Thursday, August 1, 2019

Recreation Wellness Essay

Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a fortune 500 company that provides a variety of health care services across the globe. MYH has more than 20,000 full time employees and more than 5,000 part-time employees. MYH recently updated its strategic plan, and key goals include exploiting new web-based technology to help employees, customers, and suppliers work together to improve the development and delivery of its health care products and services. The performance of the current intranet MYH is not very smooth and has some problem occur likes lack of the information which related of some sports and the employees of MYH not active involve in any sports which organize by the company. This will indirectly makes the employees of the MYH will become not energetic when perform the daily working tasks due to this, this will make the customer lost confidence on MYH because MYH is a health care services across the globe. So, the MYH decide to update the strategic plan. Some ideas have developed for supporting the strategic goal which idea by the information technology department. Approach of the project: Exploiting new web-based technology to improve the development and Delivery of health like giving some information and guideline to the employee what is the project main purpose. Make an easy way to them purpose. Make an easy way to them hope they can understand well. Develop detailed cost estimate and time requirement for the project and report to the project sponsor. Using the prototyping methodology to performs the analysis, design, and Implementation phases concurrently and repeats them until the system completed. Issue a request to obtain software and hardware Have a status review meetings to exchange project information with team members. Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project is the new web-based technology which provides an application on the current intranet to help employees to improve their health. Our project team will initiate the current problem of the intranet and implement the new idea on the new intranet project. We will prepare the business case for the current intranet project which included the introduction of the company, business objective, current situation and problem and critical assumption and constraints. Besides that, analysis of option and recommendation, preliminary project requirements, budget estimate and financial analysis, schedule estimate, potential risks and the exhibits which will assign it into our business case. We will start this project within the duration, nine months which start on January, 2004 until September, 2004. Project charter will be preparing from the initiating phase which include the project title, project start date, project finish date, budget information, project manager and project objectives. All of the criteria will stated down. Besides those criteria, approach, roles and responsibilities, sigh-off and the comments also assign into the project charter to make sure every of the project team members will have their own roles and responsibilities. After initiating the current problem of the current intranet, we will analysis the new system which will implement it into the MYH. In the planning phase, our project manager, Tony will starting to put the jobs and assign it to the project team members and also from other departments. Tony, the project manager of this project would have to develop a survey to solicit input from all employees about this new system and make sure it was very user- friendly. Tony will develop a team contract and stakeholder analysis for this project. Besides that, he will develop a scope statement and will be as specific as possible in describing product characteristics and requirement, as well as the product deliverables. A work breakdown structure (WBS) will develop for this project and the WBS is based on the project charter, scope statement, and other relevant information. Gantt chart and network diagram also will be well prepared for this project. While preceding the planning stage, the resource usage cash flow report will showing the hours each person is assigned to work on each task each week.  Furthermore, the probability/ impact matrix and list of prioritized risks for the project will be included in the project We will submit weekly milestone reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The milestone repost for the project will base on information in the Gantt chart. An agenda for the project team meeting will develop to work through some of the challenges while facing in executing the project. Update the scope of the project while having some changes in the executing phase. We will develop detailed lists of assumptions and questions that all the project team has related to the new scope of the project. We will decide to outsourcing much of work related to user requirements, user interface design, and collecting information about similar programs offered through the health club chain MYH recently acquired and all similar community- sponsored programs within twenty miles from the company. Updated the Gantt chart and also the project charter and the scope statement last but not least, we will updated the list of prioritized risks while the changes of the scope statement. After the controlling phase, roll out the intranet project for the user and maintaining the system is been required. Final presentation to top management will be require and will updated the project web site so that is includes all final project and product deliverables. Final project report/ Project assessment: The Recreation and Wellness Intranet project is provide an application to improve the employees’ health. The objectives of having this intranet is because a recent study was been found that MYH, Inc. pays 20 percent more than the industry average for employee health care premiums, primarily due to the poor health of its employees. This application will help improve employee health within one year of its rollout so that can negotiate lower premiums, saving about $30/employee/year for the full-time employees over the next four years. The application would include/produce some capabilities like allow employees to register for company- sponsored recreational programs, such as soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, walking, and other sports. Besides that, it allows employees to register for the company-sponsored classes and programs to help them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other health-related issues. Track data on employees involvement in these recreational and health management  programs and also offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them is a part of the capabilities of this application. The project is a success because as stated above, the sponsor was not too concerned about going over budget as long as the system would have a good payback period and help promote our firm’s image. We have already document some financial and image benefits of the new intranet site. The project management tools we have been use for are the business case, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status report, final project presentation, final project report, lessons-learned report, and Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Project, html, or PDF format, as appropriate. and any other documents required to manage the project. Thos project management had help us a lots while assigning the whole project by proceeding the system easily and be more systematic so that we can review the information easily. One example of what went right on this project is can help improve employee health to reduce intranet cost by negotiates lower employee health care premiums. When employees have a better health, it can lead to better performance in daily company operation. Beside that, it also can increase employee motivation and loyalty to company and helps to built up healthy image public. One example of what went wrong on this project is the cost of this project was over budget. We did meet our schedule goal, and the final cost for the whole system was about $500,000. We group member can learn by working on this project is getting more experience after this project and improving their skill and problem solving. Project Deliverable, as appropriate: Project management-related deliverables: (business case, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project report, and lessons learned report, etc.) Product-related deliverables: 1. Survey: Survey current consultants and clients to help determine desired content and features for the site. 2. Files for templates: The initial site will include templates for the following items: (business case, charter, etc.) 3. Examples of completed templates: The initial site will include examples of projects that have used templates for the following items: business case, charter, etc. 4. File for tools: The initial site will include information on how to use several project management tools, including, as a minimum, the following: work breakdown structures, critical path analysis, cost estimates, earned value management, etc. Where appropriate sample files will be provided in the application software appropriate for the tool. 5. Example applications of tools: The initial site will include examples of projects that have applied tools for the following items: work breakdown structures, critical path analysis, cost estimates, earned value management, etc. 6. Articles: The initial site will include at least ten useful articles about relevant topics in project management. 7. Links: The initial site will include links along with brief descriptions of the site being linked to for at least twenty useful sites. The links will be categorized into meaningful groupings. 8. Expert database: In order to deliver a â€Å"Feedback† feature, the system must access a database of approved experts, their contact information, etc. 9. Intranet site content: The initial site will include content for the templates and tools section, articles section, links section, â€Å"Feedback† section, and security. 10. Test plan: The test plan will document how the site will be tested, who will do the testing, how bugs will be reported, etc. 11. Site promotion: A plan for promoting the new site will describe various approaches for soliciting inputs while designing the site as well as announcing the availability of the new site. Project benefit measurement plan: A plan for measuring the financial value of the site. Lessons Learned Report: Project Name: Recreational And Wellness Intranet Project Project Sponsor: Andrew Chao Project Managers: Tony Prepared by: Tony, Project Manager Chloe, Programmer/Analyst Patrick, Network Specialist Nancy, Business Analyst Bonnie, Programmer/Analyst Project Dates: 7/26/05 Final Budget: $500,000 1. Did the project meet scope, time, and cost goals? We did meet scope and time goals, but we had to request an additional $10,000, which the sponsor did approve. 2. What was the success criteria listed in the project scope statement? Below is what we put in our project scope statement under project success criteria: â€Å"Our goal is complete this project within nine months for no more than $400,000. The project sponsor, Andrew Chao, has emphasized the importance of the project paying for itself within one year after the intranet site is complete. To meet this financial goal, the intranet site must have strong user input. We must also develop a method for capturing the benefits while the intranet site is in development, tested, and after it is rolled out. If the project takes a little longer to complete or costs a little more than planned, the firm will still view it as a success if it has a good payback and helps promote the firm’s image as an excellent consulting organization.† 3. Reflect on whether or not you met the project success criteria. As stated above, the sponsor was not too concerned about going over budget as long as the system would have a good payback period and help promote our firm’s image. We have already documented some financial and image benefits of the new intranet site. For example, we have decided that we can staff the MYH with one less person, resulting in substantial cost savings. We have also received excellent feedback from several of our clients about the new intranet site. 4. In terms of managing the project, what were the lessons your team learned from this project?  The main lessons we learned include the following: Having a good project sponsor was instrumental to project success. We ran into a couple of difficult situations, and Tony was very creative in helping us solve problems. Teamwork was essential. It really helped to take time for everyone to get to know each other at the kick-off meeting. It was also helpful to  develop and follow a team contract. Good planning paid off in execution. We spent a fair amount of time developing a good project charter, scope statement, WBS, schedules, and so on. Everyone worked together to develop these planning documents, and there was strong buy-in. Project management software was very helpful throughout the project. 5. Describe one example of what went right on this project.  One example of what went right on this project is can help improve employee health to reduce intranet cost by negotiates lower employee health care premiums. When employee has a better health, it can lead to better performance in daily company operation. Beside that, it also can increase employee motivation and loyalty to company and help company built up healthy image to public. 6. Describe one example of what went wrong on this project. One example of what went wrong on this project is the cost of this project was over budget. We did meet our schedule goal, and the final cost for the whole system was about $500,000. 7. What will you do differently on the next project based on your experience working on this project? We will do differently on the next project based on this project is give more care and thought this project for about when we do the estimate time requirements and identify required resources and budget. We must very carefully when our choose the resources because we should take budget to identify it and should be wise to control the over-budget.

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