal’ this may imply that the cross roads will lead to disaster or death. It could also indicate that the cross roads were unavoidable as it was fate that determined Jekyll would have to make this decision. The dangerous decision that has been forced upon Jekyll makes the extract dramatic, since his decision may lead to his death. The use of violent and dramatic language by Stevenson in the extract increases the pace of the novel and makes it more engaging and exciting. Jekyll is uncertain about the result of him drinking his potion which creates tension and by ‘hurrying back to my cabinet’ this shows that there is urgency from Jekyll to discover the effects of the potion which leads to the extract being exciting and dramatic and it is building up tension. When Jekyll had transformed into Hyde he was aware that people were frightened of him and took an instant dislike. He said that people couldn’t approach him without ‘a visible misgiving of the flesh’ and by using violent language to describe their reaction, it demonstrates the severity of the cruelty that Hyde possessed. By saying ‘the flesh’ instead of skin, this shows that people were unable to hide beneath their skin, the reactions they felt regarding Hyde. This language engages the reader with the emotions felt by the characters towards Hyde, producing anxiety among the reader resulting in a dramatic confrontation that is described. The exposure of many mysteries is revealed all at once which creates a dramatic atmosphere. In the extract we learn that Edward Hyde ‘was pure evil’ which is the reason behind people such as Utterson and Enfield ‘taking an instant dislike to him’ as we learn previously. We also discover the motive for Jekyll to transform into Hyde which is because he ‘began to profit by the strange immunities’ of his position, as he is taking advantage of the freedom he has when Jekyll is Hyde. The answers to the questions which were formed by the reader earlier in the novel were slowly being revealed throughout it. However in this short extract, lots of answers are provided to the reader from Jekyll, because he is explaining the actions of both himself and Mr Hyde. Also since the novel is told in third but in this extract it is in the first person perspective, it leaves few questions remaining, allowing the reader to piece together Utterson’s perception. This therefore results in dramatic tension as the reader now understands the actions Jekyll has taken and is intrigued to discover the fate of Jekyll and Hyde.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Tenth Amendment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Tenth Amendment - Research Paper Example Without the Tenth Amendment, the Federal Government can actually dictate all the states’ behavior and laws, and the Founding Fathers did not want a remote, strange power to rule them over from afar. As much as possible, they wanted to retain their local laws; the ones that they made specifically for themselves. However, after several years and loopholes, the idea of preserving the local laws against the powers of the federal government has changed. Many people want to secede the Tenth Amendment because the Federal Government is still on everyone’s lives even if the Tenth Amendment is still on effect. History of the Tenth Amendment To better understand the modern-day issue of the Tenth Amendment, one should look back at its roots and check out the reasons why it has been added in the Bill of Rights. One should remember that there was no United States before, only states (colonies) that were under the British Empire, and they rebelled together. These thirteen colonies gai ned their independence from the British Empire on July 2, 1776. Now as soon as they declared independence, these thirteen colonies immediately became sovereign states. ... It was Richard Henry Lee of Virginia who proposed to Congress on June 6, 1776 that â€Å"That a plan of confederation be prepared and transmitted to the respective Colonies for their consideration and approbation.† During the summer of 1777, the Congress studied the plan and the bill was ratified and formally adopted by Congress on November 1977. This was now known as the Articles of Confederation. With this article, each state had to choose whether or not it wants to be a part of the new Union or not. On March 1, 1781, Maryland was the last state to join the Union and has ratified the article. Thus, on that date, the thirteen states became one nation. The major reason why the people took so long to decide whether or not they want to become part of the Union was their fear of losing their local rights to a new government, which is now â€Å"national†. One must understand that they were just freed from an imperialist government, and they were tentative about forming a ne w one, for the fear making another tyrannical government that they will help create. Thus, they made an effort to control the powers of their new government. The Founding Fathers included this statement in the Articles of Confederation as the Article II: â€Å"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.† With this article, the Founding Fathers made it clear that they only wanted the Central Government to have limited power. However, this new form of government was so weak that it can’t even collect taxes that it eventually dissolved. In lieu of that, they made the Constitution of the United States. Like the Articles, the Constitution

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Working with Leading People for a Business to Be Successful Essay

Working with Leading People for a Business to Be Successful - Essay Example For instance, many giants succumb to poor management hence losing their client base and impact in a market. Therefore, the recruitment process is very delicate, as it becomes a company’s navigating factor and foundation. In essence, improvement on the standard level of Delicious food entails the application of various influential factors. Majorly, effectiveness and competency in the selection process are inevitable, as the overall task requires utmost sobriety. In addition, the process needs to be vigorous with every shortlisted candidate aiming to outdo the other for them to get the managerial position advertised. Primarily, the experience possessed by these candidates will not be very substantial during the selection procedure. The most suitable candidates will be those with high prospects of bringing fresh and innovative ideas on the expansion of Delicious Food’s market presence will be high. The objective of this paper shall be to state the selection process by givi ng all that is required in order for the company to achieve its ultimate objective. Steps in the selection process Recruitment a) Job advertisement: Do you possess what it takes to be a team player? Are you the result-oriented kind of leader? Then Delicious Food Company is looking to collaborate with you to venture in to wider markets. If you have these attributes kindly, send your application and resume to our recruitment desk for your chance to be part of this great process. Remember you need to stand out for us to notice that you have what it takes us to bring you aboard our stable. b) Question segment: i. Describe yourself in a way that another person would view you. ii. Kindly discuss a situation in relation to your previous job responsibility as to how you were a team player and not a boss. iii. Do you have any firsthand experience in the development and oversight of new projects? iv. How would you adapt to changes in the event that they occur and how will you spearhead your t eam in to smooth adaptation of the change? v. How would you handle a member of staff whose output adds little value to the company? In line with Delicious Food Company’s mission of rolling out new branches countrywide, the managers will have to prove to the recruiting body that they are capable of building a project from scratch then nurture it to maturity. The task will be enormous, as it will entail them to begin a branch and ensure that it realizes profit. In essence, each will have to give a detailed plan of the steps that they intend to follow ensure that their individual branches realize profit. Therefore, for the recruitment department, it will be more on innovativeness rather than value addition. Competition among the shortlisted individuals will assist the department in identifying those who are most viable and able to perform. Ideally, effectiveness of the process will rely on giving each candidate the opportunity to exhibit his or her full potential hence making it a credible process. Legally, it would be risky to enroll the services of individuals without conducting intense background checks. Subsequently, the Human Resource department will scrutinize whether these candidates have acted out any form of fraud or whether they are on the police’s list of the most wanted. Essentially, doing this check will save Delicious Food Company from being in any legal suit. In addition, the shortlisted individuals should point out what their intended pay will be to avoid any legal confrontations once in office. Ethically, the moral aspects set by society have to come into play by carefully factoring the candidates’ states and conditions. Emphasis should be on avoiding any form of discrimination during the process as it may attract unintended lawsuits. Arguably, the

Monday, October 7, 2019

CDBM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

CDBM - Essay Example influenced by: the country’s accession to the WTO; economic development; creation of a middle class; Westernized culture; and technological advancements like the internet. The industry players have been prompt in taking into account the social and cultural diversity issues in the country through their efforts in creating an efficient marketing mix and adding value added features to suit the need of every possible market segment. However, this can be further enhanced by the employment of strategies which recognizes the different profiles of customers in each key cities and emphasizing on the promotion of health benefits from coffee products. The existence and mere survival of an industry lies in its ability to efficiently respond to the internal and external influences. It is irrefutable that business organizations’ strategies mirror their unique responses to the external challenges and opportunities in the environment which, in turn, is facilitated by their internal resources and competences. This paper will concentrate on the responses of the China specialty coffee industry to the various internal and external influences that it currently faces. Recognizing that this sector can be properly examined through the use of different strategic management tools, this report will be utilizing famous technique PEST Analysis for the external environment scanning. Meanwhile, the internal environment will be assessed through the identification of its various stakeholders through the Porter’s Five Forces Model. The next section will focus on the Chinese specialty coffee market responses in the face of social and cultural diversity. This report will thoroughly examine the impact of the social and cultural trends in the industry’s strategies while assessing the efficacy if their responses. Lastly, recommendations for improvement will be identified. Gaining the traditional recognition of being a tea country, marketers are aggressively and strategically transforming

Sunday, October 6, 2019

American Apparel Unwrapping Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Apparel Unwrapping Ethics - Essay Example Riggs suggests that, through the concept of having the pro-labor practices in the company, the company has been able to ensure that all the employees are effectively involved in the undertakings of the company as well as in the decision making (54). The availability of the employees’ motivational incentives such as bonuses for the employees is what keeps the employees motives high in their duties. This usually motivates them in their positions thus enhancing the success of the company. The employees have their job secured in the company; they are always secured of retaining their positions at all the times. The job security is offered to the employees regardless of their positions in the company. Employees are also provided with a payment that is able to sustain their livelihood as it’s always above the minimum wage of the country, their payment is about double of the minimum wage of a country such as California. This is a total motivation to the employees thus improving their performance. American Apparel has gained international recognition through its loyalty to the employees, as well as the customers. Citizens all over the country value the quality clothing of the company thus creating demand for their products. Therefore, this increases the company’s profitability and enhances the company’s financial level. The company’s interrelation with the customers has promoted peoples incentives in promoting environmental conservation. The Company’s mode of advertisement has reached to the extent of becoming a sexual harassment, as argued by some of the parents. Through the use of some nude advertising pictures, the pictures are been extensive of the ethical codes that are socially expected in the country. According to a consumer’s experience, there are sexually illusive photos that are abusive to the youths. However, teenagers form the most clients

Friday, October 4, 2019

Connection between Neoclassical Economics and The Economic Policies of Term Paper

Connection between Neoclassical Economics and The Economic Policies of the President Obama, Psychological Aspect - Term Paper Example This paper is focused on connection of Obama’s proposals and neoclassical economics. A conclusion about Obama’s irrational behavior is made. Consequently, this paper discusses the nature of irrational behavior in economics with regard to current and old behavioral theories in economics. There is also an attempt to continue this kind of research and conduct another study of a broader context. Obama’s Proposals lead to maintaining a neoclassical economic goal: ‘one can improve his/her well-being through increased income to acquire more possessions’ Economic Proposals of Obama concern all social spheres of human life and increase the income of the society in order to reach greater well-being. Public disregard to Obama’s policy and conservatives’ hostile attitude to his politics might be explained by the fact that irrational behavior is less known to the public. Obama’s political course directed on increase of taxes, limitations of small businesses to hire more people; high energetic expenditures through Cap and Trade. FDR and the New Deal were of the main focus for Obama. Further clarifications of Obama’s Proposals may be clarified in accordance with Stigler who claims that economic theories should be considered in accordance with three parameters: congruence with reality, generality, and tractability. Obama’s Proposals partially comply with these parameters. On the one hand, the supporters claim that figures provided by Obama’s government are unrealistic. On the other hand, it is evident that some positive results are reached. Consequently, in the basis of his proposals were realistic assumptions which resulted in realistic predictions. It is possible to consider Obama’s proposals in the paradigm of hedonics theory

William Shakespeare’s The Tempest and History Essay Example for Free

William Shakespeare’s The Tempest and History Essay Literature often reflects the times it is written in. Often, great stories come from the events of the day or some oft-talked about idea or thought. History, society and culture can mostly be studied well through the literature of that specific period. Here, we take a comprehensive look into The Tempest, one of the last plays written by the England’s greatest William Shakespeare. Regarded as a comedy in the beginning, it was later labeled as one of his late romances. The Tempest is arguably said to have been written in the early 17th century (1610-11). However, this is said to be so because it was entered into the Stationer’s Register in 1623, along with 16 other Shakespeare plays. The first recorded staging of the play was in the autumn of 1611 by the King’s Men. As with many other Shakespeare’s plays, the exact date is hypothetical. However, the comparisons, storyline and the society and situation he draws from are enough to conclude that the play was one his later and finer works, where even the stage commands were perfectly written. There are two interesting facts about the play, which is indicative of the literary supremacy of the play. The Tempest is said to be probably the last play which Shakespeare wrote alone. Also, it is one of only two plays, which has an original plot. As any other Shakespearean work, The Tempest has attracted the attention of many critics, across centuries. While some argue that the play should be seen as Shakespeare’s swansong and his praise of the theatre and its effects, many others seem to identify colonial strains in the play. Yet others say that it addresses the higher and philosophical questions of life. While all views are welcome, given that Shakespeare himself offered no explanation for writing the play, it would be enlightening to dwell on some predominant aspects of the play in detail. Shakespeare lived in England but his plays were rarely set in England. They were set mostly in Italy. This one takes place somewhere in the Mediterranean, on an island. Many say that the island in his mind was the Bermudas. Shakespeare is unlikely to have travelled to Italy in his time but he surely knew a lot about life there, thanks to the great classics in which he buried himself. More than giving us a glimpse into the history of England, his plays give us a sneak peek into the history of Italy. Coming back to The Tempest, it can be safely concluded that the play gives three strong undercurrents: 1) The theme of shipwreck 2) The theme of slavery, and in a broader perspective, the theme of colonialism. 3) The theme of human questions, like, what is man? How much does he govern his life and the lives of others? We will try and analyze each, while trying to place it in a historical context. Shipwrecks A certain history paper available online, presented by Luke Sakowski, reveals a very interesting point. The period between 1600 and 1700 has been called the Age of Reason. It was the age of new learning. People were becoming more receptive to new ideas. They were accepting the world and thoughts beyond their own society. Here is a quote from Sakowski’s paper. During the period, the explorers from the countries of Europe continue to search for new worlds, and ways to gain wealth. The civilizations of Asia and the Middle East remain within their natural boundaries because they had no reason to leave their countries; they preferred to be separated from the rest of the world. Thus, shipwrecks were a contemporary event in the 17th century, when there were many expeditions led by individuals and nations. Erasmus’ Naufragium (the Shipwreck- translated into English in 1606), William Strauchey’s True Reportory of the Wracke ( an eye-witness account of the shipwreck at the Bermudas, written in 1610 and Peter Martyr’s De Orbo Novo, translated into English in 1555, are said to have influenced The Tempest. Not only are shipwrecks fodder for storytellers, it is also an event in history. Each century, every 50 years or even a decade is identified by a great tragedy in air, water or otherwise. The most noted example to anyone in the 20th and 21st centuries is the tragedy of the Titanic. Every ship is compared to it, every anniversary is remembered and similar stories are written. So also, in Shakespeare’s time, shipwrecks, irrespective of whether there was any loss of life or not would have been documents in the efforts of a country to discover or visit other shores. However, the Summer 1996 Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter clearly states that even after careful study of the William Strachey’s and Silvester Jourdain’s pamphlets (in Wright’s 1964 A Voyage to Virginia in 1609), they were not particularly impressed with the parallels. Also, it is important to understand the affectations of the time. It was easy for Shakespeare to write about an island, a shipwreck, magic and a tempest, knowing well that the audience would be able to relate to it. Today, it would seem highly unlikely. The colonial theme In spite of many treating it as a pure work of art, distanced from politics and indicative of the artist and his skill, the dominant colonial theme in The Tempest is most interesting. Professor Thomas Cartelli called The Tempest as â€Å"a privileged text in the history of colonialist discourse†. There is a master here, Prospero, and two slaves – Ariel and Caliban. There is an island, which was captured by Prospero with his magical powers. It is explained in the second scene that when he had first reached the island, Prospero had used Caliban’s knowledge and had learnt about the island. But later, he enslaved Caliban, while even educating and ‘civilizing’ him. So also, Prospero freed Ariel, who was buried in a tree, by a curse from the earlier inhabitant of the island, Sycorax, Caliban’s mother. While most critics tend to see the colonial strain through the character of Caliban, it could be a mistake to overlook the character of Ariel in this context. He is also bullied and taunted by Prospero and threatened to perform his wishes. He keeps reminding Prospero of the freedom he was promised, to which again the reply is taunting. The major difference between Ariel and Caliban is the approach they take towards Prospero. While one obeys him most willingly, looking forward to the freedom that he is promised, Caliban does so most hatefully. He resents Prospero and makes his resentment known. He even goes to the extent of saying that the language that Prospero taught him has come as a blessing because he can now curse him using it. The takeover of the island can be taken as a direct reference to the colonization of islands, and the civilizing of Caliban can be the inculcation of Western ideals and education in the natives. But nothing is conclusive. More so, because it is not sure whether the playwright was for or against colonialism. While his protagonist, Prospero, uses his powers for the rightful purposes, Shakespeare has to a certain extent, justified the resentment of Caliban and even Ariel. Many critics have dwelt on the discourse of colonialism in The Tempest in depth. Reginald Shepherd, author of Orpheus in the Bronx, wrote in his blog that The Tempest, if read in relation to the (evolving and inconsistent) English colonial project in the New World, lays out the real contradictions it will imaginarily (that is, ideologically) resolve with exemplary clarity. By allowing the â€Å"Other† to speak and make his case, if only in the ostensible master’s language, the text permits the undermining of the colonialist discourse it not only participates in but in some ways inaugurates, Shepherd wrote. It is important to understand the position that Shakespeare takes in interpreting the play. In my view, Shakespeare has cleverly incorporated what he thinks of colonialism into the play, enlightening and confusing us at the same time. While he is trying to make a hero of Prospero, he is also trying to evoke sympathy for Caliban and Ariel. Though there is no pardon for what Caliban has done (trying to rape Miranda), Shakespeare presents an idol for him to look up to – Ariel. Some have tried to draw influences of the Crusades in the play. However, it is a historical fact that the Crusades were fought much earlier in the 12th century. Going at a tangent, I would like to say that seeking Christian themes in the play would be a rather easy task. Almost all of Shakespeare’s plays have good, evil, forgiveness, revenge and repentance. It is a given that Shakespeare lived in an era where he would have been influenced by the Church and its preaching. The human theme This brings me to the third theme of the play. The human aspect. It is said that Shakespeare was also influenced by Montaigne’s essay Of Cannibals, while writing The Tempest. A striking proof of this is the fact that Caliban is an anagram for cannibal. However, I would like to bring to your notice to the similarities in the names of Caliban and Ariel with Cain and Abel. While there are many characters in the play, these two are in the centre along with Prospero. Most of the human or inhuman characteristics revolve around them. Power is the dominant word in the play. Every man wants to have the power to at least control his own world. His actions are governed by the yearning for this power. To a certain extent, Prospero is successful in getting the power. His magic gives him the power to govern the island and even the seas. Ariel causes the tempest, on Prospero’s command. However, he failed when in the first place, his throne as duke of Milan was usurped by his younger brother. He was unable to use his power to prevent himself from being banished. In Milan, his magic did not work. Twelve years after his banishment, he wants revenge. And circumstance gives him that opportunity. However, his idea of power and justice is subjective. We see that on the island, where Prospero is the sole authority, he has no qualms about enslaving Caliban and Ariel. It may seem a little ridiculous to the reader, but one should understand that it is a perspective play. It is seen from the eyes of the protagonist. Public sympathies are always with Prospero, and even more with Miranda. The good-natured Ariel is almost taken for granted and Caliban hardly deserves sympathy. After all, he is a deformed person, hardly human. However, there is justification for all at the end of the play, as in other Shakespeare romances. Prospero returns to his rightful throne, he forgives his brother and his conspirators, Ferdinand and Miranda get married and more importantly, Caliban and Ariel get their freedom, as promised. But an unexpected development is that Prospero relinquishes his magical powers on the island. There is an underlying message that he may not have to use it ever again. William Shakespeare was a true renaissance writer. He supported the cause of the arts. However, in spite of the new thinking that was setting in, there was the underlying truth that good characteristics were always rewarded in the end. Society was still in transition and knowledge was up for the grabs. Shakespeare was careful not to make any mistakes in the play. He was mindful of his audience. He met the requirements of the stage. He even went further and brought in a lot of music and effects. His work was certainly ahead of his times. Still, the play is set in the certain period and satisfied the thinking of that period, so much so that it was termed ‘great’ by many. Shakespeare heralded the Renaissance. Humanism – how much humans could accomplish – was prominent in his writings. He explored colonialism in a way that would out the audience in thought. Expeditions and discoveries of lands were one thing but taking over another’s land was another. If you say Shakespeare and colonialism in the same breath, The Tempest is the only example, though race and color has been also presented in Othello. Concluding this discourse about The Tempest and history, I would like to quote Anne Barton. â€Å"The Tempest is an extraordinarily obliging work of art. It will lend itself to almost any interpretation, any set of meanings imposed upon it: it will even make them shine. †