Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Old Kingdom in Kemetic (Egyptian) History Essay

The archaic Kingdom in Kemetic (Egyptian) History - Essay ExampleAfterwards, the name Misri replaced the name Kemet and the name continues to be in use by the Egyptians until today. The word Misri simply means a country. From then, Egypt prospered for many years as an sovereign country with a culture that is very famous for the great cultural disciplines in each and all section of human acquaintance right from arts, science, technology and even religion. The great monuments that still Egyptians celebrate influenced many early civilizations with a good example being both Greece and Rome (Mark 1).The Sahara desert, which is found in the blue part of Africa nearly dividing the continent into two, is a good proof of overgrazing of cattle in the sphere of influence. The Sahara desert, together with the uncovering of many artifacts is a good evidence of the ancient agricultural civilization in the area at the time. Well organized agricultural activities both animal keeping and crop growing began in the area around 5000 BCE and the Badari community began to advance along the river Nile. The Amratian, Gerzean and Naqada communities later on joined the Badar and all together contributed to the development of the Egypt early civilization. At some time between 5000 BCE and 3200 BCE the written background of the land began with the development of hieroglyph characters by the culture of Naqada. The practice of mummifying the dead body was in place in the city of Hierakonpolis by 3500 BCE. Just like in all other cultures in the history of the world, the diminutive agrarian societies in ancient Egypt advanced into big urban areas (Mark 1).The unification of the Northern and the Southern kingdoms by Pharaoh Manes is the roughhewn event that took place between 3150 and 2686 BCE. Menes, who originated from the North successfully conquered south and joined it to the North to make matchless larger kingdom. This account came from Manetho who either lived

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