Sunday, July 28, 2019

IT Project Management, case study business report Essay

IT Project Management, case study business report - Essay Example The target of the new E-Health strategy was to provide the right care to the right patient, by the right physician, at the rite time to deliver the right outcome. The idea was to use integrated care systems, virtual electronic patient records and electronic communications to provide better services to the patients. The execution of this strategy was a big challenge keeping in mind the scale and complexity of the issue. Achievement of same standards and quality throughout the country sought proper project management and constant monitoring. Moreover the resources needed to achieve the required results were also a concern. A lot of technical infrastructure, skill set and knowledge base were required. 14 territorial NHS boards, 8 special NHS boards, all hospitals, and all the GPs including community care services were the stakeholders to the program. To help with the challenges, the Scottish Government formed a new e-Health Directorate with the prime responsibility to manage and guide t he e-health program including strategy formulation, resource acquisition, resource deployment, and strategy implementation. The Scottish Government Health Department worked with the collaboration of the Deloitte to implement an e-health program all over the country to achieve the required results which also meant considerable improvement in health department. The project proved to be a major success. The case study then carries on with the reasons and stimulators of success, as described by the involved personnel. The purpose of this paper is to study the reasons in detail, analyze these reasons, identify the key knowledge areas, describe their relation to success, and prioritize these knowledge areas based upon their effectiveness. Key Knowledge Areas Project Integration Management Project integration management involves the processes and activities needed to identify, define, unify, and communicate the project processes and project management activities. Activities of project mana gement which can be directly related to integration management include unification, consolidation, ratification and integrative actions. These actions are quite crucial to project success and completion within the right framework (Boddy & Boonstra, 2005). The e-Health program had a vast scope and there was a huge degree of complexity. The program had to be carried out on a national level and the targets of the new strategy included standardization. The achievement of such kind of targets on a national scale requires accurate and timely use of integration management. A lot of stakeholders involved in the program, mainly the practitioners, the service providers and the authority departments. The scope and autonomy of each department was interrelated, and this meant that the boundaries of responsibility and authority had to be clearly defined. Moreover proper communication channels were vital to the success of the project. Coordination of objectives, responsibilities and resources had to be carried out on a huge scale. All these required dimensions fall with in the scope of Project Integration Management. Project Scope Management The first step of a project is to define its objectives. The objective of a project then determines the resources, processes and figures involved in the project. The inputs and outputs of a project have to be determined in detail and all the needed processes to reach the outputs are

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