Monday, September 9, 2019

Information Technology (Computers) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Information Technology (Computers) - Coursework Example Such legislations include the Foreign Corrupt Practices act of 1997 and the 1991 Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines of 1991 states that companies are responsible for their employee’s actions. The Foreign Corrupt Practices act of 1997 was created to recognize questionable actions among corporations. Guidelines that have been created are amongst the following: 1. All forms of communication devices or otherwise that belong to the company can only be used for the benefit of the company. Only those who are authorized may be able to use the internet but only for official business reasons. 2. Software that is needed to support your job must be analyzed and accepted by a supervisor and installed by the IT department. 3. Use of internet can provide security breaches and other harmful effects to your company’s system. Thus only authorized personal should be able to use the internet. 4. E-mail also applies to this. It can only be used for reasons that involve the company’s intention. Any viewing of pornography or sending of pornographic messages will be logged and taken against the offender. Any discrimination found in e-mails will also be logged and can be grounds for termination. 5. Any information stored or sent from company’s devices are property of the company. No information created or stored in the workplace should be considered private. Your computer and information can be confiscated at any time. I agree with these terms because this equipment is company owned. The company has every right to know what is going on with its employers and how its devices are being used. Secondly, work is work. There is time for one to play games but not during work hours and especially not with work property. Information and Hard Discs 1. First the information must be located on a disk. The wares that determine which part of the disk to read can be the application, operating system, system BIOS and a specialized driver softwa re for the disk. 2. One or more translations steps are needed make a final request to the drive producing an address expressed in its geometry. The drive’s geometry typically consists of terms such as the cylinder, the head and sector of the drive that is supposed to be read. Through the disk drive interface, a request is sent to the drive giving the specified address and permission to retrieve the sector of interest. 3. The control program of the hard disk will begin by checking if the requested information is in the hard disk’s cache. If it is present then the program will supply the information on the spot. 4. Drives are usually spinning. If the power management has been modified to "spin down" to conserve energy, the drive's controller board will allow the spindle motor to â€Å"spin up† the drive so it can operate. 5. The controller board would continue reading and translate information .It would also consider the unique characteristics of the drive. The lo gic program of the hard disk would consider also the number of the cylinder. The cylinder then relays to the disk what track should be used on the disk’s surface. Then, the actuator finally reads/write the head to the right track. 6. As soon as the heads are in the right place, it starts reading the location. It prioritizes the sector that was requested to be read. The disk would

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