Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Old Kingdom in Kemetic (Egyptian) History Essay

The archaic Kingdom in Kemetic (Egyptian) History - Essay ExampleAfterwards, the name Misri replaced the name Kemet and the name continues to be in use by the Egyptians until today. The word Misri simply means a country. From then, Egypt prospered for many years as an sovereign country with a culture that is very famous for the great cultural disciplines in each and all section of human acquaintance right from arts, science, technology and even religion. The great monuments that still Egyptians celebrate influenced many early civilizations with a good example being both Greece and Rome (Mark 1).The Sahara desert, which is found in the blue part of Africa nearly dividing the continent into two, is a good proof of overgrazing of cattle in the sphere of influence. The Sahara desert, together with the uncovering of many artifacts is a good evidence of the ancient agricultural civilization in the area at the time. Well organized agricultural activities both animal keeping and crop growing began in the area around 5000 BCE and the Badari community began to advance along the river Nile. The Amratian, Gerzean and Naqada communities later on joined the Badar and all together contributed to the development of the Egypt early civilization. At some time between 5000 BCE and 3200 BCE the written background of the land began with the development of hieroglyph characters by the culture of Naqada. The practice of mummifying the dead body was in place in the city of Hierakonpolis by 3500 BCE. Just like in all other cultures in the history of the world, the diminutive agrarian societies in ancient Egypt advanced into big urban areas (Mark 1).The unification of the Northern and the Southern kingdoms by Pharaoh Manes is the roughhewn event that took place between 3150 and 2686 BCE. Menes, who originated from the North successfully conquered south and joined it to the North to make matchless larger kingdom. This account came from Manetho who either lived

Monday, April 29, 2019

The necessity for ethical behavior in the management of projects Essay

The necessity for ethical behavior in the management of projects - undertake ExampleMoral philosophy or ethics concerns the defense and recommendation of the concepts of wrong or properly behavior. The philosophy of ethics is divided into operational atomic number 18as such as normative ethics, applied ethics and meta-ethics. Meta-ethics involves the compose and theoretical meaning of moral values, and the determination of their truth (Ashrafi, 2007). Normative ethics involves the practical means of establishing a moral plan of action, while applied ethics involves the achievement of moral come outcomes in several(predicate) situations with disparate ethical requirements. The characteristics of ethical behaviors are fairness, honesty, and equity in professional, interpersonal and research, scholarly and academic relationships. Ethical behaviors pride the diversity, rights and dignity of individuals or people in the society. The standards upheld in enhancing the attributes of responsibility and honesty is ethical behaviors. These standards are relevant to all individuals regardless of the facets of life, and the position held in commerce. The hallmark of ethical behavior is the application of these standards in situations that are inconvenient for their application (Long, & Spuma, 2005).Project management involves organizing, planning, managing, securing, controlling and leading resources towards the achievement of objectives and goals. Projects are provisional endeavors that concord a defined starting and end points. They are mostly time and funding constrained. Projects are carried out to meet objectives and goals, characteristically for addition of value or for beneficial changes. Projects because of their temporary nature are in contrast to operations or businesses that are permanent and repetitive (Long, & Spuma, 2005). The management of projects is thus challenging and different and requires distinct management strategies and technical skills. Th e major challenge in project management is the achievement of the objectives

Sunday, April 28, 2019

If a man has the means to feed himself and protect himself he is free Essay

If a man has the means to feed himself and protect himself he is free. In your opinion, to what extent is this mastery relevant for the 21st century - Essay ExampleThe documentary of this essay is to analyze the relevance of this teaching n the 21st century.Considering the ethics of the discussed statement, it must have relevance at given time. The ideology of granting immunity suggested here is non-competitive and sharing in nature. However, in the globalised 21st century, where freedom is defined in terms of sparing and social competence and people compete with each other for materialistic achievements, food and protection wint satisfy the submits of men. Hillary Rodhan Clinton, The Secretary of States has stated three essential elements of a free res publica which includes a representative government, a well-functioning market, and civil society (Clinton, 2011). Taking this policy of the government into account, it can be assumed that the discussed statement is not given i mportance in todays market set society. However, further analysis of the current policies will reveal that the materialistic objectives ultimately lead to the basic need of food and protection for men. For example, a representative government, functioning market, and civil society are all indicators of a food secure and protected society. Ironically, the process of achieving the materialistic objectives, most times results in denying the larger objective of food and protection for fellowmen.Bradley J. Birzer , The Commonwealth Men and the American Revolution, Thursday, June 30, 2011, The Imaginative Conservative, Retrieved on 26 September 2011,

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Free topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Free topic - Essay ExampleFollowing the riotous exploits of Brain and Gretchen, Joes piece of work of fiction on this restrain courageously pursues the truth in discovering what it means to develop each souls own identity. Both are difficult as much as they could to find their fashion through the numerous complex threats that partingize the high school school experience for many kids. On this book, Joe Meno does falsify some interesting argument. He conveys his knowledge and love of punk-rock music. This is vital for any individual writing inside the indie rock sweet type which is widely revealed in the book. And between this and the narrator, Brian Oswald, a total drug addict who is a school dropout who cusses the way too much and litters every 3rd sentence with I estimate or maybe, you will discover the true nature of a misguided American adolescent. A misguided American adolescent is characterized with music, getting high, avoiding depressed parents and trying to get lai d, who at age cubic decimeter find themselves just as desperately misguided about life as these adolescent? As quoted by Joe Meno. He explores Brians emotional ambiguity and his heartrending youthful search for meaning, both in his on-again and music, off-again situation with Gretchen his gabby, genuine and completely actualistic take on adolescence strikes a winning chord. In the book, the get along of teenage violence is dealt with- brains occasional bouts of anger and destruction seem very real as compared to Gretchens fights which are characterized by certain slapstick quality (Meno, 46). Brains character in the book is revealed as sympathetic narrator and a prime example of awkward adolescence, regular(a) if he does not have much of a plot built around him. This paper tries to psychoanalyse the concept of the book and try to explain how an educator can utilize the book in trying to help a needy (in terms of character) adolescent student. The book captures the meaning of ad olescence and that all goes along with conceptions much(prenominal) as finding the identity, awkwardness, puberty, first crushes and the constant power struggle that ever exist between teens and parents. medicament is a common theme throughout the novel that ties Brians identity all together. Brains choice for music is changed throughout the story. He starts by liking punk music, then proceeds to poles Baker Albums and finally fall in love with Mikes Pink Floyd tapes. Brians identity changes depending on the type of music he is listening to. His main worry if about fitted as opposed to having his own voice and accepting who he is. However, Brian grow and develop as the novel progress, his identity develop as well as his perception about life. By the end of the novel, he realizes that there is nothing good than being yourself. There are numerous lessons learned in high school that exceed the common knowledge about grammar, memorizing constitutional amendments, and how to standout within ones clique. Meno reminds us of this honest brutal fact. The novel is fun, memorable, witty and at times delicately philosophical. It appeals to the younger crowd and especially high school teenagers. The book is a hodgepodge of so many different elements its sincerely yours a hives and peripatetic as the mind of a teenager. Brians character in the book is a representation of a complacent aimlessness teenager (Meno, 89). The drastic change in

Friday, April 26, 2019

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing Coursework

Business-to- melodic line (B2B) securities industrying - Coursework ExampleThe paper tells that business-to-business (B2B) marketing describes dealings between businesses which move back place in between a manufacturer and a middleman or amid a wholesaler and a dealer whereas in business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing transaction foreshortens places between a company and a consumer. at that place are various characteristics that differentiate B2B marketing from B2C marketingMarket SizeIn grimace of B2B firms, in that location are small and focused customer base whereas in case of B2C firms, they include huge add up of customer base. But if compared in terms of monetary values, then investment from each of the customers of B2B firms are untold higher than the customers of B2C firms. Along with this, high customer loyalty can be developed in case of B2C wreak but it is quite low in the case of B2B.Buying ProcessThe buying process of B2B firms is much longer and includes many peop le whereas the buying process of B2C is much smaller and at propagation can be a single step process. In case of B2B marketing, customer loyalty is acquired by the word-of-mouth but in case of B2C marketing, it grows by mass adoption process.Selling ProcessThe exchange processes within B2B and B2C are vastly different. The B2B marketing process includes many efficient and highly trained individuals, distributors and business partners, in order to accomplish the tasks as well as to maintain a good tattle with the customers, which can be beneficial in the long run. In B2C marketing process, the exchange procedure is very(prenominal) small and highly skilled persons are not essential. (Raisinghani, 2004). Reduced Capital Commitment and Less overproduction As production is usually based on the actual conduct, so overproduction does not take place in case of B2C marketing processes but in case of the B2B process, overproduction is necessary to impact the sudden arising requiremen ts of the customers. The production in case of B2B process is based on inventory of accumulated warehouse rather than actual customer demand. As in B2C process production takes place according to the demand of the customer, so less capital is invested as well as less cost is associated with stock retentiveness operations. In case of B2B process, high amount of capital is indulged in the stock keeping process which brings in the requirement of high investment. B2C marketing process requires less staffs whereas B2B marketing requires large number of efficient staffs (Raisinghani, 2004). From the engineer of view of a marketing manager of an office supply based company, the promotional media which can be highly beneficial for promoting their products in relation to the above stated characteristics is online media via network and by newspaper advertisements. If internet is used in the promotion process, then it would be highly beneficial as it would help to deplume more customers an d increase the market share by endorsing in advance(p) products to the customers according to their needs and wants. This can stir the brand image as well as the market size of the company. Moreover, it can also be advantageous for increasing the profitability of the firm. In order to increase the customer loyalty and satisfaction, new innovative office supply products with varied benefits according to the needs and wants of the customers should be launched and promoted through both online media and newspaper advertisements. This is ask in order to make the customers aware about the benefits of the products and to attract them towards the brand. It can also enhance the market share by increasing the number of purchasing made, thereby improving the profitability of the organisation (Oracle Corporation, 2010). The online media as well as newspaper advertisements can also play a part in the selling process as they can highlight all the

LG Electronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LG Electronics - Essay ExampleRecently, it has include Mobile Phones with various specifications in its enriched harvest-time line up. The participations annual turnover in the year 2009 has recorded 13089 crores (LG Electronics, 2012). In relevant to the companys various products, the two divisions i.e. the home appliances and the electronics goods argon located on the Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG) where the upper right quadrant is the electronics division and the shiftze off left quadrant is the appliance division. The BCG Matrix introduced by Boston Consulting Group, is an instrument that allows the company to evaluate and to bump its products as well as services. Furthermore, it is a decision making tool that helps to balance the activities of an organisation cerebrate to the products that make profits and signify growth in differentiate to sustain the future of the company. The matrix helps to use the development policies of the company. The BCG matrix positions the products in two ways, namely, the rate of growth of the food market and the market sell of the product contrary to its competitors (Luxinnovation G.I.E, 2008). Findings The structure of BCG matrix consists of four quadrants namely, Stars, Question marks, Cash cows and Dogs. In this context, the two divisions of the company are located on the Question marks and Cash cows. ... The company emphasised on capturing higher(prenominal) market share by sales maximisation. However, the presence of fierce competition due to a look of competitors such as Samsung which offers products targeted to the entire age groups and classes of society, barred LG from penetrating into new business markets and attaining higher share of the market. The cash cows quadrant consists of products that generate higher profits in a short closure of time which need to be replaced because of the low growth in the future, as a result of that the investments are comparatively lower. Moreover, the products in ca sh cows should be profitable as they are able to pay other activities in the stars and the question marks (Scribd Inc, 2012). LGs home appliances are its core products that the company is establish upon. The 60 inch Plasma Display Panels were the worlds first, to be introduced by the company in the year 1998 (LG Electronics, 2012). In the following years, the company developed various creative and innovative products which ultimately elevated huge market share and facilitated the company to generate huge profits. Its low cost features and maintenance free appliances have ensured the companys products to be present in almost all the households thereby, satisfying and growth among its targeted segment, mostly the females in the family. Recommendations The smart phones introduced in the markets are required to go through a drastically innovative change that will allow the product to mark a presence in the market and compete against its rivals. It has been noted that the company pric ed its mobile phone devices at a comparatively cheaper prices in order to target the middle and lower class people. However, in following this strategy the company relied more on providing